Bread and circuses…

And the politicrats are off and running… Two Pub debates yesterday, and I didn’t see a damn thing in either one (other than Fiorina) that impressed me…

While I applaude Fox for actually trying to get the candidates to actually answer questions, by the time it was over, all I could come up with were dog analogies…

AND a headache…

Rand Paul- Chihuahua

Christie- Bulldog

Trump- Irish Setter

Bush- Labrador

Do we REALLY have to listen to this crap for another 17 months???



Bread and circuses… — 17 Comments

  1. Nope.
    Didn’t listen the other night.
    No plans to in the future.

    They’re politicians – they lie when their mouths are moving.
    And probably to themselves.


  2. Household Six said I couldn’t watch the Braves or the Debate because she couldn’t deal with me yelling at the TV.

    So I read about coal miners striking instead. Much more entertaining.

    I think I’m just gonna write in Gerry Ford and hope for the best this year.

    • Which book? I was looking for books for a door prize for our family reunion and I saw several about WV mine strike.

      • “When Miner’s March” by William Blizzard (mind you this an anthology of articles from “The Daily Laborer” so it skews socialist.

        “The Devil Is Here in These Hills: West Virginia’s Coal Miners and Their Battle for Freedom” by James Green is a good general historical over view of the Mines wars from 1892 to the late 1920s.

  3. Oh, just wait. Eventually we’ll get the Dem version too, and months of that shrill cackle and indignant responses like “What difference does that even make?”

    The only possible high point will be if Biden gets in, because at least he’ll be entertaining.

  4. Oh, just wait. Eventually we’ll get the Dem version too, and months of that shrill cackle and indignant responses like “What difference does that even make?”

    The only possible high point will be if Biden gets in, because at least he’ll be entertaining.

  5. Ole Hill, Bernie the Commie and Mallet-brain o malley.
    The modern day version of the three stooges.

  6. Murph- Do we HAVE to??? Sigh

    Roger- Snerk, good one!

    WSF- Yeah, I’m getting awfully tempted.

  7. Do we REALLY have to listen to this crap for another 17 months???

    We don’t HAVE to listen…thanks to Sony, our TV has a mute button on the remote. As well as an off switch. Both of which work well. And I agree, it’s just too soon to be listening to all the noise.

    How on earth did we ever get to this state where they campaign for at least 2 years before the election. Six weeks before would be plenty IMHO.


  8. Hey Old NFO;

    I have several observations…First off, there is the “Trump” factor….He has tapped into the anger of the GOP base and has worked it well. With the establishment GOP trying to squeeze him out and shut him down, there is the concern from me that Trump will “Ross Perot” and shank the GOP and Cankles and the Dem’s win the WH.
    Now to the Dem’s…they are trying to limit the debates and in my belief is that the democrats are trying to all but anoint cankles as their next candidate. With a huge part of the population will vote for her because she is a “female” and now it is a women’s turn. you gotta continue breaking the ceiling to be stylish. I have a great fear that the stupid party will all but shoot themselves in the foot and give the election to the democrats.

  9. We could go to the Australian form of voting. Registration is mandatory at 18 and you must vote or face a fine. The politicians get a max of 58 days to campaign. I’m starting to really like this form of voting. We only have 451 days left till election day and for them to think of new things to lie about.