Worth another look…

I was reminded of this by an email on the mil email today…

A different time, and sure as hell a different man than the one there today…

Much like his father, W had no qualms about talking to the ‘little people’…

And we were a better country then than now…


Worth another look… — 15 Comments

  1. Granted, he is a Progressive – but one who actually cared about the country, and its people. I can’t even discuss the current occupant without getting angry.

  2. People referred to GW as an elitist, however, nobody who ever met him thought that. He’s a gracious man who made a good president despite his flaws. He was an American and he loved his country. Barack Obama is a cur, who needs to move to Africa when he leaves office — and stay there.

  3. No matter what you think of his liberal spending failures, he has integrity and class. Both of which haven’t existed in the administration for 5 years.

  4. I was in the front row at a Republican fund raiser with Pres. Bush, waiting to shake hands and get an autograph. I’m short. Some 6’4″ giant reached over me and tried to basically bury me. The Pres. told him to back off. Disagreed with many of his policies but you could count on him to do what he promised. Hopefully the current one continues to NOT do all he promised.

  5. The USA Patriot Act. Total Information Awareness (the genesis of what the NSA does now). Torture as official U.S. policy. Going to war on false pretenses. Fighting two wars without doing anything to fund them.

    Yes, much to be proud of.

    • Waterboarding isn’t torture, tovarich. EVERY US Military person engaged in specops or who flies an aircraft goes through SERE and experiences it. Go to any Muslim jail in the world and look for a prisoner with fingernails.

  6. That was an electrifying moment. Say what you will about Dubya, he knew how to use the Bully Pulpit in those days.

    I like his “bullhorn” speech at Ground Zero, too.

  7. B.O. talks to “the little people” all the time. Carefully vetted and primed little people, selected by race and gender for maximum photo op effect.