Saw a report of a press conference last night by DeBlasio, Cuomo and others that ‘almost’ had me throwing something at the TV… They (DeBlasio and Cuomo) were blathering about the NY gun laws, Safe Act, and how they didn’t … Continue reading
Category Archives: terrorists
FBI announced yesterday afternoon that they are investigating the San Bernardino shooting as terrorism… Now the second highest death toll in the US due to terrorism. Only 9/11 killed more. This means they will unleash at least one JTTF on … Continue reading
Well, the French Police and Military stepped up… Both hostage ‘incidents’ have been satisfactorily resolved. The ISLAMIC TERRORISTS are dead! Yes, I used those non-PC words… The lightning-quick strikes ended two tense, hours-long standoffs, one at a printing plant north of … Continue reading
Well, PU has analyzed the analysis of the analysis, of the basic analysis and now they are going to do an evaluation of the analysis… sigh…And PU has come out with specific recommendations, none of which addresses the root cause … Continue reading