
Just to put it in perspective… For PP and all those others out there…

15 bucks an hour

Get it??? Thanks to unions, a garbage man makes more than a Paramedic/EMT and has a better retirement too!

I’m going to stop here, before I start using four letter words…

h/t Holly


$15/hr… — 21 Comments

  1. Employers will find a way to get by with fewer people to turn burgers and fry potatoes. Those who lose their jobs will go on unemployment and then on welfare as the entire system changes and employers replace them with machines where possible.

    It’s difficult to replace an EMT.

    • Very true – an EMT with a good record has job security in most of this country, rural or urban. Definitely one of those jobs which requires time and experience to cultivate.

  2. None of it makes sense for the economy or for paying the right wage for the right job. I won’t bash unions because I think they had their purpose and they were a necessary thing before they became too big for their britches. But now times are different and we still are not fair in the labor world. It seems like such a simple thing to fix but yet we actually have people who think it is wise to give $15.00 for fast food burger flippers. SMH

  3. I retired as a paramedic and can speak from experience that the stress of riding the rig take an immense toll on body and mind. It speaks poorly of a society that seems to place more worth on minimal skill (and what should be entry level jobs) than it does on the people who hold our society together.
    Any one who proposes unsupportable wage levels automatically loses my respect and in the case of politicians, my future vote.

  4. Ed- True… Policy over life is NOT right!

    LL- Automation WILL ‘outsource’ most of those jobs, Paramedic/EMT still requires a real person to provide care…

    Fargo- Good points!

    Wayne- Thanks for chiming in, and thank you for the years you spent in the field. I know those you saved appreciated it!

  5. But…But…
    (forced) equality and (forced) income redistribution!

    Didn’t The President say he wanted to ‘level the playing field’?



  6. Well, if these Entitlement Kids think that flipping a frozen burger equates to EMT skills, then they’re already beyond hope. They can think whatever they want, but the marketplace used to drill that out of them. Now? I won’t hire anybody, anymore. I’d rather work harder on my own than deal with that mentality.

  7. When I read what trash collectors in Philly make, I almost had a stroke. But I couldn’t have a stroke – because who would sweep up the trash they drop on the street every week? My advice to high school seniors: Skip college – get a job on a trash truck.

  8. Another reason why I am not good at politics and PC bullshit. I think all Micky D’s and other burger establishments has to do is just say NO. GO TO WORK OR YOU ARE FIRED. A boycott would only last for a few days, or until they get hungry for grease. All this can be just as black and white and simple if they had the balls.

  9. Yea…don’t get me started. All the new young pups who think they are “entitled” to everything.

  10. (sarcasm here) I think its all a blasted conspiracy thought up by Moochelle and her healthy food initiative.
    See, they want this, so that fast food restaurants will be forced to charge triple or even quadruple what consumers are paying now. No one will stop to eat at them anymore they won’t be able to afford a quarter pounder, thus causing them to go out of business, thus causing the waistlines of Americans to shrink cause they won’t be eating off the value menu anymore- Which is Moochelles goal. This will then create even more umeployment, and even more people on SNAP. A society totally dependent on welfare and more democrat voters. I am telling you there is treachery a foot here…

  11. So, having raised minimum wage inside the Seattle city limits to $15.00/hour last year, yesterday they voted to raise their property taxes 100% in order to raise a billion dollars for transportation “stuff.” I put “stuff” in quotes because, while the ballot item listed a bunch of “stuff” that needs work, they don’t actually have a plan to allocate any of it, and most of the last billion they raised for the purpose went to pay for two “transportation infrastructure” projects that are years behind schedule and — you guessed it! — millions if not billions over budget. (Google “Seattle Big Bertha” and “Seattle Seawall.”)

    • My oldest son (45) is autistic and lives in Seattle. He gets by with SSI, three days a week washing dishes, and selling newspapers. The $15 per hour may well cost him his dish washing job. Transportation? His bus pass is something like $40 a month. Most of his SSI goes for is dorm room in a mental health facility. The pols in Seattle talk a good game but it is all talk.

  12. I had this discussion with my kids last year. We had a really good conversation on basic economics of a business. Mandating that the minimum wage be raised to $15/hr means more people will be unemployed and draining a city’s resources than the extra money being made by fewer employees will inject into the city’s tax base to pay for the social programs. It’s a downhill slide until every city looks like Detroit.

  13. My son the EMT is now doing the Uber cab thing. More pay, less stress. The loss to the community is that one guy who can keep you alive until you get to the hospital.

  14. All- Thanks for the comments. Just finished therapy and on pain pill.

    Posted from my iPhone.