
Grumpy old man warning…

Sometimes life just sucks… But that isn’t an excuse to just give up.  Now days the ‘new buzzwords seem to be “Microaggressions”, “Trigger Warnings”, and the New Meaning of “Trauma”, don’t know what those really are, since most of the examples I’ve seen don’t make sense. But it seems like way too many people are using life sucks AS the excuse, and sucking off the government teat for the rest of their lives…

When I look around I see more and more homeless, more ‘out of work’, people living on the dole, etc.  And they are perfectly happy to do that (2 years of ‘free’ money is one comment I overheard).

And now we’ve got an assault on the police through ‘various’ organizations and protest groups that want dead cops. Add in the protesters that are now interrupting people eating, a veterans award ceremony, and ‘claiming’ that a black is killed by a cop/vigilante/??? every 28 hours.

Do you really want the cops gone??? Do you realize what you’re proposing? Can you spell anarchy???  Do you remember the Watts riots???

My question is, what about the black on black violence that kills a black every four hours on the average? What about the black on white violence? Where are the protests for that?

How do these protesters live?  Do THEY have jobs?  I’m betting you and I are paying for them to protest…

I know I’m an old fart, and a bitter clinger, and a Christian but I just don’t get it. I’ve never given up, even when down. I don’t understand the mentality out there today.  Why should ‘I’ pay for them to sit on their asses? I’ve worked since I was 14, and always did my best to ‘earn’ the money I was paid.

I can’t help but wonder if the political divisions in this country have brought us to this point, were there is NO chance of working with the other side. It’s all about emotions now, facts be damned and those “Microaggressions”, “Trigger Warnings”, and “Trauma”.

Who really represents us? Those of us that actually go out and earn a living every day- black, white, hispanic, asians, native americans, other?   Who stands for us?

Who stands for the military, the elderly, the Christians?  I hear a lot of pandering words, but I don’t see actions backing up those words.

It’s a helluva note when the first day back at work in the new year these are the questions that were going around the lunch table. And nobody had any good answers other that retire and go somewhere ‘safe’…

Where is that, pray tell?

Is there enough honor left in the American people to stand up and say enough?  To right the ship of state and get us on a better track? We know the results of the elections last year, but will they prove to be same ol’, same ol’ with a different bunch in “charge”???

misplaced poster

Sigh…  kicking the soapbox back in the corner…

Your thoughts???


Life… — 29 Comments

  1. The politicians both in the state where I live and those at the national level are not “on my side”. I’m white, conservative and work. That means I have a target printed on my back.

    But Old NFO, when has there NOT been a target printed on our backs? Why should now be any different?

    There are places where I could move where it would be less so, and I’m considering what my next move will be — but I really don’t know how I’m going to manage the whole problem. I’ll kick that decision down the road. I find solace in the grandkids and in dedicating myself to try and work for them in ways that will be meaningful even though by the time they’re old enough to appreciate it, I will be no more. Sometimes you have to be content with that.

  2. Marvin Harris, author of Cultural Materialis, contended that most social divisions are constructs designed to push the majority of the people way from the prime nipple. As examples, consider Northern Ireland or the caste system in India: Christian-on-Christian violence, Hindu-on-Hindu oppression. It is all about who gets first/best shot at the cheese and who gets stuck with left-hind teat.

    It is not really about “Justice” or oppression that ended 150 years ago. Consider Asian boat people who came over here without a dime and not speaking English. The “Justice” narrative puts chocolate icing on a dog turd and presents it in public as a Hostess Ho-Ho. So far, our society has been rich enough to pay for the faux Ho-Ho, smile politely, and pitch it in the trash. The narrative only works if it escalates. They are now giving us cow-flops, telling us they are T-bone steaks…and they want to watch us eat them.

    Good luck with that!

  3. Think things are gonna change?

    Nope. They just re-elected Boehner.

    THat should tell you all you need to know.

    THe country you fought for is dying….and what replaced it won’t be good.

    • +1 — I may walk around with tape over my mouth with the words, “I can’t breathe” on the tape…

  4. Oh so funny. Great minds think alike. My post today was exactly this as well. LOL

    I am super frustrated with all the things going on out there which make namby pambies out of the rest of the country. I exclude myself because I refuse to follow suit with the PC police.

  5. “How do these protesters live? Do THEY have jobs? I’m betting you and I are paying for them to protest…”

    Duh – THAT’S how community organizers teach them how to live!

    And we have more of Boehner and McCain with which to deal.



    • Don’t forget who the #1 “community organizer” is – none other than The Ayatollah Obama.

