Why are all these kids committing suicide?
A friend’s daughter, 26 and a college grad, tried to commit suicide last month. Granted she is ADHD with known problems, but still… She was on medication, but tried it anyway.
The other day, another friend told me his son’s former girlfriend (Whom I’d met), age 24, college grad, and a pretty vivacious young lady, was found dead in her car at 0100 in the morning.
The next day a third friend sent me an email, a young lady I bounced on my knee as a child had killed herself.
I know we have a lot of issues with military suicides, we saw the same thing ager Nam, some people just cannot reintegrate into society, and the VA is failing them badly…
But I don’t understand the other ones…
I was chatting with Spear about this and I think he may have ID’ed a key point. The kids that are mid 20s are the bow wave of the generation that was never allowed to fail, and pretty much got everything they wanted. Now that they are in the ‘real’ world, they cannot deal with not having the ‘success’ that they previously had.
Also, they are the lead of the ‘smartphone’ age… They didn’t grow up actually having conversations, preferring to have electronic ‘friends’ and texting rather than actual communication.
The other thing I think plays into this is they are the ‘video game’ generation, and they are the sickliest generation, with a higher preponderance of allergies, respiratory issues, and obesity. I think this is because they didn’t get outside and play and get dirty…
On a slightly different point-
The ‘little’ kids today are even worse from talking to some of the Docs I work with… Their immune systems are in even worse shape than those in their 20s…
Part of this is the fault of ‘celebrities’ like McCarthy claiming vaccinations cause autism. And she apparently continues to beat that drum even after it’s been dis-proven… Her ‘celebrity’? She showed the world her tits in Playboy… Sigh… And for THAT people listen to her???
When you combine that with what is coming across the border and the potential for disease vectors we haven’t seen since ‘I’ was a kid, are we setting this country up for an epidemic?
Apparently CBP is so overloaded, and DHS has directed they be moved ‘immediately’, so they are being relocated without even basic medical screening.
Now before you say that’s all BS, my older grandson’s HS in California had nine- count em, NINE cases of TB within his high school last year, but neither the parents nor EMS in the area were notified… When PP started digging into it, it was apparently ‘isolated’ to a different building than the one my grandson was in. I’m betting if the truth be told, that TB was brought in by illegals that were placed in Northern California in the last year or so, and THEY probably weren’t screened either!!!
I’m sorry, but this crap HAS been brought on by the edumacation system and the feel good PC world that is getting crammed down our throats…
Failure IS going to happen, like it or not, this is NOT a perfect world there snowflake…
I agree with your theory about kids in the “smartphone age” – everything is instantaneous. You no longer have to schlep to the library to write a term paper. Hell, you don’t even have to bully a kid in person, you can do it online! My friend’s son plays Little League where they don’t keep score – everyone’s a winner! Most of the parents of the kids in the league thinks it’s a wonderful idea. We laugh at how ridiculous it is – because these are the kids that the real world is going to chew up and spit out once they’re adults.
BTW, I just found out that the woman who taught my son in summer school last year died – of whooping cough. Unbelievable.
One pernicious effect of video games is the ease of starting over after you “die” in a game. One young fellow I know has a firm belief in reincarnation. Seems that he is a Call of Duty player. And if you saw it on a screen, it must be true. While you can laugh, you gotta figure that all of those successful organizations must have SOME data supporting the billions of dollars the invest in advertising. He plans to “start over” if the sledding gets any tougher.
Malcolm Gladwell wrote an entire chapter about the culture of suicide in Samoa. Once enough people commit suicide, the once unthinkable becomes Plan B. It is a bit like yawning and sneezing. Nobody knows they have “pressure” to do it until the first person in the room commits the act. And then a wave of yawns, or sneezes, sweeps the room.
I also agree that the lack of struggling leads to more kids committing suicide. At the risk of self promotion, I think this essay speaks to the origin of our kid’s lack of self-esteem. http://eatonrapidsjoe.blogspot.com/2013/09/self-love-vs-self-esteem.html
Keep writing.
The numbers say there is no big change in age groups. It’s just you are dealing with it more on a personal level.
