What if???

This is the second ‘Super Tuesday’…

Quoted from the WAPO oped, HERE, on Trump’s rise.

Good countries can sometimes go bad. Donald Trump’s supporters implicitly make this argument when they proclaim, “Make America Great Again.” And so do those who loathe Trump and see in him a dangerous populist response to the anger of frustrated middle-class voters.

The ‘silent majority’ has finally had enough of the Washington ‘politics as usual’. This more than anything else, I believe, is what is fueling the Trump phenomenon. Politicians have been lying to the public since there have been politicians, that’s pretty much a given… However, when the Pubs got a clear mandate in 2014 to clean up the crap, they basically blew off the people that elected them.

This time around, the people have gone outside political circles in a big way, when Trump actually did decide to run.  The ‘elites’ figured he would be flash in the pan, and go away/get bored after a month or two.


Crowds came out, and got bigger, and kept coming out. From 17 candidates, including the ‘anointed’ GOP candidate, Jeb Bush, it’s now down to 4 (realistically 2- Trump and Cruz). And Trump is still leading…

How could this unqualified, foul-mouthed, argumentative ‘upstart’ possibly be in the lead. He ‘incites’ violence at his rallies, telling people to beat up those who disagree and he’ll pay the lawyers, he’s not ‘Presidential’, etc!!! And the MSM, the elites and old line Pubs are having hissy fits, including calling the Pubs race a ‘clown show’ and predicting a brokered convention (where the elites can and will influence the outcome in their favor). OBTW, the elites hate Cruz too…

But he’s still leading…

Why? In my opinion (yeah, yeah, I know what that’s worth), Trump has touched the nerve of the silent majority and is jumping up and down on it by saying the things they say at home and to others they know. He doesn’t pander to the elites, isn’t taking money, so he isn’t beholding to a specific group, and tells folks to stand up for what they believe. He wants America to be the world power it once was, and he is PROUD to be an American.

Things came to a nasty head in Chicago, nee Chiraq, the other night with something approaching 1000 protesters forcing a rally to be cancelled. At least ‘some’ reports say there were ‘paid’ agitators there for the purpose of fomenting a riot…

At another rally, at least one person tried to rush the stage, and got taken down by the USSS detail.

Why doesn’t this happen at the Dems rallies? Think about it, one of the candidates is under the cloud of a pending indictment, the other an out and out socialist and this is the BEST the Dems can do? Where are the protesters on that side? Maybe because they are either paid to stay away, or they don’t want to upset their gravy train of freebies/entitlements that allow them to do nothing but protest and incite violence…

What if, just for the sake of argument, Trump’s base DOES start beating these protestors, or having them arrested, rather than just ushered out? When the agitators (anybody remember the SEIU kerfluffles from a couple of years ago) start taking it on the chin literally, I’m betting they’d disappear into the woodwork…

Will Trump win? I honestly have no idea…

But at this point, I’ll be satisfied to see him at least get a fair chance at the nomination. Otherwise, I believe this will be the end of the GOP as a viable party in the USA…



What if??? — 32 Comments

  1. Saw a good point made at another blog this morning. Paraphrasing it:



  2. I struggled to understand the responses of the GOP power circle insiders. They say they’ll vote Hillary instead of Trump. I couldn’t understand it…. Then it came clear: They aren’t in Trump’s circle of influence. Their responses are really temper tantrums because they won’t be in the decision loop that they are used to being in. From Reagan to W, the same people were involved in wielding power in the GOP. This is really the first time in my memory, that the 2 leading contenders show disdain for the established GOP power brokers (and weren’t the second place finishers in the last primary cycle). And the insiders are afraid of a GOP president that doesn’t want their “expertise”.

  3. Lucrative positions will be lost if Trump wins because he won’t play by their rules. At least, one hopes.

    And maybe that’s it – hope. He has given people hope. And I hope that if he wins he doesn’t dissapoint. I also hope he survives the run.

  4. It’s hard to improve upon the above four comments. Yes, Trump is the first and only candidate that is not bought & paid for, lock, stock & barrel (powder flint & ball too) by lobbyists, wall street, George Soros or Karl Marx and his ilk. Yes we hope he survives what will certainly be assassination attempts from the left, right & now apparently international oligarchs. They all fear losing their power, their (our?) money & influence.
    It seems that the only folks that really want the Donald are the folks that have been paying for the liars, thieves, & other criminals that have sold out our country for decades.
    The wake up call of 2012 has gone unheeded. It is now obvious that Washington needs a blivit to the cranium in the name of Donald Trump to begin to set it straight again.

  5. I heard on the radio yesterday that some Washington Ways Know It All in his own mind said that the next POTUS is not even on the ballot yet. That brings to mind John Kerry. Scary thought. But the GOP is making it so much easier for the government-tit-suckers to win again. We (the USofA)are in a world of hurt right now.

  6. The more the press and RINOs squeal, the happier everyone that supports Trump is…are…uh…

    Anyway, Trump will be a disaster as president. But that’s not the question. The question is, will ANYONE be any “less” of a disaster as president than Trump.

    The people running DC are not RINO’s and/or the Donk’s. The bureaucracy is deeply entrenched…and we are WAY beyond the ability of anyone to tame it. The monster will continue to grow until the country just can’t support it anymore. When people go to use the cards that replaced food stamps (in Ohio, anyway), and the grocery stores reject them because the gooberment can’t afford to pay for them…hang on. And I think it’s closer than we realize.

