This one is probably going to lose me a few readers, but I really don’t care. I’m pissed at what I’ve seen over the last three days, and I need to get this off my chest.

I gave this oath-

I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God.

That oath has no expiration date, nor does my commitment and devotion to the USA.

Having said that, I have NEVER seen the amount of vitriol, whining and bitching that is surrounding the upcoming election. After Cruz got out, things only got worse on the Pubs side, and the Dems aren’t any better with the Berns…

From the talking heads, to the dancing monkeys, to the bloggers to the book of face, people just went off the deep end, Triggleypuff style…

If you can stomach it, it looks like a bunch of SJWs (nee POS) throwing a massive hissy fit. Many are ‘threatening’ to not vote, just stay home and pout.

Does anyone understand the term abrogate???


  • : to fail to do what is required by (something, such as a responsibility) LIKE VOTING!!!

Voting is a fundamental right and responsibility of U.S. citizens — the right to have a say in how they are governed and the responsibility to be informed about candidates and issues when they go to the polls.

I’m not going to tell you how to vote, that is between you and your deity of choice. I don’t care if you write in Joe Schmuckatelli, but I will say that if you abrogate your responsibility to vote, you are giving up on the USA. And by extension giving up any right to ‘comment’ on the outcome, as far as I’m concerned.

Hopefully people will calm down and NOT go Triggleypuff as the year winds down.

Kicking the soapbox back in the corner and looking for the scotch… sigh



YGTSM!!! — 39 Comments

  1. I will vote, just as I always have, but I am well aware that our vote no longer counts for anything. The powers that be will install whichever puppet best suits their needs, and that’s who will continue driving this country into the ground for the next eight or fifty years.

  2. I too, will vote, just as I always have — but I completely agree with da_truth36 up there. I have the misfortune to live in a northeastern state, and on any level above local town government there is, in fact, no democratic vote. I can tell you today (May 6th) who the presidential winner in this state will be; I knew that the day long ago when that individual’s candidacy was announced. Ditto governor, Senators and representatives. It’s a little discouraging.

  3. I will vote. There may be no one, I wish to vote for. There will be someone, I wish to vote against!

  4. I will vote for a number of offices in November, just not for President of the US. There is no one running that is fit to be POTUS. Why do I have to vote for either a serial liar or fraud?

    We will agree to disagree.

  5. I’ve started looking at 3rd party candidates to write in. Trump, IMO, is just another Democrat.

  6. I,too, took that oath in 1967. I have voted ever since. I will now vote for my local conservative representatives and for whomever is the Rep. candidate. I think that if we retain both houses, they will hold Trump’s feet to the fire as they never did with O. We optimists are always disappointed but perhaps not so much this time.


  7. Well said!

    And while voting the top slot may (or may not) seem to make a great difference, there are bound to be quite a few other tickets to punch on the card. I know that some of my local races are often decided by just a few votes, and as close as I sit to a big city, that can often swing a county race from big spending liberal to smaller government conservative.

    It matters.

  8. I also will be voting against one of the candidates. To vote against the evil of two lessers (my wife’s phrase) is better than to stay home & wish there were a better choice.

  9. Hey Old NFO;

    I will vote, to not vote in a round of self pity is a non-starter. people have died and killed to give us a vote, a say in the political process. With no voting(and no gun) we are just serfs to be used and exploited by our betters. I will vote because I am a human being granted certain inalienable rights. To not vote is to surrender my sovereignty to somebody else.

  10. It pisses me off when people say they are not going vote, like they are going to make a difference or a great statement. Even my Judy says she cannot vote for Trump or Clinton, that she will write in someone. Stupid. We are going to have one of those two as President. Get over your pissy self and vote for the one you feel will be the less of two evils and will do the best job in restoring the Republic (hint – not Clinton). I told her, if she doesn’t vote for one of them, I was cutting her off for a month.

  11. What do you have against Schmuckatelli! What did he do? There are alternatives to the 2 parties. If, by chance, they get more than a miniscule percentage of the vote, they may be taken more seriously in years to come. No, I do not pretend that they can win, the next president will come from the 2 parties. If you cannot stomach voting for either major party candidate, you still may help the country by voting for others. I will again be holding my nose and voting against the greater evil, as I perceive it.