      And now that Boehner was elected Speaker Of the House of Non-Representatives, I am going to the county elections office today and change my party affiliation from Republican to Independent. The local U.S. “Representative”, Jaime Herrera-Beutler, who I voted for two months ago, just gave her vote to Boehner. That pushed me over the edge to change my affiliation. She will never get my vote again. For any reason at all, at all.

  6. You nailed it, sir. LOTS of questions, no good answers … or the answers that work, actually don’t, if you get my drift.

    Not enough of us left, or those who are still with us feel totally overwhelmed and can’t see resistance being effective.

  7. Pandering to hatered and racism has always been a money tree.
    A few in the public view come to mind.
    IMO, if it wasn’t for blatant racism, there would be a different person in the WH.

  8. Agree with all – with special emphasis on the recent emergence of the “Microaggressions”, “Trigger Warnings”, and “Trauma” crap.

    What until those delicate little snowflakes are dragged kicking and screaming into the real world…

  9. There needs to be a mass change from “R” to “I” by registered voters. And we need to search for a serious third party leader. Right now no one with enough cache has come forward. But as the Whig Party died, so is the party that came out of it, the Republican Party, dead.

  10. As regards the picture at the bottom of this post, Charlie Rangle, one of the primary racists in the House of Non-Representatives, said a couple of days ago that he does not give a damn about any dead veterans unless they are black. He said that on an interview on MSNBC (or MSLSD per mark Levin).

  11. OMG I love that, and stealing it to slap on my FB and piss off some liberal friends of mine.. thanks for sharing it.

  12. You’re right on all counts.

    If it’s any consolation, once I get my retirement retreat all set up and I’m prepared to repel all comers, you’ll be welcome there. Just bring that 03A3 that you shoot so well.

  13. I’m not sure if the people who cry “Revolution!” and cry for “Social Justice!” understand those events are accompanied by tumbles and the Cannongate Twitch.

    If you’ll excuse me I’ve magazines to rotate and bayonets to sharpen.

  14. “How do these protesters live?”

    Now that’s a great question. One of the reasons the left’s message is gaining traction (as they say) is because it’s supported by welfare cases who have nothing better to do than to take to the streets and protest/riot/burn buildings/loot stores.

    It is the Marxist dream of the “immiseration of the proletariat.”

  15. Stretch- Good point!

    Euripides- More of that undocumented shopping eh? And that dream is apparently coming true, thanks to this administration and the hate mongers…

  16. I am at the point of saying screw it all.
    We sent gave the GOP the majority to stop Obama not to play Let’s Make A Deal.
    I think it is time for the Convention of States to remove the lifers from Congress by term limits.
    I want to work, but can not get hired due to back and other health problems. Yet these healthy bums will not work.

  17. CP- They’ll play with the numbers… Just like they always do!

    Rick- Understood and agreed!!

  18. I’m no different than you. Old and in the way, but grew up knowing liberty in large measures. What I am seeing on a grand view is we are in the middle of a Forth Turning. During those times everything seems to go to Hell in a handbasket, everything gets turned upside down, times get bad, then hard, then worse, then so much worse that everyone wonders how we will survive it at all.

    I personally do not think we have reached the bottom of the horror pit yet; there is much worse to come. And when it gets here, it will NOT be us who have any major input into the resolution, it will be people who are so much younger than us we all call them “kids.”

    Then will be faced with the destruction of our country and way of life and they will be the ones to make the hard decisions and create a new model for the future. At this point, there is no telling what direction this new model will point, but it will be the “kids” decision.

    As for me I will continue the direction I am headed until the end. So far all the assholes have left me alone, but I have taken all the steps I know to protect myself.

    Best of luck for the Republic.


  19. If I may quote Sir Winston Spencer Churchill;

    “Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

    The man came from good stock… Yours Aye.

  20. Hey Old NFO;
    I have no easy answer for you..for there ain’t any easy ones. We have had several generations of people that have been raised to believe that they are “special snowflakes” and that the world revolves around them. It will get much worse and I don’t know if it will even get any better. All I can do is teach my son the proper way and hope he passes it down to his kids and keep the flame of freedom alive. As far as the protestors goes..they are being supported by our tax dollars and leftist organizations that get our money also. When you have SIEU union people bringing in groceries for the occupy idiots and they still support these far leftist causes. I don’t know if we as a society can make the hard calls to fix the problems…I keep drawing parallels from the bible where the Israelite wandered in the desert until all of those that remembered the time of bondage in Egypt were gone and the ones left were the ones that always were free. I am starting if that has to happen here…