It’s alive!!!

I put a little 20000 word novella up on Amazon yesterday! It’s a generic MilSF novella, not tied to Rimworld or any ‘specific’ universe.

Click the cover for the Amazon link!

The blurb-

Old habits die hard.

Life at the Frog Pond Bar was usually quiet, aside from a few Marine versus SEAL fights. Its owner, Hal Gleason, referred to it as the best way for him to slowly go broke in retirement.

But trouble doesn’t just happen on deployment, and when the wife of an active duty SEAL comes to him after some toughs try to kidnap her daughter, he starts getting the team back together again.

The more he digs, the more he finds that the kidnapping attempt was just the tip of a star-spanning criminal cartel. They have untold money, guns, and drugs… and Hal has old age, treachery, connections, and more than a few tricks up his sleeve.

They shouldn’t have disturbed the still waters…

I’ll be out of pocket for a few days, off to FantaSci in Raleigh Durham, NC. Regular blogging will resume Monday.


It’s alive!!! — 18 Comments

  1. Just bought it, and on the pile to read ASAP.
    Thanks. John

  2. Beware of men who have grown old in professions where most die young.

    • Yep. Knew a couple like that, quiet old guys that ignore things. You didn’t want their undivided attention because you were an idjit. This should be good, based on the snippet.

    • Yep. A retired prof at Flat State U was mugged in a fast-food place’s parking lot. Well, he was attempted mugged (mistake #1). The perp grabbed him from behind (mistake #2) and didn’t listen to warnings (mistake #3). He went flying into a car and hit firmly.

      You see, said prof was an internationally recognized master of Taekwando. As in “was flown all expenses paid to Korea to judge and teach” level of black belt. Just because he’d had a hip replacement didn’t mean that he was harmless.

  3. Hey Old NFO;

    Will download it and add it to the pole of books to read since I really like your brain squeezings for some inescapable reasoning, LOL

  4. The tease you did the other day was good. I will download today and get it read in no time at all.

  5. Bob: Same for me. Everything I’ve read so far from him has been very enjoyable, so I’m going to end up purchasing the entire back catalog over time.

  6. Oh,you said MilSF.
    I thought you said MILF.
    That’s different.

  7. Downloaded – so much for a full night’s sleep before work. Could not put it down and now I hope there will be more to follow.

  8. Like all your work that I have read, I really enjoy it.
    Now I want more from the same storyline.