
We are, I believe, getting closer and closer to the ‘tipping point’ everyone keeps talking about.  Attitudes are getting worse and worse, people are less and less accommodating, and more people are disconnected than ever before.

The divisions are hardening, politically and racially especially among the younger generations.  We’re seeing the attack groups pressing harder and harder to force their agendas down our throats, either through legal means or PC enforcement.

Industries like coal and oil/gas are coming under political fire from the EPA, since Cap and Trade couldn’t be legislated, now it’s being regulated…

Water regulations are rising again, especially with the drought issues out west and the lack of water for California, Las Vegas, and other locations.  Law suits are on the rise, and thefts of water are increasing almost daily, even from fire stations!

Pushback is starting especially from the farmers, ranchers and in some cases homeowners over the high handed actions by .gov and others.

Kids are more and more isolated, relying on their computer games, texts, earbuds and gangs of kids to avoid interacting with adults/other than ‘their’ groups. In most cases totally oblivious to the world around them…

Two instances this week- A kid on a bicycle, trucking down the street earbuds in jiving to whatever he was listening to; major intersection, runs the light and almost gets nailed by a bus.  All he did was flip the driver off and pedal away.  Second instance, a gang of about 8-10 kids tied up a crosswalk for probably two light cycles by basically blocking both sides of the 4 lane divided street, challenging drivers, flipping them off, and screaming obscenities at cars.  They didn’t leave until a cop car turned and headed toward the intersection…

My office manager brought up an interesting point too, and that was that people CAN be categorized by the bumper stickers…

She said she only got worried around cars with Obama bumper stickers, as they tended to do what they wanted, changing lanes without signal, cutting people off, running lights, etc.

I noticed that one in my own parking garage the other morning, I park on the 4th level, so have to wind down to the exit.  I was coming down and a car started to back out, saw me and pulled back in- Bumper stickers, Romney and NRA.  One level down, same situation, different car, this one backed out and blocked me, ‘almost’ hit the front of my truck, then hauled ass (supposedly 5 MPH in the garage)- Bumper sticker, Obama…

The other thing brought to my attention by a co-worker is the stridency of the arguments now. It’s not about facts, it’s all about emotions…

I really wonder if this November WILL be the tipping point?  Or am I just being paranoid???

Are people finally getting fed up with the politicians??? With the PC crap going on??? The over-regulation???

I just don’t know…


Observations… — 27 Comments

  1. Hey old NFO;

    The political divisions are getting worse and people are no longer willing to compromise. We have generations of kids being told that they are “special little snowflakes” and they have an entitlement attitude. The Obama supporters have it worse, they believe that with a passion and it reflects in their behavior. What also is a factor is that people are no longer being told or expected of manners. Now it is acceptable to “let it hang out.” and boorish behavior is excused. We are splitting along group identity politics and that is not a good thing for the country. We are forgetting that we are Americans first.

  2. To echo Bob’s sentiments, the political climate has changed to even more devisiveness. Extremists on the right and left veiw any attempt a comprimise as “aiding and abetting the enemy”. That any bi-partizan deal is automatically selling out to the other party.

    As for kids. I nearly smeared one all over the road. They blew a stop light and crossed a four lane road. I came within 8 inches or so of hitting them. Had I not been observant, I could have very well killed them. Earbuds and didn’t even look.

    Now, the police in Illinois have a tool to combat this, but they rarely take it. It is 625 ILCS 5/11 1502. That treats all bicycles in the roadway like cars (the entirety of Chapter 15 relates to bicycles. 1502 requires them to obey stop signs and stop lights.)

  3. The fissures in our communities are getting wider. Us vs them, otherness. We’re losing our common ground and throwing kindness by the wayside. It’s not a pretty sight.

  4. Yep, what they’ve all said. Civility is a forgotten antiquity, and we’re now all strangers under a common roof. And few seem to care.

  5. Can’t disagree, with one proviso. I spend a lot of time in small towns, both in Texas and elsewhere. Civility, even friendliness, still exists in those places. When I venture into large cities, however, everything changes. Rudeness, hostility, etc. prevail.

