Hump day…

Now if I can just get the dog to stop… Sigh…

Why is it you take a week off and suddenly you’re TWO weeks behind? And s**t is blowing up (parenthetically speaking) left and right?

It’s not like I couldn’t be reached… But nooooo…

I’m not saying I’m indispensable by any means, because I’m not, but dang it, it would be nice if folks actually stepped up and made DECISIONS!


So rather than getting ready for the blogshoot this weekend, I’m ass deep in alligators and the rain is pouring down. Just heard today there are ‘rumors’ that BO et al are going to force yet another year of sequestration on the military.

AND he’s keeping at least 6,500 of our finest stuck in Afghanistan at least through 2016, to be used as targets for kidnapping etc. Β He’s apparently also looking (quietly) at places like SuperMAX to move the Gitmo prisoners to, congress be damned…


Sorry, go read the folks on the sidebar, I’ll try to get caught up soon!


Hump day… — 19 Comments

  1. I found the trick is to be gone for 2 weeks…cause anything can be punted for 1 week, but much harder to do for 2 weeks, so someone else actually deals with it…

    Take a deep breath and remember December is coming!! πŸ™‚

    I was thinking the other day about BO…we should take up a collection and send him on a golf trip…one that lasts until 2017…that way the potential to do stuff would be lessened, and he would be outta our hair…what do you think?
    50 cents each??

  2. That week I visited D.C. I spent hours in the hotel dealing with work. Because it was my project, and my suppliers that went bankrupt.
    But I still enjoyed myself.
    It’s one way to keep it from piling up πŸ™‚

  3. They are going to have to learn to deal with it soon enough.
    Consider this a practice run.

  4. What Gerry said … but I still hate when it happens. May the light of day spread wisdom to settle things quickly.

    Re: BO, he’s a lost cause. I try very hard not to waste time thinking about him, but he’s kinda like Saruman after the downfall of Mordor: a petty, mean-spirited man still capable of hurt & mischief on his way out.

  5. Suz has a good idea about sending Mullah Obama on a golf trip that will last until after the elections are over next year. but she wants to take up a collection to do it. I think that we should send the Mullah on a one-way trip on his dime to Gitmo, or Florence, Colorado, for at least the next 50-plus years. Especially since the RINO-controlled House hasn’t the cajones to impeach him.

  6. Have read part of your books on your site.
    My problem I use a Sony ready and cannot read Nook or Kindle books on it.
    Is there a site that sells your books in PDF.
    Do check you site almost every day and enjoy your comments.
    I am a youngster, will only be 74 next month. Army brat, did not go in the service due to my eyes, brother went to West Point.
    Regards and keep the good work up


    • Boss doesn’t use DRM so you might be able to use Calibre to convert the files to your device’s standard. If you would like to try that and need help to do so, send me an e-mail at greylocke (at) g m a i l (dot) com

      I’ll do what I can to help you through it so you have the portable version as well.

  7. Hey Old NFO;

    Well it should remind you of the time you displeased Queen Nefertiti and was thrown to the royal crocodiles;) Seriously though…the 2 week vacation does sound better. Now if we could only get Murphy to have a blogshoot further south…? Keep on plugging away…

  8. Suz- I’d throw $50 at that! πŸ™‚

    Ed- Understood, and agreed. You DID your job!

    Gerry- I need to run faster…LOL

    Rev- Concur!

    Scottie- That would work too!

    Ralph- Shoot me an email and I’ll send you hard copies for free. My email is on the header under the contact me link.

    Bob- “Plugging” is right… sigh. You guys could put one on down your way too! πŸ™‚

  9. WSF- I wish… for a couple of more months, it IS my circus AND my monkey…

    WN- True!!! And will do!

  10. One of my old Bosses said the two-week trip was OK but three weeks is even better because it acts like pushback and makes people pick up initiative and really gets things done without you. πŸ™‚ So my wife always took three-week vacations. I did too, when I had a job.

    • Also after three-weeks anything still left on the desk could just get round-filed since it was obviously unimportant and didn’t really need doing anyhow. He’d just sweep it clean and start a new desk.

  11. Also after the three-week vacation anything remaining on the desk could just get round0filed since it was clearly unimportant and didn’t even need doing in the first place. Clean sweep!