
So BO apparently went on TeeWee today and said, “It’s on him” for the Obummercare screw up, and now he’s decided you ‘can’ keep your policy…

BUT, can you see ANY insurance company putting those policies back in for only a year, and I really don’t see how either BO or the Congresscritters can force them to do it…

Cause the insurance companies have spent three years ‘crafting’ policies that will meet the new rules…

Am I wrong here???


WTF??? — 20 Comments

  1. Congress passed ObamaCare. The President doesn’t have authority to change the law based on a whim unless he’s a dictator…

  2. This just gives him an out to blame the insurance companies down the road.
    If they play it smart they can actually make this work for them.
    Will it happen?
    We all still screwed.

  3. Obama just gave obamacare a partial birth abortion. There is NO WAY the insurance industry can back up and re-instate the policys that were cancelled. This was just a shape shifter argument to try and BLAME the failure on someone other than Dear Leader. The dim Senators KNOW they are TOAST if this continues and so are ALL the dim Representatives. Insurance policys take YEARS to negotiate and firm up cost, benefit, etc. And this sitstorm is over 10 million. IF ocare continues, there will be 100 MILLION policys cancelled.

    It’s OVER unless the STUPID PARTY caves and some how saves Obamas bacon.

  4. LL- Agreed!!!

    Tango- He hopes…

    Alex/Rick- Didn’t think of it that way, but you’re probably right! Guess I better dig out my Beauregard Hica name tag…

  5. As congress sits back and lets Obama legislate from the White House, they chip away at our freedoms and the American way of life. Checks and balances are the only thing that holds back tyranny. Or were.

  6. I see them extending policies they haven’t cancelled, but the ones they have, I doubt it. It will cost them money to bring those they cancelled back. He has dug himself into a hole an is digging deeper with his deceptive lie, which to me constitutes FRAUD!

  7. Welcome to the New Dictatorship Comrades!

    We are so screwed.

  8. For years we’ve had to listen to Obama tell us that he won the election and that Obamacare is the LAW! Now it seems it’s not so much of a law that he can’t change it to suit his political needs. Why is no one calling for his impeachment? We impeached Clinton over lying about sex but Obama gets to ignore the Constitution?

  9. 50 Cal- Concur with all….

    Ed- Good snark there! And yes, you’re right…

    Opus- Excellent point Lady… dammit…

    Senior- He’s been a fraud from the get go…

    WSF- And ‘those’ frogs are abandoning the pot!

    Rick- Yeah…

    Brighid- None of us are, but we’re gonna pay/be subject to denied care…

    PE- Good point, and seemingly being ignored by the congresscritters!!!

  10. When he is taking credit for something it’s “I”. If there is a problem it is “WE”. The Teflon President, nothing will stick to him according to the MSM.

  11. He doesn’t seem to understand just how insurance companies work. (Then again, when has he shown that he understands how much of any business actually works…)

    Policies can’t just be undone, redone, and done up all over again at the drop of a hat, especially not when the entire insurance industry has been geared for several years towards the new mandate that was coming. Most insurance companies right now are in the final stages of this year’s open enrollment as it is, leaving no time to rewrite, much less re-enroll, plans for all of those for whom coverage was dropped.

    And if he insists that the companies allow anyone who wants to, to “buy back in” on those policies that weren’t good enough (rather than just those who were cancelled, then that’s a whole new can of worms, because those are likely the cheaper plans, with less coverage. Given what’s available under Obamacare, people would likely flock to the old plans, even for just a year, to save money, and that would completely upset the basis on which those plans were originally calculated and sold in the first place.

    I can’t see any way forward from here that next year isn’t going to be catastrophic for those involved in the medical fields, dealing with this on the front lines for our patients.

  12. So he changed “screwed now” to “screwed in a year.” Anyone who embraces this as a solution deserves every bit of s#*t Obamacare carries in it.

  13. CP- Good point, and you’re right!!!

    Pedi- Concur with all, and it’s TRULY a cluster…

    PH- That he did (or so he thinks)!

  14. The insurance companies CAN’T reinstate the policies…cause they’re still illegal under Obamacide.