What Next???

It seems the administration has now set up a blackmail scheme to ‘force’ schools into compliance for transgendered…

The Obama administration’s ‘guidance’ Friday that every public school provide transgender access — or face the loss of federal funds — drew swift and strong condemnation from conservatives, with one public official blasting it as presidential “blackmail.”

The administration’s directive — citing Title IX in telling schools to give transgender students access to all activities and facilities consistent with their gender identity — effectively touched off a national debate that could well extend into the next president’s term and reverberate through the courts.

To whit- “When a school provides sex-segregated activities and facilities, transgender students must be allowed to participate in such activities and access such facilities consistent with their gender identity.”

Full article HERE, on Foxnews.com

Interestingly, Title IX only designates sex as M/F… You have to go to Dept of Ed directives to find any mention of LGBT, and nowhere in there are any ‘changes’ to the basic Title IX law…

AFAIC, make them ALL gender neutral, put in full walls and lockable stalls and go for it… OR, you could do it far east style… Holes in the floor, no partitions, and good luck finding toilet paper.

Granted this is an oversimplification, but does this now bring into question the larger issues not only with Title IX sports (e.g. boy IDs as a girl or vice versa, can she/he now not only use the guys/girls locker room, but can she/he now play on guys/girl’s sports teams?), but also accommodations in the general public.

The other elephant in the room is pedofilia and child abuse. With all the attention being focused in the last 15 years on these crimes, the administration’s direction ‘seems’ to directly counter (at least in my mind), the extent people have gone to, to ensure that children are not taken advantage of. The other elephant is young girls, all of whom have significant privacy issues (especially early-mid teens), can now be forced to allow boys who identify as girls to come into their bathrooms/shower areas… That’s not going to end well…

And all this is being done to cater to .035% of the population…

When you add in the SJW (nee POS) constant complaining, it’s bringing things to a boil between those with conservative views and those with socialist views…

Sigh… I’m getting too old and grumpy for this crap…


What Next??? — 17 Comments

  1. Megan Kelly was talking to the Texas Lt. Gov last night and she “acted” completely dense on this issue, refusing to see the harm.
    To think I used to enjoy watching her.
    Hillary will be forced to defend this nonsense, turning many dems against her in November?

  2. My 2 thoughts on hearing about this yesterday were:

    1. I’m sooo glad my kids are through school and I don’t have grandkids to worry about yet.


    2. Why is the administration doing this and why now? What are they trying to distract attention away from?

    All I know is I do not want another 4 more years!!


    Looks like homeschooling has the potential to be much more popular!

  3. Restrooms are one thing. That’s manageable, if we could just agree to use a little common sense (e.g., your full walls and stalls suggestion). Not that I expect common sense on this topic anymore…

    But the bigger problem is locker rooms, showers, etc. It’s already happening in Chicago.

  4. ssoooo….schools that refuse to go along with the transgender thing lose funding….will that include the funding they re suppose to get when they fail the common core SOL testing??? if so, why the heck would ANY state agree to go along??

  5. Does that also mean the Obie’s two girls will be able to take a shit next to a boy with a camera? Oh! Wait! His prodigy goes to a Quaker school and as Secret Service personal to guard them. So the law is for everybody else. Typical!

    • And you can be sure that if some guy tried this crap while one or both of Mullah Obama’s daughters were on the toilet, he, Obama, would throw all kinds of shit fits.

  6. Best one I’ve seen so far (warning–NOT PC)—


    Heard someone wonder out loud the other day, “If Caitlyn Jenner goes missing, will they put his/her photo on cartons of Half and Half?”.

  7. Per Suz, what are they trying to distract us from?

    Another question. What enabling legislation allows the administration to issue this directive? Oh wait, Obama doesn’t need any stinking legislation to allow him to do as he pleases.

  8. “Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity, but don’t rule out malice.” – Heinlein’s Razor

  9. As the town my church is in informs us that we cannot deny a man entry into our women’s rooms because we provide charity regardless of denomination and therefore we are public my hands curl into theoretically un-Christianlike fists. And I resolve that any man who tries to enter a women’s facility when I’m around will regret it.

  10. All- Thanks for the comments. Apparently I’m not the only one wondering what “ELSE” is going on…

    Posted from my iPhone.

  11. If Teh 0ne can decide which laws to enforce (or make up) we can decide which laws (or “guidance”) to obey.
    Think of it as a Yin/Yang thing.

  12. What else is going on is that NC law screws the regular Joe and Jill as well. Everyone worries the .035% but the 99% can’t sue on employment issues in that state regarding many forms of discrimination in that state. Their only recourse is go federal. Read part two of that piece of crap.

    So that was going on under all that, wag the dog.

    The bathroom stuff is just that noise. Screwing with the few to cover screwing the many.
