Sigh… Once again proof the left has infected all of education…

Titled “Making American White Men Great Again: Tom Brady, Donald Trump, and the Allure of White Male Omnipotence in Post-Obama America,” the chapter attempts to provide evidence to back up Kusz’s suggestion that, like President Donald Trump, New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady has gained popularity due to the “latest wave of white rage and white supremacy”

Full article, HERE at Campus Reform.

And Facebork is at it again…

The revenge of the nerds is truly upon us. Facebook is now so worried about the feelings of the unpopular crowd on the platform that the company is testing hiding the iconic “Like” counts to see if it helps the poor dears whose moods are governed by social media acceptance and rejection.

Full article, HERE.

And a couple of ‘interesting’ ones on the whistleblower’s complaint…

First from, the Lawfare blog, THIS. From the previous ODCI legal counsel.

And there’s THIS… Is it possible that the complaint was actually drafted by lawyers? Sounds suspiciously like the Steele dossier all over again…

“I was not a direct witness to most of the events described,” the complaint reads.

“However, I found my colleagues’ accounts of these events to be credible because, in almost all cases, multiple officials recounted fact patterns that were consistent with one another. In addition, a variety of information consistent with these private accounts has been reported publicly.”

It IS enough to make one wonder, especially with all the footnotes, etc., unless the whistleblower IS a lawyer… But of course we can’t know that… Yet…

And there is THIS, from the Powerline blog…

Make of this what you will.


YGTBSM… — 14 Comments

  1. Lot’s of bad lawyers in .gov service.
    Reason #24 to nuke it from orbit.
    It’s the only way to be sure.

  2. Hey Old NFO;

    Well the democrats are pushing to do 2 things in my mind, splatter Trump and in the process take out Biden because he will be collateral damage. Biden’s son is wrapped in this and old Joe bragged about squashing the inquiry into his kid. Personally I think it will boomerang in the democrats and people that reluctantly voted Trump and those that didn’t last time will vote for him because of the behavior of the democrats.

  3. You know, when questioning a child about something bad the child has done, the child gets continuously more frantic and the lies, partial truths and outright fantasies being spun become more and more and more improbable, to the point where you, the questioner, are fighting between laughing at the sheer stupidity of it all or choking the little snot to get it to shut up?

    Yeah. We’re at that point. In fact, I think we’re past that point.

    (No, I do not condone violence against children, but just because I don’t condone violence against children doesn’t mean that I haven’t thought about applying controlled violence like my parents did in order to stop the volume of lies and deceipt from coming out of a child’s mouth. In other words, no, I wouldn’t pop a kid.)(warning applied due to too many snowflakes out there, seems on other topics I have rattled some cages badly elsewhere and some un-snowflakes have become snowflakes, long story, but no, do not condone violence against those who do not deserve it.)

    • I will mostly agree with that, Beans, the exception in this discussion being that if I had the opportunity to apply discipline to the thunberg kid for lying about the environment I would get my belt.

      • She is but a pawn in someone’s game. But, yeah, she’s not totally innocent, as she and her family are (p)Antifa supporters, which makes them all watermelons.

        Green on the outside, Red on the inside.

        If she’s bought into that by 16, well, how long did it take to deprogram the hardcore Hitler jungend or the children of the Cultural Revolution? Never? Yeah, pretty much.

        More and more, it seems a large industrial chipper-shredder is a viable solution…

  4. Bob- Yep, and it’s amazing how the media are IGNORING they whole thing (for now)

    Beans/Chris- Concur.

  5. Dear Federal Whistleblower Hotline,

    I use my Sekiruty Skrewbull decoder ring, da. Order with 300 boxtops from Young Pioneer Flakes. Arrive yesterday. Childhood dream, only in America.

    Using decoder ring I realize that recent Congressional vote that failed to fund my program secretly result of representatives being on payroll of PRC Ministry of State Security.

  6. In fairness, I really did turn up a few things on wikipedia while researching for above that I took as supporting my preexisting paranoia about China’s operations in the US.

    Also, saw Hillary’s bitching on Twitter about her emails being accessed. Email is an inherently insecure technology. Which is why secure information should not be put on it.

    • You mean, how Communist China has been controlling aspects of our country since the Clintons?

      Like ports?

      And Hollyweird?

      And funding colleges and universities here?

      As to Hillary bitching, maybe if she used a secure server controlled by appropriate persons, not one in a bathroom…

  7. The Left, it is insane. Not insane enough to suicide, more’s the pity.