Choices, choices…

Today is Super Tuesday, so lots of delegates up for grabs today.

The rhetoric is at the boiling/frothing at the mouth point, on both sides…

So the choices are a now unindicted candidate, a socialist who’s for free everything on one side. And depending on whom you listen to, a con man, a ‘preacher’ tea party type, and a displaced Cuban who can’t seem to get to work on time, or vote on the other side…

This is the culmination of us little folk’s frustration with the current goings on in DC, and the last seven years of gridlock, obfuscation, outright lies, and sacrificing of our military folks in the field due to overly restrictive ROEs and lack of funding.

It’s obvious to even us peons that the national parties have totally lost control, because the ‘elites’ favored (see keep and continue current policies) horses are either awaiting indictment (but still in the race), or have already departed the race in ignominy…

The world economy is circling the toilet, the EU is on the brink of dissolution and possible bankruptcy of multiple countries. Here at home unemployment here is still well above 10% (REAL unemployment), not the fake numbers coming out of DOL and the administration. The real amount of debt here is also exceeding the ENTIRE GDP of the US…

Fed debt

Since 2008, it has jumped 40%! Gee, can we say administration run amok???

Even as the MSM ‘tries’ to steer John Q to the candidates they’ve chosen to back, generations are stepping up and voting. Apparently the turnout in Nevada was exceptional, as it has been in other states. That tells me the silent majority has finally gotten off the couch and are shuffling their way to the polls.

I voted yesterday, and actually had to wait in line for about 10 minutes! One of the women in the polling area actually hushed another lady who was talking about how she was going to vote, telling her that was technically illegal! 🙂

However this year falls out, I think major changes are going to occur. Whether for better or worse, but ‘interesting times’ are coming.

I’m just not sure I want to go through them again… Sigh…

Whatever you do, if you’re in one of the states voting tomorrow, go exercise your rights and VOTE! I’m not going to say who to vote for, that is between you and whatever deity you choose, but at least go VOTE!!!

I voted


Choices, choices… — 17 Comments

  1. Mr. AOW and I are going to head to the voting booth today — never mind how inconvenient doing so is because of my work schedule.

  2. I’m amazed that so many Hillary supporters aren’t bothered that the ‘vast right wing conspiracy’ oh wait – FBI investigation. Its one thing to be in office and have an ethics investigation – this is BEFORE the election and she’s still a contender ? Omigosh, Richard Nixon must be banging his head against the lid pretty hard !

    Trump has teflon armor coating, no doubt. The media, the Dems and the Repubs all against his running but it doesn’t seem to stick. Maybe its because the electorate already decided the three of them lie like hell and don’t listen anyway. Got their undies in a wad, thats for sure ! I’m liking that. :^)

    I’m voting, but weather is going to be a factor.

  3. Voting is a matter of conscience and applied wisdom. We clearly need a change of direction from the Obamanation that current leadership has constructed for us.

  4. It’s surprising to me when so many people look side to side and quietly say that they are thinking of voting for Trump. Several gentlemen, claiming to be life long democrats stating that they were done with them and were thinking of Trump.
    It is NOT the political party. It is the frustration and rage of having been sold out, co-opted, lied to and grossly disrespected. It appears that the “little people” have had enough.
    It is also worthy of note that the washington power brokers (the ones that have created the problems) are banding together to find ways to stop this tidal wave of rage and frustration.
    Much beer and popcorn will be needed for the show.

  5. AOW- I know what you have to do, and I admire you for getting out there!

    j.r.- Agreed!!!

    LL- Oh HELL yes!!!

    Roger- Dead on, and when a sitting congressman says it’s time to look for a THIRD alternative, it’s really going to get interesting!!!

    Angel- Yep, best of a truly bad lot (for now)

    Randy- Good!

  6. We’d LOVE to vote today, but alas: it’s for registered Republicans only. As “undeclared” voters, we’re not eligible. Can you “a stacked deck”?

  7. Roger got it right. I just hope this election’s ‘rage and frustration’ doesn’t turn into the ‘hope and change’ of the last two elections.

  8. Hey Old NFO;

    I headed to vote after I got off work this morning. I have told people when they can’t believe that Trump has gotten such great mileage and that his campaign is still a joke. I replied ” Trump is the result of the Establishment GOP blowing off their base for the last 3 election cycles. We gave them majorities in the house and senate to stop the Obunger and they just roll over and keep their spot in the trough. The GOP establishment can’t understand why people are pissed off. The fix is in for the democrats though…it is harder for the GOP to put the fix in for Rubio since their other candidates have already crashed and burned. I will vote the GOP, I can’t vote democrat..I have too much integrity.

  9. I don’t quite understand this “It’s the destruction of the GOP” thing. In theory, the GOP was supposed to be the opposition party. It stopped doing that. All that’s happening is that people are voting for opposition.

  10. I live in a caucus state, in a county that is heavily GOP. Not going to caucus with either party. Not one candidate gets more than 1) A yawn or 2) A burning desire to put a front post on them, from me.
    I always vote in the real election.

  11. No primary here in WA. Not going to the caucuses. Trying to decide between SMOD and Stay Puft/Gozer…

  12. Rev- Yep, some states make you ‘declare’ others don’t…

    Tim- Agreed!

    Bob- Your point is well taken… sigh

    PH- I don’t either!

    WSF- Understood, and I can’t disagree!

    Drang- 😛 Stay Puft 🙂 Your time is coming, and we all know y’all will go Hillary…

  13. Clarke and Higgins for 2016!!!


    I am so disappointed in the GOP and the lack of them trying to move the party in the right (no pun) direction to regain support and make some positive progress. Grr. I have no idea. I am stumped. Right now I don’t like anyone.

  14. When the primary time comes to Indiana I will vote.
    I hope Cruz will get the nomination, but if not I hope it will be Trump/Cruz