  7. Oh, and for what it’s worth, I’ll be voting for Cruz in today’s primary. In Ohio, I’ll be spitting in to the fire for all the good it’ll do…

    But if it’s Trump in the general……yeah, I’ll vote for him over BHillary…or Bernisocialist…

  8. j.r.- Exactly! And sad…

    FD- I really don’t know.

    STx- I agree, that is their whole issue. Loss of influence and ‘access’ to power…

    PH/LL- Agreed in spades!

    Roger- Yep, in a nutshell, that’s it!

    CP- That is worrisome to put it mildly. One wonders what is going on ‘behind the curtain’…

    LCB- Yep, fear of loss of entitlements IS, IMHO, a major impetus this time around… And I agree with the voting too!

  9. I was leaning toward Cruz until I read about all the JEB! Bush staffers he’s taken on, and how tight he is with the whole Bush clan. It’s difficult to know whether any of it’s true, of course, because so much “news” is fabricated.

    But I’ll still vote for Trump before any of the convicts-in-waiting the Dimocrits have lined up.

  10. Regardless of the outcome, the GOP is fragmenting. I’ve been a ‘Pub since I was first able to vote in 1968. I’m a ‘Pub Precinct Committeeman here in Missouri. I won’t be filing for another term. Why? The GOP establishment disgusts me and the establishment is firmly entrenched at ALL levels, local, state, national, levels.

    I’m gone. I examine the candidates and have decided who I will vote for and whom I will not. My vote won’t go to that lying narcissist Trump.

  11. Interesting how the left gives its supporters what they want, but in little dribs and drabs, rather than all at once. That keeps them coming back for more.

    The GOP, on the other hand, gives its supporters nothing but broken promises, and then wonders why we are fed up.

    I’ll probably vote for whoever is running against hillary or bernie, but it’ll be with a bad taste in my mouth. The lesser of two evils is still evil.

  12. 35% of one party is hardly a mandate from the silent majority.
    However both parties are seeing an uprising of their members.
    Bernie Sanders was even a Democrat before this primary season and the Democratic bosses are fighting him tooth and nail to get Hillary nominated.
    I can not vote for any of the three of them. What a choice, a fool, a fraud and a felon.

  13. I’m seriously considering voting third party or just leaving that block blank in November. The way I see it, the only way for Cruz to get the nomination is for Kasich and Rubio to pledge their delegates to him at a brokered convention, and that will either drive Trump to an independent run or just keep his voters home on Election Day.

    So, do I vote for a liberalish Manhattanite that I don’t trust to not sell us to the first cause that benefits him, Bill Clinton’s sammich maker, or the wild-eyed street radical?

    Good Christ, I need a drink.

    • Well said.
      We’re expected to support Trump if he wins, but Trumpites won’t support Cruz if he wins a contested convention, fair and square.

      • Why do you think he would win it like that anyway? He’s hated too.

    • If he really is hated like he claims, then it would be someone else.

  14. Trump isn’t tearing the GOP apart.

    He’s pounding a wooden stake through its cold, dead heart and dragging it out into the sun where it will burst into flames or crumble into dust. The GOP died years ago, but it refuses to go, subsisting on the sweat, blood, and dreams of its constituents.

    Let’s call it for what it is. Abomination. Nosferatu. Vampire.

    We’ll be better off without it.

  15. REv- I hadn’t heard that… But do vote… I’d tell everyone vote for SOMEBODY! It’s your right and obligation!

    Crucis- Kinda why I’ve effectively been an independent the last 12 years…

    Gerry- But 35% on BOTH sides is a good bit of the silent majority… And the public on both sides are fed up, at least from what I’m hearing.

    DB- Pass the Scotch this way…

    Greg- I think, as I said above, this may end them, hell it MAY end the dems too!!! I can see a four way election possibly happening… 🙂

  16. Agree with Greg.

    And to the GOP and it’s big tent, burn that mother****** down. They don’t deserve our support.

  17. Here you go – the real inside republicans at dinner- and what they think about Trump-

  18. Sorry to be late to the party (work, sleep).
    Seems to me Trump has thoroughly studied, “Rules for Radicals”, and is using them. Sort of a GEN II or GEN III Rules for Radicals.

    Oh, yes, I am so deficient in character that I’m enjoying seeing and hearing the 60s radicals going crazy.

  19. Someone asked me what/where the Mariana’s were the other day. I told her it was a territory bought and paid for with Marine blood during WW2. She did say that once she knew Guam was part of the chain, she knew about the battles fought there…which was a pleasant surprise.

    But she had never heard about territories being able to vote for presidents. That was something I remember learning in Government class 35 or so years ago.

    And we wonder why voters don’t know who or what is going on…

    WSF, I don’t like Trump, but I admit I am loving watching the press, RINO’s and the “left” (what’s lefter than RINO’s? Nothing!) squeal like stuck pigs.

  20. The latest round-about assault on Trump is in the form of an equivalence: Trump = Schwarzenegger, a political dilettante who is/was only in if for self aggrandizement and fun.

  21. Every time Trump appears on screen I see Professor Harold Hill, as drawn by Gahan Wilson.

    You know we got Trump’l, Trump’l, Trump’l …

  22. Whenever Trump appears on screen I see Professor Harold Hill, as drawn by Gahan Wilson.

    You know we got Trump’l, Trump’l, Trump’l …

  23. And speaking of EBT cards, I watched one get used by the women in front of me last night to the tune of $235.00; two grocery carts full. Then she and the bag boy took them out to the parking lot where they were loaded the into a new Dodge 300 riding on 20″ trick wheels.
    I thought it was especially nice of my tax dollars to pay for those four cases of soda and the bags of potato chips…