Scotch 30…

It’s gotta be scotch 30 somewhere…


I brought this back from Prestwick in 1972…

I thought I’d lost it, but it was in the bottom of a box that I almost threw out the other day.  Now I need to get it refilled, and it’ll go back into service wherever I end up!

I’m going to spend the weekend trying to recover from the last week…




Scotch 30… — 9 Comments

  1. Hang in there, old friend. Life is nothing but a line of days, strung end-to-end.

    Where ya moving to?

  2. Your knees and back have my sincere sympathies!! I cleared out the house after living there for 18 years. All the storage room is great when you are buying a home, and a major pain when you have to clear the place out after you have sold it. And even a one storey home can have basement and attic stairs.
    One advantage of moving is that you find things you either forgot you had…or knew you had but couldn’t find.
    Can’t think of another one. 🙂
    Good luck with refilling your Scotch 30 and with the home selling.

  3. Paw- Looking at Texas

    Suz- Thanks! And usually find the object that you’ve bought at least two more of… sigh

    Gfa- Thanks!