Interesting video clip…

This one was sent to me, and quite honestly I’m not surprised by Maddow’s behaviour…

Does anyone still believe the media is unbiased???

h/t JP


Interesting video clip… — 12 Comments

  1. MSNBC lies? Wow.

    I realize that people watch MSNBC, but I don’t because they are the principal propaganda machine of the Obama Administration. For heck sakes, Pravda is more accurate these days.

    Since Fox was bought by the Saudis, they’ve gone very soft on radical islam, but that’s to be expected.

    You have to filter what comes in carefully or you end up as one of the Obama chuckleheads.

  2. Maddow is a performer, not a journalist and she reads the scripts she is paid to read. Who knows, maybe she believes that crap.

  3. Yes, and the problem is that people watching MSNBC will believe her 100%, distortions and outright lies all.

    With media support like that, no wonder the Dems have a solid lead even as they lead the country to ruin and the Republicans can’t seem to get in traction in the face of the combined Dem/Media onslaught.

  4. She’s a liar, employed by liars, in the service of liars. Her obvious bias is on display for the world to see, and only under-educated Americans believe her. The sad part is that some 50% of Americans fall into that category.

  5. Maddow got her degree from Stanford. I’m so glad to be leaving this bloated, richy-rich pigsty of dishonesty and faithless greed.