It’s Terrorism…

FBI announced yesterday afternoon that they are investigating the San Bernardino shooting as terrorism… Now the second highest death toll in the US due to terrorism. Only 9/11 killed more. This means they will unleash at least one JTTF on this full-time now.

I will not name the terrorists, but I will give kudos to the police who took them down. They did their jobs, and made it home that night, unlike the terrorist.

This was a well planned and executed attack. My only question is, was this a preëmptive strike because they felt the FBI was closing in on them? They left a lot of ‘stuff’ lying around the house. This wasn’t ‘Sudden Jihad Syndrome’… The male had grown his beard out, the female had openly professed allegiance to ISIS, and they did their best to scrub their online presence.

All guns were legally purchased, so that puts paid to the left’s call for MORE gun laws.

I wonder how DC is going to try to spin this now??? And the next question is, will BO recant his spew from the night of the shooting? I’m betting they will now hang their hats on the ‘argument’ with the Jewish man who was killed, and who had discussed religion with the shooter previously along with other Christians. If so, they’ll spin workplace violence, or blame it on the Jew and the Christian for not being ‘sensitive’ enough.

Me, I’m expecting /crickets/ from him.

Other interesting FACTS now coming out of the investigation, one neighbor thought about reporting, but was scared he would be called racist. Multiple ME males were seen going and coming from the residence in the weeks leading up to this atrocity. I also wonder where they got the money for all the guns, etc. Those aren’t cheap…

HERE is the link to those who died. Thoughts and prayers go out to their families…

If you really want to get your BP up, go HERE and watch the CNN interview with a victim’s wife…

And the media scrum inside the terrorist’s house HERE.

h/t to DaddyBear for the link to the CNN interview!


It’s Terrorism… — 22 Comments

  1. I wonder what their original target was. “Disneyland!” declare my hinkies. Disneyland was nearby, you know.

    And now, off I go to that video which threatens my BP.

  2. I don’t think I’ve said it here yet, but Obama knows where to place the blame:
    Rizwan Farook, Tashfeen Malik
    Maybe their names mean Global Warming and Climate Change in Arabic.

  3. Another CNN snippet that will hike your blood pressure: the bodies were still warm when a CNN ‘expert’ blamed “anti-government militias” for the shooting. Here’s a 22 second video of the fool speaking just a couple of hours after the shooting, before anyone knew what was going on..

    • We use to call CNN “Commie Network News.”
      Now it is “Caliphate Network News.”

  4. A tongue-in-cheek comment heard on the radio today. “They came to American to better them selves; worked hard at their goals and still ended up in the street.”

  5. The Moonbats will scream for more gun laws and the outright ban of all firearms. They always do this, and there’s nothing here that will change their behavior.

    I hadn’t thought of Disneyland until it was mentioned here. That’s a very chilling thought.

    I also read about the neighbor who failed to report anything – not because of his fear for being called a racist, but the fear that commercial media would castigate him and ruin his life. Then, after the terrorist attack, ignore him and their mistake.

  6. First time I stood a guard post overseas my Platoon Leader pointed out “A terrorist with a weapon is an enemy soldier on a mission”. The two in Cali seem to have been convinced they killed all the witnesses so they could move on to additional missions/targets. Very scary development in terrorist tactics.

  7. I’ve said it before, but it bears repeating….

    The inmates are running the asylum!

  8. @Grog – I’ll make Lynch a deal. When muslims stop killing people, I’ll stop my anti-muslim rhetoric.

    • Sounds good, Tim, my guess is there will be a lot of people taking the same position as you and those of us who read and comment here. 🙂

  9. Tim- Yeah, I just left that one out it was so ridiculous…

    Cp/Grog- Yeah…

    MJ- That’s a twist I hadn’t heard. Thanks!

    Grog/Tim- Showing her true colors… sigh

    Red- That it is.

    drjim- for another 13 months…

  10. This terrorist and wife look like the natural extension of the liberal left, mixed with the “push over the edge” insanity of terrorist Islam. Liberalism is a disease.

  11. FWIW, the guns were indeed all legally purchased, at least initially. But kaly laws were violated when the 2 rifles were transferred from the original buyer to name deleted. And of course when they endeavored to make them more efficient (removing the bullet button for example) MORE laws were broken, not to mention the possession of ‘high’ capacity magazines. The list of felonies committed before the first shot was fired is probably quite lengthy. Seems like all of the dream laws the left wants in place nationwide did NOT deter them.
    Yes indeed, they were planning this for a long time (escape plans etc.) but something catalyzed them into acting early, target of opportunity perhaps?

    • Do we know who the original buyer(s) was/were because of CA state law, or have the Federales been illegally record-keeping again?

  12. All the (P)regressives are doubling down an gun control and spewing facts that are not facts. I see this on Facebook. What they seem incapable of understanding is that we, firearms owners and liberty lovers, will not comply. Police enforcement? Maybe in leftists cesspools but in the fly speck towns in flyover country law enforcement won’t comply either.

  13. Remember, never let a crisis go to waste. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to smear the blood of the innocent onto whomever they can find and score political points.

  14. I ran errands yesterday and carried pistol for the first time. I’ve had the CCW permit for a while but haven’t felt the need; not scared….just common sense. Still had to leave it in the car for the USPS visit. Still cannot carry to work; plant and parking are on fedgov property.
    Did not notice if I was more aware of surroundings than normal but am usually very aware anyway.