Interesting newspaper article…

Ran across this one about the upcoming NRA convention…

Article HERE from the Ft. Wayne Journal Gazette.  Since it’s an AP article I’m not quoting word one out of it…

The last sentence is kinda strange, since at least the last three years I’ve attended we’ve never seen more than about 20-30 protesters…

For any Indiana readers, do you know if the Convention Center is placarded as a no carry or guns prohibited location?

HERE is the link to the NRA Annual Meeting website…



Interesting newspaper article… — 9 Comments

  1. Doesn’t matter if the convention center has signage indicating one can’t carry. Only the prohibited places (schools, etc) have signs which can legally prohibit one from carrying. Signs have no force of law in Indiana, otherwise. However, if you are asked to leave and you don’t, you can be arrested for trespassing.

    Carry concealed. What they don’t know won’t hurt ’em, I always say.

    As far as protests go, I wouldn’t worry too much about that kinda thing here. Thankfully, there are still too many gun freaks and red-necks in Indiana!

  2. I plan on attending as will MC and we will both be carrying.

    Likely so will the rest of the central Indiana gang.

    AFAIK, the NRA will welcome such folks.

  3. Link no workee from work, but I get the gist of it. ZOMG gun toting yokels from who knows where are going to descend on Hoosieropolis! Hide your children! Hide your wives!


    Remember that security guard that talked to you when you stepped out for a smoke in Pittsburg and said that we were the politest group of folks she’d ever seen? My guess is you’ll see the same thing in Indy.

    NRA members aren’t the ones the anti-gunners and such should be worried about.

  4. Everyone I know* in the Indy area carries concealed, so let the six protesters get their knickers in a twist. Who cares?

    *Not that many, but still …

  5. Food, folks. Market food.

    Thought – If they really thought that gun owners were so dangerous would they have the guts to actually show up to protest?

  6. Walter- Thanks! 🙂

    Jenn- Who knows… The FLEW them in for Houston, remember???

    WSF- Agree!

    B- Thanks! And so will I

    DB- I’ll be asking those same questions again this year 🙂

    Rev- Good point!

    PH- Hadn’t thought of it that way, but you’re probably right…

  7. Hey Old NFO;

    I submitted my stuff to the NRA, will see if I get anything back from them. I am hopeful to attend but we will see.