It’s the ‘little’ things…

It’s pretty bad when we all end up standing around watching coffee brewing…


As Peter extolled the merits of the Chemex drip coffee maker

I do have to admit it made a pretty good cup of coffee, and apparently the Chemex filters are a big part of it. I guess this is what happens when the folks that make beakers and other stuff for labs decide to step up their games so to speak… LOL

In other news, BO has ‘threatened’ once again to close Gitmo, saying it’s a ‘blot’ on our country. Problem is, he doesn’t have a plan that is workable, nor realistic…

These ‘detainees’ should NOT be brought to the US and put in the federal system. They need to stay separated, and stay confined. Something in excess of 30% of the previous released detainees have gone right back to the fighting, and those are just the ones accounted for. He’s playing a smoke and mirrors game on the costs too, and has complicit people inside DOD backing him (or getting fired)… Fox article HERE.

And for all the prattle about how the Senate should vote NOW on BO’s upcoming pick for SCOTUS, it’s interesting that BO, Chuck U Schumer, and Joe Bite Me Biden all had the opposite view when Bush was doing it…

If it was good for the ‘goose’ back in the day, it’s good for the current ‘gander’… SO suck it up boys…


It’s the ‘little’ things… — 19 Comments

  1. I don’t think getting rid of Gitmo is a good idea either. Because like the Panama Canal, once its gone, it’s gone for good.

  2. Oh, by all means, let’s put those rat bastards in our Prisons in the US. Sure! Nothing bad will happen, I mean, the prisons aren’t producing any radical muslims now, are they? Oh, wait…

  3. James Bond was proud of HIS Chemex!


    PS – good to see you make coffee resemble coffee, not watered-down tea!

  4. Both the President and The Empty Pantsuit claim Gitmo is a terrorist recruiting aid (like they need one), even though there seems to be, like, no real evidence of that. But hey, it makes a hellava sound bite, and that’s what’s important these days.

  5. If you can see through it, it ain’t coffee. I was taught about that at the age of 18, by some folks from Waco.

    Re: Gitmo, the Apologist in Residence has been trying to do favors (for whatever reason, which I’ll leave up to the reader) for the Muslims since before taking office. This is just the last item on their wishlist before launching coast-to-coast jihad in the U.S. … which they apparently still think they can win. But then, the 13th-century Islamic savages aren’t as smart as the Japanese were in the 1940s.

  6. Sorry, no PC here. The detainees in GITMO are terrorist who will try to kill Americans at the first convenient opportunity. Take away their Koran, their special diet, their prayer rug and feed them ham and bacon. If they complain, shoot them in the head… which should have been done when they were captured. At least we didn’t cut off their heads.

  7. My world runs on Coffee! I know from a source inside the Federal Prison System that a Prison has been “readied & waiting” for several years now for the Gitmo prisoners.

  8. Yeah, well, my coffee,came out of a little plastic cup this morning saving me the visit to Dunkin.

    Hell, I’m just a bit interested to see what would happen,if they dropped them into General population at Angola

  9. The government is making this WAY to hard. Military tribunal followed by hanging. There is no reason why this has been allowed to continue for this long.

    They are NOT POWs. They are unlawful combatants. Under international law, we can kill them for sport if we want to. The recruiting power of GITMO is that Hajis WANT to go there. They will be treated like royalty.

  10. All- Thanks and agreed with all the comments! Frankly, I’d love to see them get dropped into gen pop 🙂

    Posted from my iPhone.

  11. Of course he wants another liberal justice in there soon so he can advance the two cases he has there, immigration and an epa case of coal, which both are stayed at a 4-4 decision right now, so the lower court who ruled them unconstitutional would be the final verdict. Yeah, I liked how all three of those clowns did the same thing, they do need to sit down and just shut up

  12. Have a young relative who did a tour at GITMO. The terrorists are coddled. Close GITMO? Sure, if the prisoners are split up and tossed into General Population one by one, and treated like any other prisoner. They will get eaten alive. Won’t happen as most haven’t been convicted of any USA crimes.

    We should never give up the base there. Too strategic, sitting on the Florida Straits.

  13. During a conversation with a (former) friend I suggest solving the Gitmo problem with 9mm sleeping pills.
    She was appalled and screamed “That’s against the Geneva Convention!”
    “No, it’s not. It’s allowed in the Hague Convention.”
    I sent her the appropriate portions of the Hague Convention regarding unlawful combatants.
    Never heard from her again.

  14. Senior- Ain’t going to happen! 🙂

    WSF- Agreed!

    Stretch- LOL, I can bet she had a hissy fit!

  15. SIXTY BUCKS for that thing??

    Geesh, my Mr. Coffee French press was less than $20 at WallyMart….

  16. I have a great way to empty Gitmo.
    Take the terrorist outback have each of them dig a hole.
    Then walk up behind them and bang.

  17. drjim- But LABWARE… 🙂

    Rick- 🙂 That’s what THEY would do… Goose/Gander and all that…

    Jenn- It is. 😀