One good meal…

I have a ‘rule’ that I get one good meal on every trip, this one was BBQ and my second favorite place…

I always get the brisket plate, and it’s FILLING! And as good as ever!!!Today, slogging back home. Trip was semi-productive, we’ll see what comes out of it later. Real blogging will resume tomorrow.


One good meal… — 16 Comments

  1. Now I’m drooling. County Line was a favorite for group dinners, where we could order the meat sampler trays.
    LOVE their brisket, it’s well seasoned, takes maybe a little sauce. That’s an excellent reason to plan another trip.

  2. The meat looks delicious, but the wind seems to have covered the scoop of vanilla ice cream with some weird red dust. (smile)

  3. “I have a ‘rule’ that I get one good meal on every trip …” – Good Rule ! Makes the trip especially memorable, especially if shared with good company, and the music isn’t too loud. :^)

    I’ve never been there, but it sure does look good. Its missing some plain old white bread (Buttercrust) on the side in my opinion.

    I hope it was enjoyed – enjoy a safe ride back home.

  4. Was that the County Line off Bee Cave? Spectacular view from that one.

  5. Hey Old NFO;

    Looks like it was a good trip and the food looked good…but I thought real BBQ came from Memphis…

    • Real BBQ comes from Kansas City. 🙂

      But if you want to sample them all, Dinosaur BBQ in Syracuse, NY.

    • And then there’s Kentucky white B-B-Q (named for the sauce color, and that it is chicken). But those people are heathens.

  6. PK- That sampler tray will feed a family of four… sigh

    John- LOL

    jrg- Yes, there was bread on the side. 🙂

    Jim- Agreed!

    Juvat- That it was! 🙂

    Bob- Hush yo mouth… LOL

    Tom- Agreed!

  7. Looks good.
    We went to a new bbq joint in town a couple years ago that was getting good reviews.
    We ordered coffee while looking at the menu.
    The we found that refills were not free.
    We got up and left and went to our regular bbq joint outside of town which friends we’ve taken to from down south raved over.
    Turns out a friend of a friends own the joint and told my friend they stopped the coffee nonsense soon after we left and gave my friend a $10 gift card to come back.
    We did, ate, and well….we weren’t missing much.

  8. Brig- It was… Good luck!

    Ed- It’s the original restaurant, been there since 1975 🙂 And when they charge for refills, it’s time to go elsewhere!

    • That’s like going to a Tex Mex place and finding out they charge for refills on chips and salsa. Time to vamoose!

  9. County Line On The Hill is good, but so is the one on Lake Austin, on FM2222. Plus it has the advantage of being able to take your boat to it if you happen to get hungry while fishing.

  10. There are so many good places to eat barbecue here in Austin, we’re spoiled for choice!