
h/t to Virtual Mirage for the info below-

The List Vanished

I wonder why?

This is the. list of Ukraine Biolabs documents removed by the US Embassy from its website.

Up until recently, the existence and details of these bioweapons labs were public knowledge. The US embassy had previously disclosed the locations and details of these laboratories in a series of PDF files online. On February 26, 2022, the official embassy website shut down the links to all 15 bioweapon laboratories.

All the documents associated with these labs have been removed from the internet. If you click on any of the links, the PDF files are no longer available. Thankfully, these files have been archived and can still be accessed.

Copy and paste any link below:

You should ask yourself why the US taxpayers poured money into these labs, located in the poorest and most corrupt nation in Europe. There was a time when USGOV proudly boasted the labs, but no longer.

We also provided financial assistance, equipment, and expertise at the Chinese bioweapons laboratory in Wuhan. It’s not a secret or a conspiracy theory no matter how USGOV would like the inconvenient truth to vanish.



Blackholed??? — 17 Comments

  1. I find the latest claims that the Russians are going to deploy weaponized versions of things from those labs a bit suspicious too. I’m quite sure they’ve got plenty of their own from Soviet times if they really want to use biological weapons.

    The whole thing is really starting to stink.

  2. I also find it interesting that mere mention of them brings down the cancel crowd. Mitt Romney accused Tulsi Gabbard of treason for just talking about something that is (was) pretty common knowledge.

  3. a) FoxFier keeps on pointing out that ag labs work with interesting pathogens, and that there are Iowa farmers in the Ukraine.

    b) The Democrats know that they can run information operations by being disciplined when it comes to sticking to a dubious piece of ‘exculpatory’ evidence.

    c) Ukraine is the approximate population size of Canada. Is our expected value for biolabs in Canada 0? Russian government seems to have been citing a relatively small number of US owned facilities as proof, proof. Which makes sense to them, because paranoid intelligence types, who view the place as practically their own territory.

    d) I hate that I cannot say that the US federal government is too ethical, too honest, or too intelligent for this sort of hypothetical. It definitely has people and organizations amoral, dishonest, and stupid enough for all sorts of crazy scheme.

    e) There is a basic question: If these are US supported weapons labs, from which organization is the US sending the weapons expertise? i) Civilian side federal health is crooked or incompetent, but may not have any actual weapons expertise. ii) Soviet doctrine was not ours, so why would we fund a weapons lab for development, without having people involved who could ensure that we could actually use the weapons as weapons? They only way it might be overlooked that Soviet trained people might not work to DoD spec, that delivery would require US trained people, is if a US effort has nothing to do with the DoD. iii) I’m not sure that the Navy has any bioweapons expertise? I know about the Army’s former research into deployable capabilities, in Maryland. If the Army has most of the actual weapons experts, and that hasn’t been a Navy expertise, if I were trying to peddle specific disinformation, it would make Navy retired officers a better vector than Army retired officers.

    f) The Army’s R&D work into deployable chemical and biological weapons was ceased, I want to say mid Cold War? They still haven’t entirely cleaned up the sites, it has been at least thirty years, and we had a lot of the original documentation to work with.

    • The research programs at Ft. Detrick, MD are ongoing. It is also a joint project, with researchers and officers from all services and several civilian agencies. You should see some of the high school science projects that come out of Frederick, MD.

      And then there’s the whole Fauci funding the bioweapons lab in Wuhan to produce a virus based on a coronavirus thing…

    • We try to keep them accountable. I see little evidence it is working.

  4. I’ve been following this story with a kind of appalled fascination. Nuland even admitted the existence and danger of the program to rat claw Rubio. Then we got our act together and told the world the whole thing was an absurd invention. Huh.

    Imagine our reaction to Russian/Chinese funded biolabs in Mexico.

    • That is a somewhat bullshit line of argument.

      I’m pretty sure that there are Chinese funded/influenced biolabs in the actual United States.

