
Taliban and al Qaeda are declaring victory over the US, as expected. And it’s playing well with their minions around the world…
Kabul airport was closed most of yesterday due to being overrun… People have been shot, and according to reports one or two have fallen from C-17s as they took off. Photos indicate the Afghans are doing their usual, pushing women and children to the front, Marines order them to stop, they squat, and the men break around them and penetrate the perimeter. That tells me the ROE is VERY restrictive…
Depending on whom you believe, as few as 100 Americans or up to 400 have been flown out. No indication that anyone has gone into town to recover those who were told to shelter in place, and apparently no attempt to bring out any of the Afghans that worked for the embassy, especially the females. Taliban are, according to boots on the ground, going door to door looking for those interpreters/embassy workers.
Oh, and the Russian and Chinese embassies? Open with NO issues. What a surprise!
Biden, Harris, Blinken, Austin, Milly, this blood will be on YOUR hands. You had 7 months to plan and coordinate a SAFE withdrawal… Shows how much you care about your people and our military…
All I can do is to say a prayer for those who are being left behind. Hopefully your death will be quick and you won’t be raped…

Xiden gave a ‘defensive’ press conference yesterday afternoon, trotted out the old saw from Harry Truman of the “Buck Stops Here”, but only after he blamed everybody and everything including Trump and his ‘rushed’ plan that had ‘boxed him in’… That was in addition to lying mis-speaking about facts (as usual)…

He then went on to say that the US ‘would’ strike at terrorists “over the horizon”… whatever that means, since we’ll have NO assets to actually track al Qaeda that are active in at least 10 provinces in Afghanistan TODAY!

Article HERE, HERE, and HERE.

And did you see the DOD presser? When asked, they have NO idea where the weapons, etc. are… And no plan to go get the people that are ‘sheltering in place’… Oh, and apparently lied about how many troops were there last week, saying they were ‘just today’ at 2500 troops on the ground…

And Baghdad Bob Kirby did his usual song and dance that the Pentagon WAS NOT at fault…  Article HERE.  Yeah, right…

And in the true irony of ironies…

So we got Saigon 1975, except with a the same BUNO 154038 Phrog, even though they put a new N number on it, and flown out of the compound rather than off the roof. And as one vet said, “No jungle this time!”

So… What is going to happen on 9/11 THIS year???


Grrr… — 27 Comments

  1. Nothing good that’s for sure. We just gave them a base, weapons and a clear indication the US is the weak horse.

    As to the evacuation, it sure would have been nice to have done it in an organized fashion from an airbase that could be secured like say, Bagram. Unfortunately the bug-out plan (if there even was a plan) had the US leave Bagram in the middle of the night and before it could be used as an evac point.

    A pity they’re going to abandon that CH-47 there, they should bring it home and put it in the Smithsonian as a testament to how politicians can flunk lunch, with terrible consequences for us and our allies.

  2. Whatever happens in 9/11 you can be sure that the media will first tell us that it was right wing extremest that were the actors or cause. Then it will be “we don’t know the motives” of the people screaming aloha snack bar. After which we will be told about the horrible backlash that the authorities are worried about.

    After 9/11 I was told that backlash against Muslims was the thing to fear and not all Muslims… I asked my lady is there was any backlash in her feeds. She being hooked into the left narrative.

    She told me Yes! Seems some random Muslim women were reporting that they had been spit on. Horrors!

  3. On 9-11 there should be arrests from the White House to the Pentagon and the Capitol Building for dereliction of duty and treason for the way this fiasco was not handled. As a Vet of Vietnam my sympathies go out to my brothers of nother generation of young Americans that sacrificed their time, bodies, and in many cases their lives on a war the politicians started and had no intention of winning. A pox on both political parties. America cannot be trusted to be a reliable ally.

  4. Homeland has already put out a bulletin, but apparently if you object to covid measures, that’s a warning sign, according to them.

    I’m betting there will be a bunch of false flag operations here on 9/11.

  5. If I was in charge of China I’d be very tempted to go early. If not in the next 12 months at least the next 2 years. I just wish my country would spend more money on defence and the navy would stop painting it’s fingernails pink in solidarity with women. As the commenter above said, we’re so fucked.

