I’m awake, I’m AWAKE!!!


Working odd hours makes for ‘interesting’ things happening…

So I’m usually in bed by 1900 for a 0130 get up on this trip. Did that Friday night, I’m sound asleep and THIS happens…

Needless to say, I come up out of bed like I’ve been shot! This is literally right outside my balcony. Grabbed the camera and took this, which is probably about half of the total length.

Then I had all kinds of fun trying to get back to sleep after the adrenal dump…

Got maybe two hours, and went in Saturday only to encounter more thunderstorms, lightning, and weather holds. In addition to get soaking wet walking from the parking lot to the building…

I was going to post this earlier, but just couldn’t get all the technology to line up and actually GET it online.

Anyway, hope you enjoy it.


I’m awake, I’m AWAKE!!! — 10 Comments

  1. I know the feeling – I got roused out of bed at 4:30 by news helicopters covering a big fire this week. No point trying to go back to sleep, they weren’t going anywhere. I got up, made coffee, and got an extra early start to my day.

  2. Heh, a rude awakening indeed. I had a similar experience when the day of first Iraq invasion (Desert Shield ?) the one with Bagdhad ‘light show’ occurred. I was watching the fireworks when an electrical transformer blew out about 20 feet from my window, sending the apartment complex into the dark. I joked with the electric company repair crew that I thought Saddam was out to ‘get my a$$’, we all had a good laugh over that.

    Get some needed shut-eye.

  3. Tom- Oh yeah… sigh…

    Mrs.C- Yep, that too, although a 0130 get up was ‘early’ enough for me… sigh

    j.r.- Ouch!!! 🙂

  4. I was once sleeping in a hotel outside of Naples on the side of a mountain when I awoke as you to a barrage of fireworks outside the balcony.
    Then the town I was in launched fireworks at the attacking town across the valley.
    They were celebrating some battle from hundreds of years ago.

  5. Are you sure it wasn’t Godzilla coming back for Round Two?

    We’ve not tried to sleep through the fireworks show, but then it’s only a 5.5 hour flight for us, and we’re just getting there about the time the show starts.

  6. WSF- I’ll stick with coffee… sigh

    Ed- LOL, I would have been worried it was gunfire in Naples…

    Rev- LOL, anything is possible over there…