Speed run…

Gotta make a quick trip to Louisiana, I’ll be passing through Atlanta on the 12th of July. Anybody interested in getting together for lunch around 11:30-12:00ish???

I talked briefly with Borepatch and he’ll try to find a place to host us.  If you’re interested, drop a note in comments.



Speed run… — 14 Comments

  1. Oh I’m interested for all the good that’s going to do. Have a great time in Louisiana, that’s my state of birth. Never learned to say YeeHaw in Cajan.

  2. MC- Don’t know when I’ll get up your way.

    Bob- Working that with Borepatch now.

    Dammit- Sorry bout that.

  3. what is the chance of rescheduling it a bit..Same date but later in the day. I am stuck on a commitment I can’t break at the same time. I gotta get my kid from Boy Scout Summer Camp, 3 hour drive one way to “Camp Woodruff” in Blairsville and get him home, then turn around and get him and spousal unit to airport for his 3:30 flight to California. Anytime after 4 would be good. If we can, than great!! if we can’t I understand that.