U.S. Suicide Statistics (1990-2001)
Suicide Rates
Breakdown by Age Groups
(Rates Per 100,000)
Age 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
5-14 0.8 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.7
15-24 13.2 13.1 13.0 13.5 13.8 13.3 12.0 11.4 11.1 10.3 10.4 9.9
25-34 15.2 15.2 14.5 15.1 15.4 15.4 14.5 14.3 13.8 13.5 12.8 12.8
35-44 15.3 14.7 15.1 15.1 15.3 15.2 15.5 15.3 15.4 14.4 14.6 14.7
45-54 14.8 15.5 14.7 14.5 14.4 14.6 14.9 14.7 14.8 14.2 14.6 15.2
55-64 16.0 15.4 14.8 14.6 13.4 13.3 13.7 13.5 13.1 12.4 12.3 13.1
65-74 17.9 16.9 16.5 16.3 15.3 15.8 15.0 14.4 14.1 13.6 12.6 13.3
75-84 24.9 23.5 22.8 22.3 21.3 20.7 20.0 19.3 19.7 18.3 17.7 17.4
85+ 22.2 24.0 21.9 22.8 23.0 21.6 20.2 20.8 21.0 19.2 19.4 17.5
65+ 20.5 19.7 19.1 19.0 18.1 18.1 17.3 16.8 16.9 15.9 15.3 15.3
Total 12.4 12.2 12.0 12.1 12.0 11.9 11.6 11.4 11.3 10.7 10.7 10.8
I call them the “reset” generation. If you don’t like what happened, just hit the reset button. Yeah, right. My next bumper sticker: “Convenience is going to kill us all”.
Here’s an idea:
I have to agree with you. I have seen several articles saying basically the same thing. Kids young people in their early 20’s have no idea how to deal with rejection and failure. Nor do they know how to go outside and climb a tree or swim in a pond or river. They have to wear a helmet to ride a bicycle or roller skate. My grandkids were exposed to all of this and yet they still have problems thanks to the education system. The world is in real trouble.
I think you’re spot on, NFO. Too many can’t deal with the differences between “on-line” and “IRL”.
Mrs.C- I didn’t realize it was THAT pervasive…
Joe- Good point and that was a good one!
Gerry- I’m curious as to what the last 10 years have wrought.. That only goes to 2001…
CP- That we are… dammit…
Also keep in mind that it’s probably easier to get Heroin nowadays than a Full Immunization Spread, if one is an Adult. For example, a couple of years ago, I asked my Doctor about getting a Pneumonia Vaccination. I was told that I’d have to be getting my Social Security Check first, because the FEDS placed “Age Restrictions” on it.
America needs more Grandparents with Standup Attitude. Someone is slack’n if their kids & grandkids are techno zombies. There will always be some, but blaming the ed system, others, etc… Who has your kids first, you or the system? JMHO, Dammit
Agree with all of your points except vaccinations. It’s all “academic” until it happens to your kid. Maybe a future blog posting.
The trophy generation – you get a trophy for participating, not for winning. Life ain’t like that.
As for the ‘epidemic’ issue, IMO part of that arises from the overuse of antibiotics. That doesn’t allow the immune system to fully develop, and it helps create ‘superbugs’.
It isn’t just antibiotics, though that’s huge. About one in three US births is by C-section. Unless (highly uncommon) aggressive measures are taken to supplement with appropriate probiotics in very early infancy, a C-section newborn’s gut bacteria will be a much less healthy mix, and that alone compromises his/her intestinal health and immune development. When young babies are fed formula, it’s even worse (I know it has to happen sometimes, and I’m not trying to blame any young families in difficult situations, but biology is biology. My suggestion: If you can’t breastfeed exclusively, try to get pasteurized banked breast milk. Start ’em on a good infant probiotic. Give your babies vitamin D, give them good fish oil ESPECIALLY if they’re on formula. Moms, if you do breastfeed, take D and fish oil yourselves.) If you have to take antibiotics, take probiotics DURING antibiotic treatment. If you can afford it, take probiotics for a few weeks after, too; there’s additional benefit, but if you can’t, do it during.
And don’t get me started on high fructose corn syrup.
A breast fed baby’s poop will smell …well, those of you who know, know.
