25th is becoming more and more…


It’s difficult to think of anything funny to write about Joe Biden’s latest gaffe. The astonishing mental decline of this man is frightening, and if Democrats had an ounce of care for the United States, they’d either have an intervention to get Biden to leave or put pressure on the cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment and have him removed constitutionally.

Full article, HERE.

This is especially scary since we don’t know WHO is actually pulling the strings behind the scene, much less who is actually in charge at the WH. It’s becoming obvious that it is NOT Joe…

This is NOT something we need to be dealing with right now, especially with the turmoil going on in the world and the left’s continuing wussification of the military with pronouns, etc.

At last count, something like 11 countries are in uproar/coups in progress/other actions against the powers that be. The formerly Great Britain earlier in the week, and now Sri Lanka just being one of those, albeit a bit more…out there than some.

Sri Lanka crisis live: Sri Lanka’s beleaguered President Gotabaya Rajapaksa fled his official residence in the capital on Saturday after protesters demanding the leader’s resignation stormed the president’s official residence. Soon after that, PM Ranil Wickremesinghe resigned, making way for an all-party government.

And they burned the Prime Minister’s house last night…

Full article, HERE from the Times of India.


25th is becoming more and more… — 24 Comments

  1. Remember the time he walked by the Marines at the door and the guy in his earpiece said “Salute the Marines” and that’s what he said?

  2. Imagine if you will – a well scripted and orchestrated presidential funeral the 3rd week in October. It’s the only prescription the Democrats have for the midterms…

  3. And the people behind him don’t even flinch. It’s no surprise.

  4. The problem being that the Dems really don’t have an ounce of care for this country. They’re willing to bring it (and us) down to meet their never-ending quest for power and money.

  5. So, if they invoke the 25th Amendment, you have the Cackling Ho and the brain-pickled old crone in line. Are we better off with them?

  6. All- Interesting questions, and no good answers here. The Cackler wouldn’t be an improvement, but the hope, at least from what I’m hearing, is a Pub wave in November that would at least give them control of the house and senate to mitigate some of the more egregious crap coming out of the WH for the next two years, regardless of whom is sitting on the hot seat.

  7. In addition to having the most incompetent president/vp in history, we also have the most incompetent cabinet in history. I don’t expect more out of them than I expect out of their “leaders.”

  8. I believe that the 25th should be invoked and also the rest of the admin impeached for failure to do their oaths of office. No one has done what they are suppose to do including cackling Harris, who was given several job’s including border czar and nothing has stopped at the border. I also believe our upper military should be gone for their CRT and vaccine requirements of our military, which will cause our military to fail.

  9. If we had an honest media, Biden and Harris would never have reached the positions they have. There lies the root of the problem, and until it’s fixed, the madness will continue. Unfortunately, the only recourse for the nation is in the individual states. Sedition, fraud, and illegal activities are in the laws of the states, and until they start prosecuting, the justice department will continue with sedition.

  10. Another amazing thing, that his handlers have not enough presence of mind to simply put the text in the tele-prompter. Want to repeat? Write it down twice and no instructions.

    • The thing is, his handlers don’t care. They’re just on autopilot right now.

      Seriously, what at this point can we the little people do that they haven’t already done?

      Lock us down?
      Destroy the economy?
      Make it so we can’t travel?
      Steal our money?
      Destroy our infrastructure?
      Destroy our ability to be individuals?
      Lock us up for nothing?
      Shoot us down for being there?

      Short of gassing us to death, what haven’t They done to us that the Nazis haven’t?

      Short of widescale industrial murder, They have done openly every thing the Nazis have done prior to WWII.

      Pushing abortion?
      Letting criminals out to terrorize normals so They can put more and more controls on the normals?
      Telling us what to think?
      Telling us what to eat?
      Telling us what to watch?
      Telling us what to read?
      Telling us how to act?
      Telling us how to dress?
      Telling us how to flush the toilet?
      How much toilet paper to use?
      When we can cook?
      When we can wash?
      When we can worship?

      We haven’t, yet, invaded Poland (but we have troops there….)

      • Beans, you have pretty well written down the list of the Leftist’s priorities. But I fear you have left out some of the finer details.

  11. Yes, we know who is controlling the meat puppet. Both Obamas, Jarrett, Holder, Soros, etal.

  12. An ounce of care?
    They intend to burn it all down by any means necessary.
    Plan accordingly.

  13. If one bright spot in the Xiden Abomination exists, it is the clear cut case that alphabet people can be as incompetent as “cis” people in high public places. What a blow for equality! (I’ll see myself out, now).

  14. You are correct. We DO NOT KNOW who is actually running this administration. They are NOT elected, NOT accountable and almost
    completely anonymous. And that is intentional. Pedo Joe is the quintessential meat sock puppet. In place to be the face of the current criminal cabal. And there he will stay until he ceases to be useful. And once that happens they will install another puppet to be the target of Americas anger while the criminals behind the curtains continue with their agenda of destroying America and our freedom….followed by our lives.

  15. When we all finally decide to get off our asses and do something about the mess that has become of our USA, let’s not burn down the White House, ok? It’s a kind of quaint structure and we would just have to rebuild it later.

    • So it gets rebuilt. Big deal, it wouldn’t be the first time. Maybe it should just be a temporary structure, with a forcasted life expectancy of twenty years or so.