Ummm… How…

Is this going to work?

Xiden, in his speech yesterday says there will be a thousand Guard doctors and nurses called up to ‘support’ hospitals in need.

My question is…

Who is going to backfill for them? You and I both know if they are being called up, they are having to LEAVE wherever they are working. And how long are they going to be called up for? The duration? Weeks? Remember when 30 days of Guard duty turned into 4 months during ‘occupy DC’ to protect it?

And an even more interesting question is, have these Guard folks gotten the jab? Seems a number of Guard are refusing or being told they don’t have to take it (Oklahoma and Texas).

In other news, in some of the military rooms I follow, it appears there have been at least 12,000 applications for religious exemptions for the jab and ZERO approvals. So much for the ‘due consideration will be given’ from Austin and Milley…

All I can say is Clippy was priescent…


Ummm… How… — 26 Comments

  1. Logic and reason have been suspended indefinitely. Stop asking questions or you will have to report to a reeducation camp for your own safety and the safety of others.

  2. Don’t you know that resources appear by magic? Guard doctors and nurses don’t have day jobs as doctors and nurses in hospitals and clinics across America. They’re kept on a great big shelf in some warehouse somewhere labeled, “In case of pandemic, break glass”. They’re printed out of nothing, just like the economy.

    • Wait… doctors? Like MDs and stuff? I always thought it was the diplomas that were printed up, the same way magazine, newspapers, and money (loot, lucre, dead presidents, long green, dough, jack – no, that’s me, and I’m out of print) got printed up.

      +1 to McChuck

  3. Your remarks as to where the Doctors. and Nurses will come from was my thoughts exactly when I heard it. Wouldnt it be ironic if they were removed from a city hospital, activated , then ended up “helping” the same hospital they came from?

    As to National Guard in general. A company I work with ( in Texas) has had a National Guard member who has been active now for about 2 years.He is single and I suspect has “volunteered” to stay on when many of his peers went home. ( However, I dont know that for a fact. Our policy is to support him and thank-him for his service). Started out ” helping” with the jab when covid started. Changed after a few months to helping with Graves and Registration ( ?!?) then to Border, then I think to Austin ( some unrest, I dont even recall why right now) then back to the border.
    I was ARNG a very long time ago during peace time. I got activated for 2 weeks due to some riots-protests. Way back then…no ARNG units had been sent overseas since??probably Korea ?? Times they are a changing.

    • our entire state ng’s are deploying oconus to kosovo, horn of africa, eritrea, and several other african nations surrounding etheopia. where’s the army? what is virginia to do in case of disaster etc? why? etheopia is in civil war, the former head of the WHO is running a communist insurgency to overthrow the elected president. that guy, that’s why. other states’ ng’s are deploying to such places as ukraine, yes, ukraine. this stinks to hell.

  4. so they’re pulling docs from units and hospitals…who’s going to take care of all those ng troops deploying oconus right now? where they’re going, there will be casualties. guess they’re expendable.

  5. The elites treat the National Guard horribly. It started in the early 2000s when they kept them overseas for a solid year and a half to two years because they could.

    To them, the NG aren’t people and they can’t see the larger picture, like others mentioned. If they pull NG from hospitals, who replaces them since the hospitals keep firing people?

  6. Remember, to statists/elites, they’re not people. They’re just — if you’ll pardon the pun — human resources.

    They’re always befuddled when the cogs start to seize up in their presumably well-oiled and polished machine.

  7. The old bugger seems to think that his pen is magical; whatever he orders will suddenly appear. There are a finite number of doctors, nurses, truck drivers, pilots, and HV linemen. If he grabs something, the rest of the world goes “short”. “Efficiency” cuts everything to the bone so there is no slack to get through a “surge”. He was in Congress so long that he has lost contact with that bit of reality.

    Sometimes, I suspect that it is all part of a plan to make spaces for the “defectives”. There is no bottomless well of talent, interest, and skills. When you scrape the bottoms, you get poor scrapings. They were not employable for a reason.

  8. All- Good points. Kevin- Yes they are, and they WILL strike out with any available ‘resource’. What they don’t realize are those ‘resources’ are thinking human beings not just numbers…

    • Hopefully their is an effective pre-emptive strike.

    • I’d be interested to read your thoughts on this topic (along with Kevin Baker’s thoughts, and a few others). People, and not just lunatics, have been talking about this for a while, and those that most often write carefully considered and reasonable opinions or predictions are quietly saying that this kind of thing is not out of the question anymore.

      • Speaking as a lunatic, I think certain information is not going on the internet.

        Everyone knows that you want to keep your eyes open, and preserve your ability to act, even if only to act to avoid being too close to stupidity. Given what is inferred about collection capabilities, one preserves ability to act by carefully shutting the h3ll up.

