Strange, that…

48 Hours after the Trump-Zelenskyy phone call transcript has been made public, and 24 hours after the “whistleblower’ complaint is made public, Things are now becoming much more clear… The whistleblower complaint is the “Schiff Dossier.”

Full article, HERE.

When in doubt, follow the money…

Scott Adams’ 7 Stages of Trump Derangement Grief

1. Story is shocking but has only Anonymous sources .
2. Story is softened. Not as bad as was said at first.
3. The discovery that the item is not not illegal and is in fact normal
4. Wheel out Carl Bernstein: “Worse than Watergate!”
5. Bring in Mitt Romney to show a Republican is “concerned.”
6. New shiny is introduced as story dulls. Ooops, nothing here. Look over here.
7. They admit all the facts say it didn’t happen, but it did! Honest Injun!

So far the ONLY one if these missing is that Carl Bernstein hasn’t answered his pager yet…

Isn’t there a three strikes and you’re out rule? First it was Russian collusion, then it was obstruction, and now Ukraine…


Strange, that… — 12 Comments

  1. yup, they are really grasping at anything they think may stick

  2. When you only know one song, that is the song you sing.

    The democrats only know one way to compete politically when they are not in control. It is to constantly delegitimize the opponent and do not stop.

    The democrats cannot compete with Trump and his obvious success nor can they convince his supporters to not support him. The phrases ‘clinging to their guns and Bibles’ or ‘they are a bunch of Deplorables’ are admissions of the fact that there is a large portion of the nation that reject the democratic policy agenda and the Russia Russia Russia and Collusion Collusion Collusion are this presidential generation’s new mantras. In time when the scales tip the other way, all of this will die down until the scale tips yet again to the right. Such is the life of these predicable democrats.

  3. Now that hearsay is accepted as “legit”, BOY, have I stories to tell! Though not about Hillary! She BAD. I ain’t THAT dumb!

  4. I’ve been waiting for someone to explain this whole business to me, and why it’s all supposed to make sense, and if it does, what is being said.

    This and other, somewhat pithier stories are being gpassed off as fact, when in fact every one of them should begin with the familiar phrase Once upon a time…, as it would make them more believable.

    With all the screaming, the rest of us poor unfortunates are left with our very own best guess as to the real situation in the Middle East, what’s really going on along the U.S. / Mexican border, and the accurate amount of the Federal debt in real dollars. Frankly, it’s that last item that causes me some genuine concern.

  5. Grog,
    That certainly fires the imagination.

    There could be reasonable explanations. I could be taking everything out of the proper context and proportion.

  6. Grog/Bob- It’s stuff like this that just keeps popping up… Pelosi’s Chinese agent, now this… What ELSE is out there that Barr et al are looking into?