  12. All- Thanks! I’m glad a few folks feel as I do, voting is important, especially the down ballot voting.

    Posted from my iPhone.

  13. I only wish I’d get a choice besides EVIL or LESSER EVIL.

    Even a LESSER EVIL candidate I wanted to vote FOR rather than an EVIL candidate I am voting against would be refreshing.

    I have an interesting proposal to give the not-voting people a voice! If the number of people registered and not voting “wins” then it’s a “None of the above” win and we start over without the candidates listed on the ballot.

    Worst case, the election is delayed for a time. Best case, nobody is elected and DC grinds to a halt! We’ve nothing to lose but our chains!

  14. I always vote. Great post and good points. I agree. Cheers to this!

  15. Always vote personally,

    But the cynic in me says, these are the same people that probably were not planning on putting in the effort to cast an informed vote, so good riddance.

    The really sad part is while I’m holding out for the third party declarations, I’m beginning to not expect much there either. There’s allegedly going to be Republican candidate #2 (not really third party, or indy) and not much more rumbling coming form the wings. It’s beginning to come down to checking my vacation time at work and seeing if I could pull off a campaign on the cheap.

  16. I don’t give a flying @%!@$ if this ain’t the candidate of choice. The other choice is someone who, if she ever said a conservative thing, was lying as she always is. Witness when she was confronted by the miner. This time, better the devil we DON’T know, than the one we do.

    People all over the world don’t have the opportunity to vote. Millions have died to make sure we had it and that we’ve kept it.

  17. This election is bringing out the drama queens for sure. One of my “acquaintances” on FB was doing a spring cleaning of her friends – she deleted people who don’t care about what’s going on in her life and all Trump supporters. *rolls eyes* Not to mention the celebrities who threaten to move to Canada if their candidate doesn’t win the election, yet they never seem to.

    Not thrilled with the candidates, but I’ll be voting.

    • How many do we have to send to Canada to pay the back for Justin Bieber?

  18. I also took that oath and I will vote. If one side wins we may not get to vote the way we are used to in the future, but may have to vote the ancient way instead.

  19. Hey Ian, do you live in RI by any chance? The exact same thing goes on here and has for the last 80+ years.

    Yes Jim, I’ll be voting again just like I have since I first turned 21!

    Liked the comment about voting for the devil you “don’t” know this time!

  20. Since I turned 21, have voted in every election including local ones. Held my nose and gagged more than once, but voted just the same.

  21. I too will vote, but after the last Presidential election I decided that simply voting against someone didn’t honor my franchise. Someone needs to earn my vote, and at this point I’m hard pressed to think how that would be possible for the presumptive nominees of the two largest political parties.

    So I’m going to be working, persuading, and time permitting volunteering for the Libertarians. Turning the Republicans into the Wigs might be a tall order, but at this point I would argue that it’s the only struggle worth it.

  22. I just through a little mention in mention in my last post somewhat similar to this post, but not as pissed off, but I agree with you 100% sir. They aren’t getting their way, that’s about it. A society of selfish idiots IMHO.

  23. I have heard/seen that oath quoted before. I feel strongly that if guys like you stood up, recited it, then put blood, sweat and tears on the line, then the lest I can do is go vote. That is a right I have because many fought for (and more than a few died for).

    There are people all over the world who proudly display an inked finger to show that they were able to vote. And for many years in this country, women were not allowed to vote. Now we can, so I do. Every single time…presidential, congress critter, state dudes, town/village and school board elections. They all matter. Sometimes I feel like I made a difference…sometimes I’m pretty sure I didn’t. But having voted, then I can kvetch about what I like and don’t like.

    I think it’s important to vote as that way we can go remind the politicians that in the end, they work for US…we, the people. They may have their parties, and lobbyists to wine and dine and flatter them six ways to Sunday, but in the end, at the end of the day they work for WE the people…country folk, city folks, Midwest fly-over folks, red, white, black, brown, green and purple folk, from the Great State of NY to the deep south of Louisiana and Texas, west to California, Alaska and Hawaii. Not saying we would all agree all the time…pretty much guaranteed not to from what I have seen over time…but we all have the privilege to go vote whenever the opportunity arises. This way we, each individually, can express our opinion as to how we want to see things run. To turn that down is just spiteful.

