Wordless Wednesday…

SJW poster

Oops, gotta violate that… Go read THIS from Jeb Kinnison…

And from PPP

hot rack

Vito wasted NO time in getting comfortable…


Wordless Wednesday… — 19 Comments

  1. Save the endangered bronies? What the heck is a bronie?

    Awww! Cuddle buds!! What a cute pic!!!


    • Bronies are boys who like My Little Ponies. No, I’m not kidding.

  2. LOL, Never happening…”blame male assault rifles”

    grandkids and dogs, two of the best things in life!

  3. Suz- Beats the hell out of me! 🙂

    Fargo- LOL

    Dammit- Heh, what KIND of ‘assault rifle’???

  4. Save the protection of people who aren’t me ? And I get to die WHY ? Obviously a Trump ploy to get me in trouble.

  5. JMI- You’re right, unless Vito gets to chasing rabbits in his dreams…LOL

    j.r.- LOL

    CP- Aren’t you ALREADY doing that??? 😀

  6. God hates wealthy furries? And I agree, the little couldn’t be any safer in his Mama’s arms.

    Sarge, Out

  7. Demarginalization of Male Dolphins. *shrugs* I wasn’t aware that they were being marginalized, but whatever.

    I do admit to being disappointed when I realized I’d read the chart wrong: I thought I was for the Demarginalization of Male Assault Rifle. Now THAT is a cause I can get behind!

  8. Goes to show what I know…didn’t realize that assault rifles had genders…wonder what female assault rifles look like? Lol


  9. They take their naps together every day. Unfortunately it doesn’t leave much room for mom to take a nap too! What is the next size up from California King?!?!