Amazingly, they didn’t screw us (yet)…
FALLS CHURCH, Va., Oct. 10, 2013 – The Affordable Care Act, also known as the health care law, was created to expand access to affordable health care coverage, lower costs, and improve quality and care coordination for all Americans.
Simply speaking, the Affordable Care Act will have very little impact on TRICARE beneficiaries. The biggest change they will notice may be an extra letter in their mailbox every January, and an extra box to check on their tax forms every April.
Full article HERE.
Wait until they fold Tricare into the “exchanges” to put more healthy people into the ObamaCare program. That is coming, my friend – and sooner than later. They have to do something to add healthy people into the program to offset the “uninsurables” who will sign up. The military people are the LOGICAL place to grab those people.
They’ll get to you soon.
One other point – unlike obamacare, under Tricare, adult dependents lose coverage at age 21, not the obamacare-extended age 26 for non-military children.
There is something called Tricare Young Adults that provides coverage past age 21, but it requires separate enrollment and higher premiums. There are some other restrictions, so anyone with dependents in that age range might want to investigate further.
As I tell some of my gubmint co-workers, I hope you enjoy your healthcare now, because it’s gonna be zerocare via exchanges in a year or two from now. Since many of them voted for zero, can’t wait to hear the whining.
Ohhh old flying officer, you have something waiting for you and your fellow retirees. You have honorably served our country and earned, repeat EARNED, your retirement for your service.
The (my mind is filled with epithets, descriptive words, four letter words, all unpleasant looking for the right word to describe) fools in washington are looking everywhere for money to be re-directed toward their favorite dimocrat voters or voters to be. Do not delude yourself that you and your fellows are not on their list to be “helped” toward a better tomorrow. The spirits of ALL of my uncles, and father, weep at what is being done to the country they laid their life on the line for, as well as the living, myself, brothers and son, cousins, friends. Oh hell, you know as well as I do.
Keep up the good work.
+LL and Roger
I agree with LL, I firmly believe that they will roll the two in together, and make the military take part in the calamity
LL/Roger/WSF- Funny, that was the subject of a sidebar at work today… And the consensus was sooner rather than later we WILL be hit.
Alan- No question…
Tim- Correct, and the left is INCENSED about the ‘lack of compliance’ with Gov requirements…
Jim- heh, yeah…
JUGM- Yep!
I don’t think that they will eliminate TriCare, but I think that their intention is to make it so expensive that, at least retirees will move to ObamaCare.
Think of the boiled frog.
TOL- Good point sir, thanks for the link! They are already kicking us out of Tricare Prime.