  6. I’m trying to keep my blood pressure down, so I think I’ll refrain from commenting on the current situation. Others who are more informed are doing a better job anyway. I’m just going to go make a nice, hot cup of tea and wait for the pain pills to kick in.

  7. On one hand, this is a disaster. And it bodes ill for anyone dependent on American military support.

    On the other, it’s proof that our opponents are so rock freaking stupid and cowardly that if we start waltzing Matilda with them, they will punch themselves in the face, trip over their shoes, and fold.

  8. I saw on another site that it was the same 46 in both photos.

  9. Time to re-acquaint with the history of uSA involvement in Aghanistan. Taliban was not involved with Bin Laden. Taliban asked for evidence and uSA refused to give. Pakistan attempted to mediate. All designed to fail and give excuse for occupation, in my opinion.
    Merchants of death war – military-industrial-CONGRESSIONAL.
    Eisenhower edited out congressional because political advice.
    uSA needed to get out and when Trump wanted to do just that he was, even by GOP congressional “leaders”, threatened with another impeachment.
    What a difference in how the withdrawal would have been carried out with Trump? There are no do-overs.
    Biden will just continue to human traffic through our Southern border and flying them in.

  10. I’ll be surprised if this country even makes it to 9/11 this year.

  11. First, start will all the State Department Wonks, CIA Hacks, NSA Creepers and Pentagon Weenies who openly defied President Trump’s lawful orders, who lied to him to his face when he asked about anything.

    9-12 should be a great hanging and purge.

    Then, start on the Xiden Regime. I mean, it’s not like Xiden hasn’t said, since 2008, repeatedly, that he’d abandon Afghanistan at the drop of a hat, just leave, overnight, turn out the lights. Repeatedly.

    And the way Harris is backpedaling and distancing herself from the whole dumpster fire, even though she was in the thick of everything, well, we know, yet again, why she was polling so poorly in the presidential race that she was the first to drop out.

    Then there’s the photos from the ‘war room’ that clearly show people’s faces and their locations. Yikes. Is nothing a secret anymore?

    I honestly thought the degredation of this nation would take 4-6 years. Not 4-6 months.

    I just wanted to be left alone. I just wanted a proper withdrawal from endless war. I wanted to be safe from international intrigue and endless foreign oppression.


  12. I just….sorry the words fail me. I weep for the country I once knew

  13. Funny; Americans are being told to “shelter in place” while fighting-age Afghani men are being flown out by the hundreds.

    FACT: a Trojan Horse can indeed take the shape of a C-17…

    Biden, Congress, you qualify as “enemies domestic…”

  14. 1st I will Apologize…this comment is me releasing some Blood Pressure or possibly “Venting my Spleen”.

    20yrs of Blood and Treasure! Lives of my fellow Marines and Our Tax Money. And to top it off Brain Dead Joe actually said some thing I agree with-why should we support a government when it’s own military will not fight for it.

    And damn it I can’t even lay all the balm for this f’ing mess at the feet of the Democrats. Both General Mattis and Kelley tried to advise Trump and got fired for their efforts.

    Then you can consider our method of “war” Fighting since Korea.
    This Undeclared War / Police Action shit has got to stop.
    Bush had the perfect opportunity to state his case before Congress and demand a “Declaration of War”.
    Our “rules of engagement” intended to mitigate harm to the civilian population and aid in “Winning Hearts and Minds”. Worked oh so well in Vietnam and has continued to function perfectly in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Had that worthless bastard Carter allowed proper action in Tehran (ie. Land the Marines and Burn the city to ground) we would not have the Middle East mess we have now.
    With the above said other opportunities for an object lesson have presented themselves; Fallujah comes to mind.

    We gave Afghanistan 20 years of attention, Government building, Police and Military Training. Our Taxes Paid their Salary’s, supplied Afghan military equipment (ground and air). That equipment was paid for by our taxes….saying “oh well, we tried” does not sit well with me (Perhaps given the national reaction to the last “election”— Oh Well, We Tried is good enough for American “Sheepeople”). We tried to “Win Hearts and Minds” now it’s time (past time) to “Burn their F’ing Huts Down”.

