I apologize…

For my lack of commenting and lousy posts… A tad busy…

Sorry, but this will probably continue until around the 20th of Oct…

Go read the folks on the sidebar.


I apologize… — 6 Comments

  1. My friend stay safe and safe travels. Me? Perhaps going to Tidewater VA for black powder three gun shoot next weekend with NancyR. Why do all my friends live SO far away =)

  2. Let’s see … you apologize (unnecessarily) for a temporary reduction in the free service you provide. The federal government not only fails to provide the services we have paid for with our taxes, but is arrogant and unapologetic about it.

    Maybe you should be in charge…

  3. Ed- Yeah, work keeps interfering with life…

    Keads- Trying! Say hi to the folks for me!

    WSF- Tryin!

    ADM- Thanks

    Tim- Oh HELL no… I’m herding enough cats NOW!