Furthermore with the increasing awareness of skin cancer, kids get covered up and sunscreened… which means that vitamin D deficiency is very common and many pediatricians don’t address this. Vitamin D deficiency correlates with Seasonal Affective Disorder as well as immune problems (often resulting in more courses of antibiotics, resulting in…)
Finally, concerns over mercury contamination of tuna fish meaning that kids eat less of an important dietary source of omega 3 fatty acids… and also many commercial sauces and dressing use soybean oil, which is a source of omega 6 fatty acids. We should probably have at most 50% omega 6 in our cell membranes. Studies on military personnel have shown that in that population it tends to be more like 70% omega 6 or worse.
That in and of itself is a cardiovascular disease risk. It also seems to correlate with mood disorders, which often improve when the omega 3 levels start to normalize.
Les- Concur!
Dammit- Yeah, parents not taking responsibility and making the video game/TV the babysitter…
WSF- I have never seen a proven link. All I’ve ever ‘seen’ is a lot of emotional pointing to a ‘friend of a friend had this happen… Have also talked to folks at JHU, nothing they’ve seen is definitive either…
Gerry- Thanks, interesting…
Tim- Agreed on all counts!
A few years ago there were several teens in the area that committed suicide. They were separate incidents and I can’t tell that they really had any connection to each other. We decided that it would be a good idea to talk to our son about suicide, not that we thought he was in danger, but just to be on the safe side. When I asked him if he ever felt so down and helpless that it even seemed like a possible option, he responded in the negative so emphatically that it was as though I’d asked him the stupidest question in the world. He often displays symptoms of millenial-itis, expecting to be rewarded for mediocrity, but he’s a good kid, and has been improving in attitude since he’s been in school from home. As to video games, there’s nothing wrong with them as long as they’re in moderation. And, maybe it’s a little over the top of me, but we don’t do ultra violent first person shooters in this household.
We home school our girls.
I am teaching the about guns,yard work and gardening.
They are learning about winning and losing.
As a track and field official I work USATF adult meets, collegiate meets, high school meets, and various sponsored open meets. The only levels I have not worked are the Olympic Trials and I don’t have to travel money to do those.
I am sooo tired of watching 90% of the youth “athletes” walking out to the parking lot with medals hanging from their necks. Take 8 to finals and place 8 at the end? Why bother? 8 get on the podium, but all 8 are going to get a medal anyway.
I also get to work championship meets that have absolutely no requirements for prior competition. Fill out the entry form (usually online) and pay your money and you are instantly a championship meet competitor.
We have been growing our own failure as a society. We have nurtured the “have it all” philosophy, and having it all at no cost, no effort, and no risk of failure. I’m glad I’m not 30 years younger because I don’t think I want to see the world my grandchildren will be living in — the preview is bad enough.
Peter- Thanks! Excellent points all!!!
Michael- Good for y’all!
Rick- AND they’re getting dirty! That helps the immune system 🙂
Bob- Thanks, I didn’t realize it had gotten THAT bad… And you’re right… dammit
I concur with Mrs. C. As a mother if two boys both in little league. We had several boys this season on our team that did squat. One even said he only played because his mother made him and he wanted to quit. Come awards time, all kids got one. Not fair at all to the boys who actually gave 110%. I see it at school award ceremonies as well. So it does not surprise me the suicide rate of these kids when they are in their 20s and no one is awarding their under achieving and things are not handed to them.
Today’s kids often have no hope.
They have a secular upbringing that says there is no more than this and nothing on the other side to fear.
Or live for.
JUGM- Thanks, and I don’t envy y’all… I know both my daughters are facing this and it’s not going to be easy, or get any easier in the current environment.
Ed- Excellent point!
I would tend to agree with Spear…
A generation or three that were given ‘participation’ awards suddenly tossed into the ‘school of hard knocks’.
It only follows – Sadly.
Hey Old NFO;
It seems from what I have seen is that the younger kids cannot handle the “failures” They have been programmed since infancy that they are “special” and real life don’t work that way. People nowadays expect resolution quickly, I guess the 30 minute shows on TV helped that mindset. The long term is alien to the kids.
One other thing that I don’t think is being discussed enough: All the people telling the younger generation that they’re special are the same people that already got theirs.
“It was handed to us on a plate, but you have to strive for it is a huge load of horseshit.”
Bob- Another good point! I didn’t think of it in that light…
Spear- Understood… But ‘some’ of us did work for it too 🙂