    As to divisiveness, I think John Wayne said it best.

    • +1 on the Wayne clip, Tim. I also agree with your “small town” comment. I live in a small town (pop: 12K and change) in East Central New Mexico and find the social graces are VERY alive… and doin’ well, thank ya. I’m always shocked at the rudeness of people whenever I venture out to the Big City. One worries, one does.

  6. I know I am getting tired of it. Politicians today are in the same category that used car salesmen and insurance salesmen were back in my day. No one trusted them nor believed a thing they said. I am waiting for a group of politicians that will say fuck it to all the PC and start doing things that will build America back to a great nation. But I won’t hold my breath.

    • Why are you “waiting for a group of politicians” to do anything? That’s not how our ancestors made this country great. If there is to be change, the onus is on us (pun not intended).

  7. Bob- That we are…

    Joseph- Don’t know if they have that here, but enforcement doesn’t happen, unless you hit one, then YOU are at fault…

    Jenn- No, it’s not…

    Rev- Especially those on the left!

    Tim- That he did! And agree, small towns are great, cities not so much.

    CP- I’m not either… sigh

  8. Politicians and more importantly, the unelected bureaucracy strangling us with ever increasing regulation) CAN’T do anything positive to improve anything. They can only make it worse.
    Rude, thoughtless, obnoxious juveniles? Pity the parent that attempts meaningful discipline. Single parent family? The adage holds true that if you pay for something, you’ll get more of it.
    Entitlement attitude? Well, they’re given every reason ro believe it. Moreover, the more destructive their behavior, the more they are rewarded with government largesse, media attention, and approval from their peers.
    Economic stagnation? Have you any idea the hurdles a new business (or one that wants to expand) will face? Hercules had it easy; the horse***t an entrepreneur faces is inexhaustible.
    The only thing politicians can do to improve the situation is to remove the barriers that we face. As this means reducing or eliminating their power base, I don’t have high hopes.

  9. When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

    Not disagreeing with what you say, I’m just wondering how much the other side is really listening to what we have to say. Are they understanding that accommodation and compromise have been pushed on people for decades until some feel their backs are against the wall.

    The other thing brought to my attention by a co-worker is the stridency of the arguments now. It’s not about facts, it’s all about emotions…

    One of the most common emotions/sentiments I see expressed is resignation — tiredness. People are just simply worn out presenting the facts. So taking a cue from the lawyers but modified; then the other side/government don’t listen to the facts, resort to the emotional argument. Sort of meeting them on their own level.

    Bob S.

  10. If people are fed up, disgusted, dispirited, it is a clear indication that the last 6 years of Alinsky’s rules for Radicals actually work. Nowhere more clear than in the border situation. Overload the system until it breaks down, foment civil unrest with the goal of causing a collapse of civilization. Then the people will be clamoring for someone to take the lead and freedom be damned. Consider the Wiemar republic that led to Germany’s rise with the National Socialist Workers Party, usually called the Nazi party. Or consider what led up to the Russian revolution or the Chinese revolution or the Cuban revolution. All resulted in Marxist regimes and that’s what the Progressives want for all of US

  11. It comes down to leadership and what people will follow.
    The current owner of the job here in the US leads by division, us against them, haves versus have not’s, bitter clingers versus enlighten and educated. Terminally disenfranchised versus mainstream workers

    The most telling is his use of I and not We when addressing the country.

    He not making things better in any sense.

  12. NFO, some states are fighting back, too. Last week, the voters of Missouri passed three state constitutional amendments that, among other motives, push back the feds. The first was a ‘Right to Farm’ amendment that makes it harder for PETA/HSUS/FedGov from making frivolous lawsuits designed to intimidate Missouri’s farmers. The second was a change to Missouri’s version of the 2nd Amendment requiring the courts to use ‘strict scrutiny’ when dealing with 2A/gun ownership/firearms. The amendment also added that firearm ownership, RKBA was an ‘unalienable’ right. The third amendment mirrored the recent SCOTUS decision about individual personal data rights. SCOTUS addressed the Fed, the new Missouri amendment covered the state and its agencies.