        Basically, all of our prediction ability is ineffective in this circumstance. We can still predict that much of the same ordinary boring stuff will occur, but that prediction is less reliable. The interesting events depend on things likely inherently unpredictable.

        There are least two types of predictions, gut predictions, and model predictions. Gut predictions are intuitions, trained by personal experience. Model predictions take history, fit a reduced order model to it, and extrapolate. If that reduced order model neglects a factor that changes to create the new event, the new event is not predicted. Where personal experience is concerned, we don’t have memory of the last ACW, and it is not clear how similar other experiences are to the near future.

        Totalitarian regimes play complicated psychological games that work until they don’t. And they feed modeling into those games. So, the change that is important is not really something the regime can predict. See the Romanian Christmas Miracle of 1989. (Just double checked the year on wikipedia. ‘Romanian’ autocomplete suggestions had revolution at 3 or 4.) Quite possibly analysts here are smarter than the regime, but we would still be pretty lucky to guess correctly.

        The population, together, can look at situations with an aggregate thinking power greater than the regime can bring to bear. If the population is unhappy enough, they can find the overlooked thing to break to make things fall down. Public is going to be doing that search faster than any smaller group of private analysts, or any analysts employed by the regime.

        Regime is led by crazy people, will not get the respectful obedience they crave, and will act wildly in response. If some excess of that kicks things off, we won’t know until after it happens.

        We have a bunch of people, and they are all thinking over a little the 2020 election. Nobody knows about how that internal calculus has shifted inside more than a few people. Excepting of course God, who is omniscient. We don’t know what the new breaking points are. For 2022 or 2024, or any future period. We know that there will be an appearance of an election, but not what people will think about it.

        I do not know what is going to happen with me on as simple an issue as my current/former employer. I’m not taking the vax. I’m not comfortable with my risks, dislike being pushed, and have been unemployed before. If folks are determined that only the vaxxed work, waiting out Biden does not seem worse than being completely crippled for the remainder of my theoretical working life. I have also become convinced that it is not in the public interest for certain portions of my employer to be allowed to operate. Based largely on publicly available information. I will have better evidence for making that case if the employer turns down a sound request for an exemption.

        At the same time, I loathe the idea of spending my working life on political activism, and am a little concerned that speaking out might result in sufficient blacklisting that I would not have the opportunities that I have worked towards. Some of the things that I feel like saying also seem like things that would legitimately reflect badly on my fitness for the work.

        Now, maybe I simply have a sinus infection, or something, and everything is much simpler and more straight forward than it looks. I have been depressed enough that some of my fears have gone away.

        Maybe it will all be peaceful, straight forward, we will be able to trust agents to renegotiate all of the things whose abuse has become intolerable over the long term, and we will be able to trust the other parties to deliver.

    • It doesn’t exist. Watch the videos of him during the span of his “service.” He’s been an arrogant ass since the start…

  9. TOS- Dunno…

    MJ- I’m on ‘enough’ lists already… LOL

    WSF- Nope, you know that.

    Ed- 😉

  10. Activating NG medical people? I wonder which governors will decline Federalizing them, as critical in their states.

    Most combat service spt, like medical, is Army Reserve, and gets called first. If they’ve retired, declined vax/ being separated, listed as critical, or had licenses suspended by states for not vaxxing, that’s trouble.

    There’s no there, there.

  11. When a hospital hires an employee said employee must be oriented and trained to that facilities specific set up, policies and practices. That takes time….and people. They don’t just show up and fill in a gap immediately. This is all Kabuki theater bullshit. Hospitals are already short staffed. This insanity will only compound the problem. But the criminals in charge won’t be affected by this so THEY DON’T CARE.

  12. Hey Old NFO;

    Xiden and his administration view us “dirt people” as expendable and interchangeable and as pawns for whatever they need to be done. Whatever NG troops called up will come from the blue states where they are already stretched thin because of the vax mandates and the troops will be treated like crap in the process. this will not be a fun deployment for them and will be nothing but a photo op and a dog and pony show for Xiden and his administration.

  13. Activating medical MOS guard for hospital duty is scooping water out of the deep part of the pool to raise the level on the shallow end. Idiots.

  14. Call up reserves from ‘red’ states, deploy them to sit twiddling their thumbs in ‘blue’ states?

    If the regime is a foreign plot, arbitrarily screwing around with the support reserves would be a way to maximize longer term damage.

  15. Dan- Good point!

    Bob- Possibly. I didn’t think about that aspect.

    Heath- Exactly!

    BobR- I’m not sure, but based on what NYC and LA did during the last WuFlu ‘crisis’, very possible.