Shutdown Day 5

Another day with zip being done by the congresscritters…

And apparently the the obummercare site was down for ‘maintenance’; but according to the administration it was because ‘so many people’ were signing up… Yeah, right…

SECDEF Hagel is making an ‘interesting’ play by ordering the DOD civilians back to work, he’s using the ‘logic’ that if the military is being paid, that means the DOD civilians should be paid also.

We’ll have to see how that plays out (probably NOT well with the administration)…

And BO stepped up today and said he would ‘think’ about changing the name of the Redskins, since it’s offensive… Sigh…

Article HERE.

And apparently the Iwo Jima memorial is (or was) closed off too.  Not anymore! 🙂

Article HERE.

And it appears BO loaned the SEALs out again…  HERE

So the question is, when will he take credit for THIS raid???


Shutdown Day 5 — 8 Comments

  1. While they’re at it, they need to change the name of the Baltimore Ravens — because that team is racist too, making fun of Obama’s race.

    I’m glad that I’m not in the military anymore. These days the national command authority is very sketchy, and it’s not clear whether we’re the good guys or the bad guys.

  2. LL- You and me both… But the kids out there today are shrugging and just ‘dealing’ with it…

    WSF- Like that one!!! 🙂

  3. There are too many people unhappy this time around, and the overall level of anger is growing. I’m wondering how much longer this can continue before resistance begins in earnest.

  4. Have you heard about this?
    I heard this on the radio today, and a friend just emailed this to me:
    FORGET the 1 in the Obamacare number, just call “1-800-F*CK YOU

  5. What I heard is he ordered them back to work because the congress approved back pay when this is over just like the last shutdown if he didnt bring them back they would effectively be getting a paid vacation instead of a forced layoff. The rest of the gov should follow his lead