I had hoped…

This was the Babylon Bee…

“We were assured Biden was releasing this oil to America so it could be refined for gasoline to drive down prices at the pump. So right off the bat, they’re just lying to the American people,” Turner said, adding “What they’re saying they did and what they did are not remotely related.”

Full article, HERE. From Town Hall.

But it’s not…

The Xiden administration sold 950,000 barrels of oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Unipec, a Chinese-owned gas company!


I wonder if he’s getting his 10% for this too!

And apparently the ‘new’ leasing strategy is ONLY for the Gulf, and one very small plot in Alaska, noting off the east or west coasts, or not, depending on the mood in Washington. Article, HERE from CNBC.

There are some interesting statements in the article concerning the usual globull warming crap and the NRDC is, as usual, getting their oar in the water to push for terminating all leasing to ‘save the planet’…

Third world country, here we come! No fuel, no fertilizer, no food, and riots when the stores in cities run out of product.

Are we having fun yet???


I had hoped… — 17 Comments

  1. A Chinese company, I might add, that Hunter Biden owns stock in.

    Yeah, the big guy is definitely getting his ten percent.

  2. There is not enough ammo in the entire US Army to clean out the scumbag traitors in the White House Administration, The Capitol Building, or the Pentagon. If we had true Americans running the military they would have arrested Biden and a whole bunch of the Communist/Democrats for treason and put them on trial and publicly executed them. America is being destroyed from within and will never be the great nation it once was.

  3. Sounds like the WEF is going into high gear – control fuel, interest rates like nobody saw this inflation coming – it was created by our, using the term loosely, leaders…..food production…. So now they declare fertilizer is evel “for the planet’ and production will drop with reduction in fertilizer. The Great reset is here. Bend over Rover. When Trudeau declared the equivalent of marshall law over a trucker protest and police started beating the sh!t out of protesters recorded on cell phones, shown around the world, but not on any mainstream Canadian media then started seizing bank accounts and assets of supports including some who had supported through Go Fund Me we knew things had changed here.

  4. Responding to your question. Nope. Not having fun. Problem being I can’t see it getting better. You’ll note that NO ONE is mentioning the baby formula shortage, which is still a thing. I don’t think Brandon et al have released any of those reserves to US citizens either.

  5. The Abbot baby formula plant is reopening. That’s the good news. The bad news is that nobody at the FDA is being fired or hung for screwing up so badly that it was shut down for six months.

    • As long as the paperwork was in order, the FDA is blameless.

      That’s how it works in the Federal bureaucracy.

  6. Carlton- It just worked for me!

    Toast- Yeah… sigh

    John- Concur!

    Dave- True!!!

    MC- Good point!

    Hereso- Of course not, bureaucrats… are just like cockroaches… they disappear into the ‘darkness’ of the bureaucracy!

  7. And don’t forget last week that the BLM missed the deadline to file their 10 year plan as required by law. With no plan in place, no oil leases are allowed to be sold until they have an approved plan. Accident? Incompetence? Planned attack? I’ll let you guess which one I think it is.

  8. So when the metaphorical Alpheius and Peneius rivers are diverted through the Aegean Stables on the Potomac beginning this November, and allowed to scour for two years afterwards will that provide enough natural manure to water the Tree of Liberty to full vigor?

    Be vigilant.

  9. Ray- Yeah, that too… sigh… Incompetence is becoming the ‘norm’ with this administration!

    SL- Yeah…

    Rabbit- One hopes!

    • Old (and Ray) – it ain’t ‘incompetence’ – it is intentional and part of the long term plan (think decades if not centuries) to destroy the Republic. They just try to make it look like they are a bunch of stumbling bumbling fools to make it look like what it ain’t.

  10. You had hoped! with this lot in charge? I’d laugh at you but we have the same WEF fanatics out here in Australia. Make yourselves as antifragile as you can and hunker down. The western world isn’t voting itself out of this one. Fortunately they are so insane that the iron fist of reality will punch them in the face sooner or later. We came within hours of rolling blackouts down here during the June winter. Can’t wait until summer and the weather dependant ruinals can’t supply enough electricity. What can’t go on won’t.

  11. One of many things that anger me about Brandon’s war on fossil fuels, is that they portray oil and natural gas as only useful for transportation and energy production. No mention that restricting production of oil and gas production impacts the feed stock for the petrochemical industry, affecting everything from plastics to pharmaceuticals to the hydrogen the greenies see as an alternative to electric vehicles. Hint, you can’t make the plastic for your laptop out of sunlight.