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Grumble… scheduler didn’t again… Sorry!

First up is Holly Chism with The Schrodinger Paradox- Cataclysm

As always, click the cover for the Amazon link!

The blurb-

The end is coming.

Unlucky jerk Tom Beadle was on watch at NASA when the collision alert sounded: a new asteroid, bigger than the dino-killer, headed for Earth. Big problem, but that’s why we have NASA, right? Except, after decades of budget cuts, NASA has no way to shove it off course. That job has to be contracted out. Will the private sector company his best friend from college works at succeed where the government option failed? Might be best to have a backup plan, just in case…

I was honored to beta read this one, highly recommended!!!

Next is Stephanie Osborn with the first book in a new series, Blood Brothers- Meetings 

The blurb-

A lone boy, orphaned by the Nazis and imprisoned in a concentration camp.

A dragon-like being, elected to the leadership of the galactic government.

What do these two beings have in common? Why would they meet in one of the most war-torn regions of Earth? And what does it mean for Earth, and the galaxy?

And last but not least, our Baen anthology is officially out! The Ross 248 Project.

The blurb-


A bold journey into a future where humanity and its children travel to a new star where they must overcome the unexpected challenges on the exoplanets that await them—or die trying.

Traveling to the stars will be difficult, but not, perhaps, the most difficult part. What about when we get to another star? What then? Will the planets be immediately habitable? Not likely. Will those who undertook the journey be able to easily turn around and come home if they don’t find “Earth 2.0?” Almost certainly not. Therein the lies the challenge: Finding worlds that are potentially habitable and then taking the time, perhaps centuries, to make them compatible with Earth life. They will encounter mysteries and unexpected challenges, but the human spirit will endure. Join this diverse group of science fiction writers and scientists as they take up the challenge of The Ross 248 Project.


USAF General Steven Kwast
Patrick Chiles
Stephanie Osborn
Brent Ziarnick
Laura Montgomery
Daniel M. Hoyt & E. Marshall Hoyt
Matthew Williams
D. J. Butler
Robert E. Hampson
Monalisa Foster
J. L. Curtis
K. S. Daniels
Les Johnson & Ken Roy

I was Team And More on this one, but I have a story in it, along with some other NTTM folks and adjuncts!


Book promo… — 5 Comments

  1. I just finished “Meetings” and it is a nice expansion to her Division One universe but is a very hard read because of what Franz had to go through. The blurb should set your expectations. She also throws in an interesting side character I hope we see more of in future Blood Brothers books

    That said, it gives depth and meaning to his actions in the main series. Strongly recommended.

  2. I’ve run into about half the authors for that Baen anthology at the couple LibertyCons I’ve been to.