Only in Kalifornia…

Well, the PPP had to go into the emergency room last night because she was in false labor, and even after discussing the case AND telling the doctor she was a paramedic, she got handed this…

Pregnacy form

Now what makes this even BETTER, is this is not some podunk hospital in the hinterlands of California, but one with a NICU on site!!!

Apparently every ER, hospital and Urgent Care unit is required to give these to ALL pregnant women…

Teh funny though, was I was showing this to one of my co-workers (male) when our boss walked in. He wanted to see what we were laughing about, and my co-worker told him, “Well, I’m suffering from number 2 and number 7, so what does that mean?”

The boss said words to the effect that, “If you’re pregnant, we can get a LOT of money out of this!”  We probably laughed for five minutes over that… Yeah, it’s been that kind of Monday…


Only in Kalifornia… — 9 Comments

  1. The idiocy is not limited to Kommiefornia.

    After KatyBeth had spent 60 days in the NICU, we were told she couldn’t be discharged until we made follow-up appointments with the pediatrician, pediatric neurologist and oediatric neurosurgeon, with the NICU charge nurse looking over our shoulder to make sure it was done.

    We were then told that each of us HAD to take a car seat safety class and an infant CPR class, and my wife had to take a breastfeeding class. This, despite the fact that Mary couldn’t breastfeed because of the medications she was taking, and had no intention of doing so.

    I got that requirement dropped, but they got pissy over the car seat and CPR requirements, even though I told the NICU director we were both paramedics and CPR instructors. The NICU director put her hands on her hips and actually said she’d call CPS if we tried to take KatyBeth home without those classes.

    I grabbed one of her staff nurses by the arm, asked to see her ACLS, PALS and CPR provider cards, and showed her boss my signature on the back. I then told her I was a mothereffin’ carseat safety technician, and she’d best cease and desist before we locked horns for real.

    The neonatologist asked me later how my name came to be on the back of the nurse’s cards, and I took great pleasure in informing him that a significant percentage of his staff came to me for classes rather than take the free ones offered at the hospital, because their instructor cadre – the NICU director among them –

  2. Worked hospital ER admitting here in Cali for a few years, standard procedure.
    Too funny about your prego boss, And to think this is just Monday!

  3. AD- Yeah, the dumbing down and check in the block mentality is killing us…

    Brighid- Yeah, I’m scared for the rest of the week!!!

    Skip- Thankfully it turned into a laugh! Glad yours was better!

  4. Fluid leaking from the vagina. What kind? Our car has a leak of 20weight….OMG, My car’s pregnant! I bet it was that Volkswagon down the street.

  5. WSF- Yep!

    CP- Apparently they have BOTH versions!

    Rick- You’re welcome!

    Lotta- LOVE it!!! 😀