    Do I like the choices we see currently. Nope, not a fan. But I will continue to read, watch, and listen, and figure I have until November to make up my mind.

    Am I very tired of all the drama momma’s crap that is spread all over the TV and radio…YUP!! I don’t care that Trump ate a taco on 5/5…I’m betting lots of others did also. What I want to hear about is policy stuff…all this emotional decision making got us into this mess. I want to hear if Trump supports the military, the 2nd Amendment, what’s his plan for getting rid of Obamacare, and what’s his plan for fixing health insurance. I know how he feels about China and Mexico…how about other countries…how about the taxes on regular folks, and on businesses cause in the end James Carville was right–it IS about the economy stupid. What’s his plan for lowering the deficit? Not just feel good fluffy words, what’s the plan. I have had enough of “you have to pass it to find out what’s in it” nonsense. Or the fact that Chris Matthews turned into a 16 year old with raging hormones looking at the Mrs. Waste of electrons. I guess that sort of thing is what ya get in a Kardasian society.

    And while I do know what abrogate means, I’m clueless about Tiggleypuff…and happy to remain so.:)

    Enjoy your scotch. I know you have a lot of company with that. And if you lose readers because you expressed your opinion on your blog in a country you fought for the right of freedom of speech…you are better off without them!!!


  24. This election makes me regret I quit drinking.
    I will vote as I have done for the last 44 years.
    I do not want the Hildabeast to become president.
    I have been working on a similar rant but the obscene language has made me scrap it for a while.
    I need some time to cool off first.

  25. I’ve voted in every election since I was old enough, and will continue to do so. This time for Trump. He’s a business man, and we need a business man. I don’t give a rip that he’s not charismatic or warm & fuzzy, that he is perceived as a bunch of other things that don’t meld well with who we think we are. I want someone that understands economics.

  26. There are so many more responsibilities underlying government by the people (e.g. being informed on the issues and communicating regularly with legislators), yet a large number of folks do nothing more thanvote once every 4 years and then act like they singlehandedly won the Revolutionary War. Voting is just one SMALL part of self-government.

    If you’re not willing to actually participate in self-government regularly and often, I don’t want you negligently discharging on a ballot.

  27. I have NEVER seen the amount of vitriol, whining and bitching that is surrounding the upcoming election.

    No kidding!

    I wonder many divorces will emerge after November.

    Any conservative who sucked it up and voted for Romney — clearly a social liberal — have no grounds to refuse to vote for Trump.

    Besides, let’s keep our eyes on the ball: preventing HillaryBeast from sitting in that Oval Office.

    I love what Coffeypot said:

    We are going to have one of those two as President. Get over your pissy self and vote for the one you feel will be the less of two evils and will do the best job in restoring the Republic…

  28. I’ll vote-but I’m tired of voting for the lesser evil. It would be nice to vote FOR someone for a change instead of against someone. Though I am tempted to write C’thulhu. Why settle for a lesser evil? Those who vote for him will be the first to be devoured. 😀

  29. I vote. Sometimes, I must hold my nose as I vote, but vote I do. My (our) oath has no expiration date. Perhaps someone should remind ALL politicians that the oath they took has none either.

  30. Thanks folks! I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels this way. Your comments are appreciated.

    Posted from my iPhone.

  31. I have voted in every election since 1978. In presidential years if there is no one to vote FOR, I will usually vote for the Libertarian as a protest vote. Living in Washington state we’re out numbered by the Seattle metro area so votes seldom go my way. But I vote anyway. I figure that gives me the right to bitch.

    And you will have to work harder than that to run me off of here!

  32. I have voted in every election cycle since 198 (mumble mumble) when I first was eligible. Didn’t take the oath (asthma, 4F) but many family members and ancestors of mine did (all the way back to the Revolutionary War) and I felt obligated to exercise that right and responsibility in honor of their service.

    Had to take a shower after some of those votes. Sometimes adult beverages were consumed afterwards. And I still want a box that says “all of these guys suck, get me new candidates”.

  33. Of course, we’ll be voting. Jenni and I have had many the discussion. I’ve not absolutely decided who yet, will receive my vote, but as things stand right now, I anticipate voting libertarian. If there were ever an election cycle in which the third party stood a chance…