If anybody is available…

I’m getting together with Murph and Proud Hillbilly at Hooters by the Dulles Gun show at noon on Sunday. Sorry for the short notice, and doing it on a Sunday, but I just got back off my last road trip.

Last chance for cheap shots at me… 🙂

We’re going to Wally World afterward and buy some toys for Toys for Tots.

If you can’t make it, I understand, and I’ve really enjoyed all the interactions with you folks local to the DC area. It’s been real, and has actually been FUN! We’re all part of the ‘tribe’ so to speak, and I will miss the shoots, gun show runs, and the dinners and lunches. Borepatch is coming to the area, and I’m sure he’ll fill my place and y’all will be better for it! 🙂

If y’all get down to Texas, you’re more than welcome!


If anybody is available… — 10 Comments

  1. I’d love to come see you off but it’s the church Christmas concert and I have to be there.

  2. Enjoyed dinner with you in DC.
    We will have to try it in Texas.

    BTW, I thought by your post title, you were asking for help to move. 🙂

  3. Peter- Amen!

    TheAxe- Understood!

    Laura- Thanks!

    Ed- Nah, I’m paying people for that… sigh

  4. I wish we could, but the weekends just aren’t long enough to spend that much time in the air. 🙂

  5. Dang it! I would have made the effort to get there one last time. Oh well. An excuse to go to Texas sometime =0