Why Me???

Why do “I” get stuck doing the counseling???

I’m the grumpy old fart, well ONE of the grumpy old farts in the office…

The counselee???

Meh… Goth female receptionist…

This is NOT going to end well!



Why Me??? — 14 Comments

  1. We’re going to need pics of said “goth female receptionist” to properly evaluate the situation.

  2. Oh I do so look forward to the post-“counseling” update.

    I’m not sure if I want the receptionist to be of from the cute/quirky set (think Abby from NCIS) or from the dour, “I’m goth because it lets me by jumbo sized corsets” set.

    Either way this has the potential for great amusement for us humble reader types.

    Sucks for you though, and I kinda feel bad about about that.

    Okay, that was enough empathizing. Now back to eagerly awaiting the tale of pain and woe.


  3. Oh, now you’ve got my imagination going. In the words of the old days on the internet “this thread is nothing without pictures”. How goth are we talking here? Piercings? Other assorted body art?

  4. You’re the adult in the room — so you solve the problems. Simple.

  5. The trouble is, when the Shit Rolls Down Hill, it sometimes land on you. Good Luck.

  6. haaaha, you didn’t get Stuck doing the counseling… you projected the sage father figure thing, grumpy!
    And the rest of the story is?

  7. …so we can skip off to Namby-Pamby Land and get you some self-confidence you jack-wagon! Now get the snot off your face, pull your big girl panties on and get back to work.

    Next! What’s your major malfunction, door knob?

    • ahhh Mad, one of my BIL’s uses “jack-wagon” all the time, but since I haven’t been in contact for a while, I’ve missed it. Thank you!

  8. She’s goth. Slap the shit our of her and tell her to straighten up. She will love you and follow you around like a puppy eager to please. ummm On second though send her to me.