Sigh… Back to reality…

Welp, another deer hunt is in the books…

And my score is STILL 0 deer, 1 armadillo…

We knew there were possible issues, due to acorns, pecans, persimmons, and fresh grass that the deer were eating, so they weren’t moving much. This is just one of the hundreds of acorns laying everywhere. When I cracked the nut, the inner nut was the size of a normal pecan.

The ‘view’ from my stand… Wednesday night it was absolutely eerie. Not a leaf was moving, no wind, no birds, grey sky. I have never ‘heard’ it that quiet… The ONLY sound was my breathing, and the hair on the back of my neck standing up.

And my mind was hearing this-

Thursday wasn’t much better, cold, rainy, windy, and messy, but we were out there anyway. Just after sunrise I hear a shot, from my right, which means something snuck by me. My stand is about 30 feet into the treeline just to the left of the big tree. The guy that shot watched a 7 point buck walk right up the treeline BEHIND me! And yes, he scored! And it was one FAT buck, it had been eating well!!!

And yesterday morning wasn’t any better. High 30s, damp, cold, spitting rain.

So… Lawdog, TOTW, and I got skunked. Ambulance Driver was the sole ‘winner’ with two of these.

Yes ducks… An no, he didn’t shoot them with a rifle… LOL

Maybe the fall hunt will be better. Maybe… But we did have a good time. Three days of no internet, no phones, no TV. The BP is probably down by 20 points!


Sigh… Back to reality… — 13 Comments

  1. Bur Oak acorns. Quercus macrocarpa,literal translation “Oak with BIG seeds”.

    I have Bur Oak up here but the acorns are nowhere near that big. Don’t suppose the land-owner would want to sell me fifty?

  2. I sit (normally inside), at the dinner table in the evening and watch deer or elk parade past at 0-40 yards distance. It’s usually not both. Sometimes mule deer, sometimes white tail, but the antlers are off now, so they’re as androgynous as Michelle Obama.

    If you really want to, you could sit on my deck and bag one, and we’d drive the jeep down and pick it up.

    I’m still in my last day of the Fire District conference at Laughlin, NV on the Colorado River. Headed home at noon, and looking forward to seeing some elk.

    Sorry that you didn’t nail the big buck in the brush, but he’ll make some more bucks and you can shoot him NEXT year!

  3. Hey Old NFO;

    You will do good next year…This year was just strange. Blame the squirrels, they squealed on you. Seriously though, going out for a few days of peace and quiet is a good thing, Everyone needs some solitude.

    • A big Yep on that thought. Unless you are starving, the meat is unnecessary. The Getting Out – priceless. Woods Time is good for the soul – stop.

  4. Just getting out & away from electronica is good for you, as noted above. I’ve been too long away from the woods, and that needs to change. Meanwhile, your buck just fattens up for another year.

  5. You got away for a few day with the guys. You got to be still and know. You got the BP down. What’s not to like…

  6. I’ve been contemplating your deer hunt all morning, and am moved to compliment you on the good time you had.

  7. I had that too-still quiet happen while doing night photography on my own, in the summer. No frogs, no insects. Decided to calmly fold up and pack gear, then git.

  8. ERJ- Next time I’m down there, I’ll pick some up for you.

    LL- I’ve passed on deer the last two years, looking for a nice fat doe. I don’t ‘have’ to get one every year, and yes, I eat what I shoot… 🙂 Hope the conference is going well! It’s kinda critical for y’all!!!

    Bob- THAT was well worth it!

    Ragin/jrg- Amen!

    WSF- If I need one, I’ll get one… 🙂

    Rev- Yep!

    Brig- Exactly…

    Dan- Thank you!

    PK- Yeah, I was glad to get back in…

    Ed- Thanks!