Errr, did I miss something this weekend???

It appears I missed the NRA declaring war on the USA… Sigh…

I miss ALL the good stuff!  But we can count on Ana Marie Cox from the Guardian to keep us up to date (I guess)…

I was somewhat undercover at the convention this weekend. And being among people who believe they are surrounded by other members of their tribe does mean that they say things they might not otherwise say – but to be unguarded, to be vulnerable, doesn’t always reveal the worst in people. It can reveal the best.

Full ranting, er, article HERE.

And here’s a rebuttal from Matt over at the Bang Switch…

Wow, as a longtime NRA member, I did not realize we were declaring war on our own country?  Perhaps I missed something in the membership paperwork?  I must read on and see what I am missing.

Read his whole rebuttal HERE at the Daily Caller…

Sigh… Guess I need to pay more attention…

And I don’t remember seeing said woman in the Press Room at all, did anybody else see her???


Errr, did I miss something this weekend??? — 18 Comments

  1. “And being among people who believe they are surrounded by other members of their tribe does mean that they say things they might not otherwise say – but to be unguarded, to be vulnerable, doesn’t always reveal the worst in people”

    Like Kerry in front of the Trilaterals?

  2. What? We cant declare war. Summer Camp is about to start.
    The antis certainly view us as a different culture.

  3. Progressives think that an adherence to the US Constitution (the law of the land) constitutes a declaration of war on them…and actually they’re right.

  4. Re: the antis, it’s all about pushing their narrative. The truth has nothing to do with it. I see no reason to dignify the lunatic ravings of a reporter who’s been urged to increase readership by using wild invective & scare-mongering.

    It’s sad, really, but that doesn’t mean we’re gonna cut ’em any slack.

  5. Piers Whatshisname called us assassins.
    I was hoping for ninja or arch-fiend but what’s a boy to do.

  6. Ed- Good point…

    SPE- Don’t they though…

    LL- Another good point! 🙂

    Rev- Truth is FAR from their agenda!

    WSF- Agreed!

    Gerry- LOL

  7. With a little imagination you’ll see the same behavior when a tribe of primates spots a predator.

  8. Wow. I’m with you NFO, I seem to miss all the good stuff =). I didn’t see her either.

  9. These anti-gun/liberal/feministblackgayanimal rights/progressives really don’t live in the real world. They’ve spewed their lies about the Constitution and about their particular realities for so long, they couldn’t spot a self-evident truth if it poked them in the eye with a pitchfork.

    And no Ana Marie Cox would not deign to actually show up to an NRA event to report on it.

  10. At the convention, she would have had to be a very good looking shooting lady, or holding a firearm that you wanted a closer look at, for you to have noticed her. From her picture and attitude she would have been broadcasting BAD vibes that you wouldn’t have wandered near.

    Read both posts, nicely matched. Unfortunately, most people will read only ‘their’ side.

  11. Murph- LOL

    MJ- You DO have a point…

    Prof- Yep, concur with ALL in that link!!!

    Keads- Good, I thought it was just me…

    Euripides- She ‘claims’ she was there… And I know the NRA will give anybody media creds… Hell, they gave them to US! 🙂

    Earl- Concur… 🙂

    Robert- Yep, you and me both!

  12. Wait, What??? They’re having a war and I wasn’t invited?????