I ‘think’ the French are about to loose the dogs of war…

With what happened in Paris tonight, I think the French are going to take the gloves off, and the FFL is about to be released to ‘take care of business’…

Thoughts and prayers for those in France who’ve endured another horror in the middle of their city.

And sadly, I believe this shit is coming here, sooner rather than later… Our borders are porous, CBP is not allowed to actually ‘check’ people, and the administration is opening it’s arms to 30,000 “refugees”…

Over 100 dead, six separate instances of attacks, timed to occur at the same time. Terrorism, plain and simple, and ISIS did it…


I ‘think’ the French are about to loose the dogs of war… — 21 Comments

  1. Lock and Load and keep your powder dry!

    While the French may a reputation as “Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys”, the FFL is nothing to fool with….

  2. I would hope so, but they did nothing about it after Charle Hebdo(sp?) they have done nothing for years about the no-go-zones in Paris, they have done almost nothing about the car fires, they have done nothing about the shutting down of major streets so that ‘select few’ can pray in the street five times a day.

    I hope I am wrong, but I fear that both France and the rest of the EU will do nothing until it is too late.

  3. The philosophy of Islam is that you convert or die. We’re seeing that played out in France. How’s that working out for them? How many more military age Syrian male refugees will they embrace in France?

  4. ISIS better be careful. What is Tam said? “The Europeans can go from Zero to Jackboot in an instant.”

    Keep your eyes open, your head on a swivel, and carry your damn guns people!

    Oh, and a small IFAK is a good idea too!

  5. To me six separate coordinated attacks crosses the line to asymmetric warfare offensive. Kind of like the difference between September 11th and Ft. Hood.

    Both are evil and driven by the same ideology but organization and coordination changes the nature and scale of the threat.

  6. It’s here already. This is all-unstructured and simply “motovational.”
    The Motive is to be famous for 15 minutes, or 15 milliseconds as you explode. The Internet and cell-phones and Twitter and Facebook all support a self-aggrandization of the self-absorbed, which makes it appear random but all the time totally asymmetric – and there’s no end in sight – but the 2nd Amendment.
    All it takes is another guy (and another guy) to hook-up with “The UC Merced Knife-Guy” with a few more weapons, cars, grenades, and do a combined “Jihadi-Dancing with the Students.”
    Because the Students are our Cows. The Wolves know that they’re young, and our precious offspring – but also dumb, pacified by drugs, intellectually lazy (judging by Mizzou), poorly served by equally intellectually lazy Professoriati – and since a young age in Gov. School they have been heavily Propagandized to Inaction and Passivity – which has turned them into helpless nitwits and easy prey. It will not end well.

  7. Yeah, it is here already. On a very small scale, but it is here. We have been in a holy war against Islam since this country was founded. But the politicians don’t want to have to address that. The liberals will deny that any of this is connected because it doesn’t fit the narrative. It will just keep getting worse until people wake up. You don’t have to have a specific name of a terrorist group. It’s all done under the umbrella of Islam. Convert or die. Islam plans on taking over the world. Either through direct action and terrorism, through passive invasion of refugees, or through legal immigration until their population is strong enough to vote in islamic politicians and change the law of the land to Sharia. The coming years are not going to be pretty.


  8. Yep, my IFAK is moving from the range bag to the vehicle.

  9. drjim- True…

    Dag- Good point. I ‘think’ the people will rise up like they did in Poland and Hungary…

    LL- More to the point, how many are already there?

    Rick- Yep, all day, every day!

    Odysseus- That it does. And this IS offensive warfare, no question!

    NC- Great point, and I would agree, colleges here ARE the logical target… dammit.

    Ray- Exactly! Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it… sigh

    Grog- Agreed…

    6shots- I carry a full bag in the truck, and have a blow out kit there too…

    Tim- Probably. Dammit!

  10. Until it happens to them personally most people, and all politicians, will do nothing but flap their gums and pass unenforceable laws.

    Sure hope I’m wrong.

  11. I truly believe that the US, England and German are in the cross-hairs. And our Community Organize in Chief still refuses to use the term terrorist and Muslim in the same breath. With all the open border shit and the welcome with open arms craziness, wolf packs are forming all over the world. But before we can start killing off any suspended terrorist, I believe that the Muslim religious leaders needs to become involved and help in fighting these goat-fuckers. They need to reinterpret the Koran.

    • Look for Mullah Obama to do any number of things to ease the tension in Paris. For instance, he could invite the attackers to the White House for a State dinner. Moonbat Cher could do her thing, as well as sing (read “caterwaul”). He could, and probably will, severely chastise the attackers and tell them, “Naughty, naughty.” Give several billion U.S. dollars to them to help with their expenses. And, in a daring act of chutzpah, send John Heinz-Kerry (or is it Kerry-Heinz? Who cares?) to really fuck things up for the French people over there.

  12. i hope the French provide a lesson in leadership. i’m afraid you are correct about the rest.

  13. I think the entire ISIS situation is like raising kids. If you say “Now, dear, please stop that” not much is going to change. If you get out the wooden spoon and smack their butt a couple of times, it gets their attention and the desired results occur. Of course, it works best when the kiddo is 2-4, not so much when they are mid-teens.

    So I think that large parts of the Middle East need to be turned into glass, the money train needs to be derailed and the Western countries need to show those young recruits that they are not joining a grand adventure…that activities like Paris will not be tolerated, that severe consequences will follow. That was how WWII was won. It was not pretty, or PC, or easy. But it was effective. And the media needs to not broadcast every detail/plan before it happens…

    Of course all this is predicated on leadership…something which is lacking in certain parts of this country currently.


  14. Merkle is basically saying “Everybody be nice.” Hopefully, Europe will run out of nice soon. As for the USA, until more people are blood coated and dealing with the mangled bodies of their families and friends they are going to remain fat, dumb, and happy.And scream that if I don’t have guns then everything will be good.

    As for me – practice, practice, practice. And I don’t mean on a flute.

  15. Over 10 years ago I asked my Uncle John for the address where my Grandfather Kuhns was born. “Oh, that’s a Somali neighborhood. They don’t like whites driving through.”
    Nope, not gonna end well and fully expect Teh 0ne to side with the enemy.

  16. One more thing.
    Much of the FFL is from Northern and sub-Saharan Africa.
    I see them more of a Fifth Column than a French strike force.

    • Jennifer; The Chinese had an old curse that said, “May you live in interesting times.” They must really be pissed off at us.