      Biolab is a very wide category. When I have blood drawn for some fancy test, the place that runs the test is a biolab.

      Hospitals very commonly have an in house biolab, for doing tests with infectious diseases. If I have a bacterial infection, they swab a petri dish, and can test to see which antibiotics it is resistant to.

      Beyond hospitals, universities. There are 146 R1 schools, and 136 R2 schools in the US, per wikipedia. I can promise you, those schools have far too much influence by the PRC and other hostile state actors. Confucius Institute, etc. Not all of those schools necessarily have biolab research capabilities. However, the ones with biology programs do have graduate students studying there who were born in the PRC, and PRC intelligence has a lot of leverage over them. Also, look at the CVs for any STEM department, and count how much of the faculty have undergraduate degrees from within the PRC. The degree to which these institutions are free to disagree publicly with PRC claims is seriously compromised at a minimum.

      Universities get R1/R2 status because of aggregate value of grants brought in by their faculty. These grants definitely include ones of foreign origin. There are very definitely funds of PRC origin among those. There are some specific labs that are mostly of US government origin, with funding by certain foreign sources being very tightly regulated by US funding sources. However, these are at universities that also have funding by hostile foreign sources, and the administrators do behave in ways that are suggestive of compromise.

      In particular, there was a great deal of worrying silence from the universities and the hospitals in the covid matter.

      This is information that many Americans would have ready access to.

      So the ‘but Mexico’ whining, and suggestion that Russia’s xenophobia and interventionist protectionism is licit sounds like an apples and oranges comparision.

      The US has an ocean border with Russia, and with China. Invading Ukraine because of “US funded biolabs” is about as licit as the US invading Russia and China, because of the Russian and Chinese governments being too dangerously insane to live peacefully with. Sure, those governments, maybe even the cultures at this point, /are/ dangerously insane. The American government is also currently filled with dangerously insane lunatics, and we need to fix that first before worrying about the batshit insanity of the PRC and of Putin’s Russia.

  5. I’ve only spot-checked the links, but they say nothing about what purpose of the labs was and what levels they are. I’d be very interested to know how many labs, what the biosafety levels (1-4) those labs are, and what institutions they might be associated with. It isn’t uncommon for agricultural, hospitals, and research universities to have bio labs. They’re often used for diagnosis, investigating possible treatments, etc.

    One thing I did notice is that these mostly involved the same contractor, and were granted in the middle of the Obama Regime. Was this just more run of the mill corruption, legitimate research, questionable research, outright bioweapons research, or some combination? The US gives all sorts of civil and military research grants at home an abroad. Whether that’s wise or not is another story.

    We definitely need more transparency from the Biden* Regime. At the moment we have people screaming that there are dangerous bioweapons labs in Ukraine and others screaming that asking about them is treason. Given that we’ve spend 30 months living with the results of the Fauci/Wuhan gain of function research, I understand the concerns of those yelling about bioweapons. I am far more sympathetic to them than the “treason” crowd but until we actually get some reliable data this is all speculation.

  6. All- Good questions, and no good answers here. I would ‘think’ that most of the biolabs were working with GMO type issues, considering the Ukraine is the breadbasket for Russia and central Europe.

    I can make a guess that at least ‘some’ of the labs were working with Russian bioweaps left behind…

  7. The seems to be a case where ‘X is a knave, therefore…’ is not a reliable analytical tool.

    Sure, Putin regime may be nuts, stressed and desperate. Biden regime also may be nuts, stressed, and desperate.

  8. It may very well turn out that we are funding these labs for the same reason we are sending money to all sorts of Ukrainian entities. Money laundering. Many U.S. politicians have been shown to be receiving kickbacks from Ukraine in the millions of dollars.
    Perhaps this is just plain old criminality.

  9. It appears that Larry’s Virtual Mirage blog is offline.
    Me thinks he recently stepped on some sensitive toes.