Off the leash…


Turned in the leash today. For the first time in almost 30 years, I’m free!!! And this makes it official, my time is coming to an end. 30 years of beepers, pagers, bag phones, cell phones, etc. Hard to believe it’s been that long…

Down to the last two weeks! Β And before you ask, yes I did the 10x bad passwords, so the phone nuked itself… πŸ™‚

Now I have to dig out the alarm clock and hope I can find batteries for it… sigh


Off the leash… — 35 Comments

  1. Congrats Jim.
    Now, to find something useful to do with your time…
    Maybe Canasta?
    Perhaps a new career in Politics?

  2. Congratulations, both for retirement and for the joy of getting rid of that boat anchor disguised as a cell phone.

  3. Congratulations on your impending freedom, sleeping in will become way more comfortable. I dread some phone calls on cell phones, really make Life more uncomfortable, knowing that thing can go off at any time.

  4. I was going to grow out a long hippie hairstyle in retirement, just because I missed that movement due to being in the Navy for most of the seventies, and a reservist during the eighties and half of the nineties, and being a uniformed fed for the last fifteen years before I retired. And when I start thinking about growing out my hair, a trip to hippie haven, wait, I mean Whole Food, changes my mind real quick.

    If only I could figure out what I want to be when I grow up. (deep sigh)

  5. Congratulations! Soon you’ll have more time to entertain us! A win/win in my books. Sadly, I fear after the first rapturous month or so, you will find loose ends are just that. I know I have. I wish you a great new life.

  6. Jim;
    Enjoy your well earned retirement!
    Many things to do:
    Earn your Master classification in High Power and Smallbore Prone. Reload your butt off, find an old car or motorcycle to resurrect. Ohhh so many things to do and now the time to do them.
    Meanwhile, sleep late, revel in your freedom!

  7. Two weeks – thirteen and a wake-up! You’re so short:

    you can sit on the edge of a dime and swing your legs.
    you have to play handball against the curb.
    you could drown in a drop of water.
    you can pole vault with toothpicks.
    you need help climbing into your boots.
    you can walk under a snake’s belly.

  8. Woohoo!


    No matter what, don’t let anyone pair you with a rookie, tell you “It’s sure quiet, and everything’s going so well!”, or talk you into “One little favor” before you get outa there!


  9. Woohoo! Congrats! I can only imagine how that feels (and believe me, I’m imagining it a LOT, these days). You’ve done your time & then some, and earned the rest.

  10. Ed…
    Thanks for the prompt!
    It took over two years for me to begin to “normalize”.
    Even now, I dream about being called back to work (and worrying about the stupid stuff that made me glad to leave in the first place!)
    I miss, terribly, the satisfaction of work I knew was helping others.
    I don’t miss idiotic leadership.
    (And there is more and more of that at higher and higher levels these days, unfortunately. Haven’t we had this discussion before? :))
    Where’s George Patton when we need him?

  11. Oh you’ll find something to do in your “SPARE” time!! Plant some seeds, and watch things grow, go fishing every day after those big bass out there, Build a model of the P-3 with a 10 foot wingspan and go fly it! And reload a bullet or two in your “other” spare time.
    Congrats Old Feller you put in your time, so now relax and enjoy!!

  12. Free at last!
    Free at last!
    Thank God Almighty, I’m free at last!

  13. Congrats on handing in the Blackberry!!

    Now you will have time to go see the grandkids, go to the range and finish the latest Grey Man book!! πŸ™‚
    And maybe the “space opera”?

    After you get all the boxes unpacked of course…

    Enjoy your new freedom.


  14. Ev- Thanks! I just ‘hope’ I can do as well as you have!

    Bruce- Almost… πŸ˜‰

    Suz- Thanks!

  15. Let your iPod be your alarm clock? Set the wake-up to Deep Purple or Iron Butterfly… Good thing the leash is gone – but mainly the bone-jarring iron treadmill too. Go buy a throw-a-way “Cricket” pay-as-you-go dumb-phone at WalMart or T-mobile and join the retired gang who don’t do “apps” and other stupid-stuff. People will still try to SPAM you but it just doesn’t work.

  16. Go to bed at midnight, up at eight.
    Pour a large cuppa,head for the mancave to turn off the brass shaker.
    Lessee, range or breakfast with the boys.
    No meetings, reports, conference calls, emails, airports, cabs, hotels,cheap food, and assholes.
    I like being retired.
    Welcome home Jim.

  17. When I retired the people in the office gave me a roll of toilet paper that every one had signed and a toy gun. I am not sure what I was supposed to do with it but I laughed and eat the cake anyway. Good luck with retirement and write more books please.

  18. Happy Days Are Here At Last!

    Enjoy your well-deserved retirement.

    And while the need to pee will definitely still get you out of bed at Oh-Dark-Thirty, NOTHING will keep you from going back to bed for a few more ZZZZZ’s.

  19. Congratulations man!

    Here’s to doing whatever the hell you feel like and nothing you don’t.

  20. So what are they gonna do if you’re late these last couple weeks – fire you?

    I just celebrated my one year anniversary of freedom and I highly recommend it.

  21. Congratulations!!! Four more years before I hit the qualification to retire. I envy you.

  22. Congrats on the retirement. I have absolutely loved your book series and hope for more. They would make great movies.

  23. Uh, NFO….your brain is still wired wrong. What alarm clock?

    That you’re still thinking of “alarm clocks” is an indication that your consumption of sunrises with strong coffee and sunsets with adult beverages is sorely insufficient, not to mention that cherished procedure of “doing whatever the heck you want” between the two.

    Try to work on that, willya, and we’ll check back in a while to see what progress you’ve made.

  24. Oh, and one thing more…
    This is as much an adjustment period for your better half as it is for you.
    Give yourselves proper space during the transition!

  25. PH- I’ll do the job… Just not 24/7 πŸ™‚

    H/T- You’ll get there!

    USMC- Thank you! I’ll get the next one finished soon.

    Alien- I DO have a responsibility to my readers… πŸ˜€

  26. My new alarm clock is a wind up Westclox travel alarm clock. I couldn’t find the bit giant wind up with the 2 bells on top other than the cheap chinese made stuff that only works for s weeks then dies.

    But I did find the Westclox. And it has finally been adjusted right so it doesn’t gain or lose time.

    Hopefully in about 11 days you won’t even need one these for awhile.