  15. Firemen know if they leave the site of a fire while it is still smoldering, they’ll likely have to come back to put the fire out again.

  16. All- I’m of the opinion that if/when we go back, we just turn it into a parking lot and be done with it, along with Iran.

  17. I agree with all those who say this adventure has been a waste of our blood and treasure, and expect the blood cost to get higher. Report from Daughter is that her two friends who have had a personal part in this are very angry and very depressed. I won’t be surprised to see the suicide rate go up among veterans. Nor will I be surprised to see some vets decide to take out their anger on those who caused this debacle.

    That said, WTF did we expect? Our mission should have been go in, kill the bad guys and leave. Instead, we went into an area (damn place doesn’t qualify as a country and rarely has in my view) that is tribal in nature and tried to turn it in to a Mini-Me of ourselves. Every time we’d tried that since WWII it’s been an abject failure. We don’t learn from our mistakes.

    I won’t say we need to bring our our troops home and stop the foreign adventuring. That might have worked in Washington’s time, although I believe history shows differently. We have to be involved in the world, but we don’t need to try and recast the place in our image. We talk about American Exceptionalism, but we don’t seem to realize that we’re something of a one off. Unique circumstances of time, place and population led us to what we once were. Recreating that is unlikely at best. The sooner we learn that, the less blood and treasure we’ll expend.

  18. I intend to be well away from any city on 9/11. And to stay away for the foreseeable future.

  19. All- Yep, we need the will to WIN, and do just that. Go in, kill people and break things until they stop (which we did in the first 18 mos over there), and tell them that if we have to come back, it will be worse!

  20. That an American president (or at least his administration) could say “We will not prioritize evacuating US Citizens over Afghans,” is quite the most heinous, cowardly, the traitorous act.

  21. Ya know, I’m just a humble grunt, but isn’t the usual strategy to evacuate all the civvies FIRST, while the .mil shoots anything that gets too close in the face, and then evac the boots?

  22. Tribal politics, there never was an Afghani Army, there were folks from the various tribes getting paid and equipped by US.

  23. Be Prepared. Old boy scout motto. Well, what should we be prepared for? Here’s a list, by no means exhaustive but perhaps a few highlights of whats to come.
    1, China will proceed to annex Taiwan. With the US govt viewed as weak & indecisive the Chinese have been waiting patiently for their opportunity. That time is now.
    2, Russia will speed up and expand their aggressive expansion in countries bordering them. Reasons listed in #1 above.
    3, NATO will wither. Trust in the word of the US to be there when needed has been destroyed.
    4, Terrorist activity within the US will increase. Open borders, woke politicians, corrupt fed law enforcement & so called homeland security, allowing uncounted illegals into the US will result in a percentage of the immigrants to be trained terrorists. Believe it that they remember Rahmbo’s “Never let an crisis go to waste” and they won’t.
    5, The dividing of our country by the media, politicians, the education cabal and big tech will continue.
    6, The US elections in 2022 will be viewed as opportunities by all involved. Remember, it is NOT who is voted for that is important. It is, as we have clearly seen in’20, WHO COUNTS THE VOTES is whats important.

  24. Doesn’t providing more guns, ammo, and equipment “left behind” to the Taliban than most countries have in their entire military count as “providing aid and comfort” to an enemy? Without even considering the very real suppositiom that Chinese and/or Russian engineers will soon be (or are even now) examining the equipment we left behind, nor “examining” the people left similarly in the lurch.
    I don’t care how senile old Xao is, he has committed treason, as have his advisors/handlers. And in my view, if Congress does not immediately remove him for this aid and comfort to our enemies, they render themselves (as a body, if not necessarily individually) complicit in that treason.
    I’m just an internet commenter on blogs and such, with terribly short reach and even smaller influence. But if I can make that connection, so can others.
    High wonder they’re attempting a political purge of the military. The American people have more arms and more numbers, but the military has the organization to do something, hence the demonstrated fear of it. Plus, this was a calculated strike directly at said military.
    Expect the political pogroms within the DoD to step up and hard very shortly. I suspect our “lords and masters” are rather in more fear of an armed coup from within than any of them like to pretend.