LA DA does another outrageous prosecution… And gets away with it!

Los Angeles County judge on Thursday ordered Hannah Tubbs, a transgender California woman, to serve two years in a juvenile facility after she pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl in 2014 — but not before excoriating far-left District Attorney George Gascon, whose office declined to prosecute the repeat offender as an adult.

Tubbs, 26, just recently pleaded guilty to molesting the girl in a woman’s bathroom eight years ago when she was two weeks away from turning 18. At the time of the crime, she identified as male and went by James Tubbs. She did not identify as female until after she was taken into custody, according to prosecutors.

Full article, HERE.

And here is ‘her’ picture…

James Tubbs, Nov. 11, 2021. Tubbs, 26, just recently pleaded guilty to molesting a girl in a woman’s bathroom eight years ago when she was two weeks away from turning 18. At the time of the crime, she identified as male and went by James Tubbs. She did not identify as female until after she was taken into custody, according to prosecutors.

This is patently ridiculous! All I can say is it’s a good thing he didn’t molest one of MY children… There wouldn’t have been any issue about where to house him then.


What is it going to take to get some ‘reality’ back in these DA’s offices?

On the koof front, pretty much recovered, just a non-productive cough. Energy is coming back. Thanks again for the emails and support!


YGTBSM!!! — 22 Comments

    • Nah we can’t be corrupting the soil of all those nioce folks buried there. Destroy the carcass with fire.

      • Drop him into a sewage treatment plant. All that will be left of him will be his fillings. Trust me, friend who worked at one used to do the cleanup of a dried tank and had stories that would either make you laugh or frighten you or both.

  1. Between judges and DAs these days I’m not sure which bunch is the worse of the two.

  2. A quote: “The Constitution is not a suicide pact.”
    Jefferson (1803) and Lincoln (1862) endorsed the concept that sometimes the greater good REQUIRED extraordinary measures, it wasn’t until 1949 and 1963 that Supreme Court decisions introduced the specific phrase into the American legal systems. But the concept is THERE, although LA DA (is that “La-Da”? Should it be “La-De-Da?”) George Gascon appears to have missed it.
    His core philosophy is:
    “Children shouldn’t be treated as if they are adults, because they are not yet developmentally advanced enough to fully realize the consequences of their actions.”
    17 year-olds are a really tough case, because they are MOSTLY adult, not completely adult. Example: My 17-year-old son just enlisted in the National Guard while still in high school, but I had to sign for him, thus sharing responsibility. Gascon has insisted that 17 year-old felons ALWAYS be treated as juveniles.
    It appears that it might just cost him his job, because a recall petition has been approved. Another quote, from French lawyer/philosopher Joseph de Maistre (1860): “People get the government they deserve,” and some voters in Beverly Hills have decided that they deserve better, launching a SECOND recall petition.

    • “LA DA” is pronounced “Lah space dah”. Duh.

      Just like Le-a is pronounced “Luh-dash-ah”.

  3. He molested two girls. And he will be housed with… girls.

    Here, Mr. Fox, you can sleep in the hen house so you learn not to eat chicken.

  4. So let’s see if I have this right. He molests a 10 year old girl. His punishment is to be housed in a juvenile facility with young girls for two years.

    Am I missing anything?

    What could possibly go wrong?

  5. “His core philosophy is:“Children shouldn’t be treated as if they are adults, because they are not yet developmentally advanced enough to fully realize the consequences of their actions.””

    Assuming he has any core philosophy I doubt this is it. My suspicion is that his actual core philosophy runs more along the lines of “America is a racist, capitalist country and the justice system is a travesty. Oppressed peoples should not be incarcerated or otherwise punished as they are just pushing back against the system that oppressed them and kept them from succeeding in life.” It is not about children or adults, it is about destroying the system.

  6. We should all hope the citizens of California get the government they voted for.

    The same electorate should be banned from moving to red states.

  7. How soon the vigilantes?
    Sheesh. IF she/he did this to my daughter my plans for he/she to assume ambient temperature would start right now.

    • The best case scenario is he gets housed with some home girls who know how to make a man bleed.

  8. All- Thanks and don’t disagree with anyone! Ridiculous doesn’t begin to describe this mess… And yes, some home gurls can take care of HIS ass, and turn him into a girl! 🙂

  9. “and yes, some home gurls can take care of HIS ass, and turn him into a girl!”

    More correctly it would be “Turn him into a eunuch!”

    That would be considered “eunuchizing” him.

  10. Well, they protect their own. Professional curtisy. Besides it’s all about abusing kids with the left. They don’t even bother to hide it anymore. At some stage we will need that great reset. I don’t think it will be the reset Satan’s little helpers are working towards.

  11. I bet they still wonder why “normies” get upset when a weird “woman” follows a family member into the “ladies'” room.

  12. could someone do the world a favor and put a bullet in gascon’s head.