    Push-back is happening everywhere.

  13. Forget November. If the Repubs win, the Dems will try every dirty trick in the Book to stop them, not that I have much hope of the Repubs doing anything except keeping THEIR Cronies happy. If the Dems keep the Senate, then Obama has 2 more years of Rubber Stamping ahead of him.

    But either way, Obama’s Bosses will just tell him to do “X”, because there will not be enough Votes to Impeach him, no matter what the Outcome of the Election.

    As for Society, well, I have a Funny Feeling that we haven’t reached a “Tipping Point,” no will we. I just don’t see a BIG DRAMATIC EVENT causing an Eruption.

    Instead, I think we are like the Frogs in the Pot, and the Water is getting warmer and warmer and warmer….

    In other words, not with a Bang, but with a Whimper.

  14. Drifter- You DO have a point…

    ORT- You’re right. Interestingly, we discussed this today at lunch and EVERYONE, black/white/Jewish agreed this IS about lack of parental supervision and entitlement… And none of our kids would ever pull this crap, because they are all in school, and parents DO supervise them.

    Bob- I don’t believe they are listening at all… And they have the MSM megaphone…

    Roger- Good point too!

    Gerry- I think he’s so overwhelmed he’s melting down…

    Crucis- I saw that, but is it enough? Especially with Holder at Justice and fighting each and every one of those bills?

    WSF- Me neither… ##%*&#$#)(!!!

    Evyl- I know… sigh

    Les- I hope for better, but I’m not sure… and I have no idea ‘what’ the tipping point will be…

  15. When I was living in the UK, one of the differences between the US and the UK that was often cited was the difference between a ‘volunteer’ community and a ‘council’ community. One was volunteer, the other bureaucratic.
    I’ve been back in the US for about six years now, and each year the number of man hours that volunteer organizations (from cemetery boards, to churches, to land trusts, to town commissions) spend satisfying the state/federal regulators climbs higher. My church just spent a significant amount of time building the Correct ‘washing station’ so it could sell hamburgers, as it has for years, at the local peach festival. This isn’t a major fundraiser for us (actually it is for a rival? church), we do it as a community event. And this year, the health regulations almost stopped us.
    Whether small town or urban, the death of the community is being caused by the ever growing bureaucratic state and the ever growing demands to check box ‘x,y,z, and -i’ Unless, or until, we change that and our mindset which demands that all things be ‘safe’ (i.e. approved by a regulatory board)….

  16. “The other thing brought to my attention by a co-worker is the stridency of the arguments now. It’s not about facts, it’s all about emotions…”
    There have been numerous Democrat election workshops that emphasize nothing but emotional appeals, primarily to racism.
    Evident in their talking points.

  17. acair- Sigh… agree… BUT I didn’t realize it had gotten ‘that’ bad

    Ed- Yeah… I got an email about the same thing…

    drjim- I wish I could disagree… But I can’t…

  18. I think progressives have tipped over and are completely upside down on every issue and every moral question. Yet, I don’t have enough faith in mankind to assume that eventually we’ll get this all straightened out.

    Not without a major collapse or breakdown at least.

  19. November will be the tipping point, especially if the Republicans can pull off some big wins and upsets.
    The you owe me crowd will go nuts and start showing their collective asses.

  20. Rational people can reach accommodation.
    But TWANLOC are not Rational in any sense of the word.
    I lost a friend of 20+ years when she accused me of “supporting the war-on-women.”
    I asked her “And whom did you vote for in ’92 and ’96?”
    She was enraged, called me a sexist (Say what?) and stormed out of the restaurant. Left me with the bill. Don’t they always?

  21. Euripides- Good point!

    Rick- I ‘think’ you may be right!

    Stretch- Good point! And of course, you ‘must’ be sexist to question her… sigh

    drjim- LOL