It’s one of THOSE weeks…

Dunno if I’m the one on the left, or the right…

O Rly


‘Nuke’ put the day in context…  “This is a @#%#& apocalyptic nightmare…”

‘Twig’ replied, “You’re lucky, you only have to do money, ‘I’ have gotta make the @#$(* physics work!”

I gotta admit I larfed at that one…

And it was a ‘cars’ day too!

Saw this one when I came out from lunch, and in a 10-15 minute span saw a Studebaker President, a 1973 Eldorado convertible, a 1970 Hemi-Cuda and an MG”A” and all of them were immaculate (as far as I could tell)…


And yes, somebody had WAY too much time on their hands…


It’s one of THOSE weeks… — 15 Comments

  1. At least you aren’t fielding drunken phone calls…. That’s something to call a win, right? 😛

  2. Ah, but just remember the most important thing about the week, my friend: You woke up this morning, having lived through most of it. Everything past that is a bonus…unless you find yourself saddled with teen girls who worship Justin Beiber, at which point you’ll know that you’re actually being kept alive just for special punishment.

  3. At least you’ll have impeccable company for lunch tomorrow…

  4. We had our multi corporate project meeting where one retired Army 0-6 was being his usual pain in the ass. His tirade was on why he wasn’t informed on something everyone else had known for 15 months. When it was pointed out that he had been notified, he said that it had not been by the approved channels.

    I looked at the old grunt sitting next to me and whispered, Frag out!

  5. FG- I guess… LOL

    Murph- Good point!

    LL- Yep, looking forward to it!

    Opus- LOL, ya think???

    Gerry- Ah yeah, there’s ALWAYS one of them…

    Mrs. C- Oh HELL no… 😀

  6. I don’t know whether to be horrified or impressed by that car…

  7. That picture is EXACTLY how my conversation with a customer went this morning. Repeat X3.

    As you would say “sigh…”

  8. I used to have a ’73 Eldorado convertible. Bought it used in the early 1990s – couldn’t afford it new.

    It was one of the early front wheel drive cars. It was also HUGE. The dashboard and floorboard seemed about 8 feet wide.

    The thing I remember most about it was one fall day when my future wife and I went to the Renaissance festival outside of Houston. It was a gorgeous day so I put the top down on the way there. That evening, when it was time to go home (and after a cold front blew in) the top wouldn’t go back up (burned out motor). We drove home in shorts and t-shirts with the temp in the 30s, the wind howling, and sleety rain pelting us. The heater was on full but didn’t do much good.

    It wasn’t funny then, but we laugh about it now…

  9. Rick- Lovely…

    Rev- Yeah…

    Tim- Yeah, they WERE notorious for the top problems…

    Rick S- Yeah, right… sigh…