
My body is reminding me I’m NOT 21 anymore…

1320 miles total, 520 miles today, and I think my left cheek went flat about mile 500.  Every mall I drove by in three states today was absolutely PACKED!!! Made good time on the interstates, cause everybody was at the mall! 🙂

I really have to stop doing these little side trips… They keep costing me money!

One more day on the road then HOME (well as soon as the furniture shows up, and I get everything unpacked)…

I’ll get back to reading and commenting on Monday, as soon as I get a new driver’s license and plates (just realized BOTH expire next week)… It’s ALWAYS those pesky ‘little’ details… sigh


Oof… — 16 Comments

  1. A new DL & registration in a new city in a new state, one day after moving?

    Take a pillow and snacks to the DMV. 🙂

    What will they want from you to prove relocation?

    I am sure there will be a requirement for a utility bill or something. Maybe some of the documentation from the house purchase might suffice?

  2. Best of luck in the new home.
    The search for all the neighborhood essentials can begin soon. My wife would have a pizza place high on the list. I would tend to put the home repair stores, and maybe Harbor Freight, near the top. And oh yeah, those minor things like doctor and dentist have to be somewhere on the list.

  3. Heads up for the TX DPS experience,

    Feel free not to publish as this is meant for thee and not for “we”

    They’re going to want a birth certificate, ss card, proof of residency AND a prior license. The state of TX in its infinite wisdom has also decreed that you can’t get a dl until you can prove that you’ve registered your vehicle in your new county of residence.

    The process used to be fairly simple, but about three-four years ago the drivers liscense folks “updated” their “look” and tried to change the name from the TX DPS (they were folded in with the state troopers) to the TX DMV, and the level of service went to s—.

    Not sure exactly where you’re moving, but if possible, try to find an office in one of the smaller towns nearby, even if it’s in a different county. Often, the 30-45 min drive is worth it to avoid the headaches of the “big city” office.

    Glad you’re finally making it to the promised land. I’ve enjoyed your blog over the past couple of years. If you ever make it to San Angelo, I’ll buy you a beer.

    David White

  4. So, you’re saying you got out of the old state just in time, eh?

    *hugs* Here’s to sleeping in your own bed tonight, under your own roof!

  5. My friend….. I am having flashes of deep envy, tempered with reality.

  6. Left cheek went flat? Time to turn the other cheek!
    Stay away from the malls, they’re giant sucks of time and money. Especially with the Holiday season upon us.
    Safe driving, I’m sure you’re excited to get to your new home!

  7. You may want to see if you can make a DMV appointment on line. In CO the difference is ten minutes in and out with an appointment or three hours in a plastic chair waiting for your number to be called.

  8. No one need wonder why I plan to “die in place”. I simply don’t have another move left in me. Or at least one that doesn’t involve the use of a hearse. 🙂

  9. When we drove to Colorado 2 years ago we went non-stop.

    Well, we stopped for gas and dinner, but basically it was 18 hours behind the wheel.

    And I found out for sure that the rate at which the gas tank in my Jeep empties just about matches the rate at which my bladder fills!

  10. Texas gives you 30 days after and address change. There’s a bit of time.

    Welcome home, neighbor!