2A worries…

As others have posted and posited, the fact that SCOTUS refused to hear Wollard is worrisome at best, and not setting a good precedent after the Heller case…

From the Wash Times Emily Miller interview with Alan Gura-

“This is far from the last chance the Court will have to rule,” the lead attorney in Woollard v. Gallagher told me in an interview Tuesday. “While disappointing, cases continue to develop in lower courts and one may prove to be more attractive to the Supreme Court.” 

The Woollard case challenged Maryland law that citizens have to show “good and substantial reason” to get a carry permit. Mr. Gura represents the Second Amendment Foundation in this and the other high-profile cases, including Madigan v. Moore, in which the Seventh Circuit Court overturned the carry ban in Illinois last year. 


On a larger scale, the the lead attorney in the landmark Heller case in 2008 is deeply concerned about lower courts turning away most gun-control cases by simply deferring to the legislature.


“If the Court doesn’t address the issue, then the Second Amendment is largely a dead letter — it would become mostly unenforceable because there is no such thing as a gun law for which the legislature or police can’t offer a hypothetical justification.”

Full article HERE.

This comes on top of the governors race in VA, where vehemently anti-gunner McAuliffe is getting help from the Clinton camp, Bloomie and who knows who else on the left… As a friend said, make DAMN sure your CCW goes out at least a couple of years; because if McAsshole gets in, there are a lot of folks that think he’ll try to pull a MD type ‘requirements’ list.

And apparently there are issues in Orange Co, California with the Sheriff who absolutely refuses to sign CCW permits period…

Edit- I was wrong on this… Thanks to LL for pointing out the error. I know this was an issue in the past. My bad…

And has anyone in IL actually gotten, well other than the Chiraq aldermen, actually gotten a CCW yet?


2A worries… — 13 Comments

  1. The Orange County, CA Sheriff does issue CCW permits. That is a fact that is in error. You have a pretty blogging friend (not me – though I am “cute”) that is in the process of getting one at this very moment.

    Elections have consequences. People wanted Barack – and he’s appointed uber liberal Supreme Court Justices. It can swing back the other day but we need voters who want it to — or you’re right. The ENTIRE Constitution will simply fade away.

  2. IL has yet to issue a single CCW under the ruling. They are stalling putting in place a mechanism for granting the permits and claiming that it will take them at least 6 months (later revised to 9 months) ergo the suit against Lisa Madigan (the daughter of the IL Senate President and AG of IL).

    The earliest they claim is March, 2014.

  3. I’ve seen the polling on this, but I have to wonder if the polls reflect the following.

    The TEA party is currently fully engaged at the moment following the democrats shutting down the government,

    The disgraceful treatment of the veterans in DC during the shutdown,

    McAuliffe’s anti 2A positions following this years earlier gun-control fight in DC still weighing heavily on conservatives in VA,

    and the fact that negative political advertising drives down turn out generally speaking.

    and finally will minorities show up to vote for a non-minority democratic white male candidate? BO isn’t running this time to drive the minorities to the voting booths this time around. It’s been my experience, when I lived in Memphis, that the minorities didn’t tend to show up in large numbers for a non-black candidate.

    and a question? Can we, here in VA, arbitrarily renew our CCW even if it isn’t close to expiring? Mine expires in 2016, well within the next term.

  4. Hey I meant to add this to my previous post.

    Those polls also don’t reflect the fact the Ken Cuccinelli is also in the midst of having the voter records purged of people who shouldn’t be voting in VA.

    When done, he’ll have removed just over 50K people, most of whom are voting in other state ( usually democrats ) and felons most of who are also democrats, and some dead folks as well.

    That could force a big swing in his favor. The democrats are howling about this and the sweet thing is that most of this is already done and he waited until just before the election to do this to prevent the courts from tampering.

  5. LL- That it is…

    Joseph- Thanks for the update! Hate to hear that, and how many will die before they actually START issuing???

    Matt- I’m not sure on the update to CCW, and concur with the other comments. And They ARE hating on Cucinelli for actually enforcing the voter roles!!!

    drjim- It would.

  6. Drat. Comments keep escaping to some never never land. Given the ferocity of the attacks on the 2nd Amendment, the existence must frighten a lot of people. Probably a good thing; may be the only thing that keeps even a vestige of our freedoms.

  7. WSF- Yeah, I’ve gotten a couple of emails that comments have ‘disappeared’… Hey NSA, leave us alone!

  8. No Illinois CCW (FCCA) permits have been issued. Based on the release of the application forms in January 2014, the earliest a permit will be issued is April 4, 2014.