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This Will Make Your Day!  She has 10 children from the same guy who gets arrested so she has no income and it is OUR responsibility to take care of her???

They are paying her rent, providing her furniture and she says it is not enough.  She says to us somebody ought to be held accountable, look in the mirror sweetheart…

What the hell has happened to our country???


YGTBSM!!! — 28 Comments

  1. Idiocracy (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808), it’s not just a movie.

    We get more of what the Government rewards. They reward women to stay single and have kids. They reward them by giving them money and support. So, of course we get more single women having more kids.

    Didn’t Einstein define insanity as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”?

  2. Apparently it’s called ‘The Dark Enlightenment’. It happens when people look at stuff like this…and actually begin to reconsider concepts like eugenics, racial equality, and even slavery. Before you get mad – and I don’t blame you one bit if you do – consider this: any program aimed at feeding and housing this idiot and her kids will only result in more idiots that need to be fed and housed.

    I don’t think even the pastiest-faced liberal wank can look at that and not see something seriously wrong. Nor is this the exception to the rule – this is Obama’s power base. There are growing millions just like her.

  3. Perhaps she and Sandra Fluck should get together & share information about birth control methods.

  4. I have no sympathy for the woman at all. She made deliberate choices all along the way, and expects someone else to clean up the mess.

    No. Just no. Not until she accepts responsibility for her own situation.

    • Sorry RP, not even if she accepts responsibility. No. No way. No how. She was a blithering idiot at the start. She was a blithering idiot in the middle. And, she’s STILL a blithering idiot! If she wants someone to help her, she needs to give up custody and let those kids go to homes that will teach them responsibility, right from wrong, and that choices/decisions have consequences. She doesn’t deserve a single red cent from anyone who is a productive member of society! Ok, rant off. BTW, I meant this rant to be directed at her, not you. 🙂

  5. Roger- GOOD one! 🙂

    Mrs. C- I ‘think’ that was part of her problem (not getting out of bed that is)…

    Rev- Me neither, but she will NEVER accept responsibility!!!

    Navy91- Good point!!!

  6. She’s right – someone needs to be held accountable. She can start by looking in the mirror.

    After watching that I need a great big cup of ‘coffee’…

  7. Who needs to be accountable? SHE DOES. She needs her tubes tied and her knees sewn together. She is the one causing all this. She could also help by getting a fucking job. The older kids can help with the younger ones. No one owes her a thing.

  8. Pssst! Lady, there’s a highly effective and free method of not getting into a situation where you have more kids than you can care for – keep your knees together!

    I suppose we should feel some relief that they have the same father…

  9. She probably qualifies for a Presidential Medal of some sort from the Obama administration for her efforts in increasing the number of Democrat voters.

  10. Mrs. C- She’s working on a clown car… sigh…

    Tim- Sorry…

    Anon- Good points all!

    PH- Yep!

    Robert- Gah… Don’t go there… sigh

  11. Hey Old NFO;

    Her vote cancels out mine and her kids will cancel out yours and everybody else’s vote that think like us. And people wonder how that clown got re-elected. I honestly believe that if you are getting government assistance, you can’t vote until you are off the dole. Liberal democrats don’t like it because it erodes their power base.

  12. She’s a freakin’ CLOWN CAR.
    Agree! Take the kids away and given to responsible, loving people with Baby Momma & Daddy’s parental rights revoked.

    She should be sterilized, along with her useless Baby Daddy.
    The government should create daycare centers and make these girls either work there, taking care of their own kids and children whose parent(s) are taking responsibility for their offspring – or get a f#€&ing job.

    And drug test everyone getting any government assistance. Test positive? No money. That’s where a lot of welfare checks go. Parents get drugs and the children to without.

    • Re: Bob’s suggestion of no vote if on .gov assistance.

      It wouldn’t work. Do you have any idea of just how many people receive some form of .gov handout?

      It wouldn’t take much of a stretch to define anything short of 100% taxation as a .gov handout.

      The IRS lets you keep some of your own money? That means that you didn’t pay your full share = .gov handout.

      Soon it wouldn’t be worth holding elections – not enough voters.

  13. Here’s an idea: Find an illegal alien working in our country. Deport that illegal and tell her that she can have that job. If she refuses to take it, she can just keep asking people for handouts. If she starves the kids, she goes to jail. And if she’s jailed, she can be put into a work program and the money that she earns can go to defray the cost of feeding her kids. But she should not get a free ride and her “I’m entitled” attitude needs to be slapped right out of her. Betcha we go into her house we find a TV, cable hook-up, a video game machine, and plenty of cigarettes, booze, chips and/or weed. That type always seems to find the money for that stuff.

  14. Pingback: YGTBSM!!! | Give Me Liberty

  15. CP- Dunno…

    Robert- Agreed!

    Murph- Yep!!! In SPADES!!!

    Rick- If only… but no, she never will…