PA legislature has gone bat nuts!!!

Proposed Pennsylvania House Bill 586, introduced on March 20, 2023, proposes significant changes to ammunition regulations that would impact law-abiding gun owners in the state. The bill, which was introduced by 12 state Democrats, including prime sponsor Representative Stephen Kinsey, seeks to give the Commissioner of Pennsylvania State Police and the Secretary of Revenue the power to enforce the new rules and collect a tax on ammunition to fund the changes.

Encoded Ammo Database, Pennsylvania House Bill 586

Full article, HERE from Ammoland.com
Shades of 2008, and, among other things the whole ‘smart gun tech’ BS that was going to ‘outlaw’ any standard guns…
As a friend said in a comment- They want to take my dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, furnace, car, electric light bulbs, red (or any color) meat, proper 3R-education, privacy, and any Constitutional means to object.
Where does it end? When do we take back our country??? 2024???


YGTBSM!!! — 16 Comments

  1. We take back our country when we TAKE it back, and not a day sooner. The Left is not going to just give up and go quietly.

  2. I live in Pennsylvania and believe me, the democrats in this state are bat shit crazy! I am not talking about the working class democrats, it is the ones in office. They call themselves democrats but are really commies in disguise. PA has too many hunters and sportsman clubs for this legislation to pass. It will nbe killed on a floor vote by the republican controlled senate.

  3. I doubt this will even get out of committee.

    It also it’s physically possible, especially for small calibers and possibly not for large one

  4. What laws of physics and probability? So what if the tech hasn’t been invented yet? Think of the children/environment/whatevers!

    Is there a pipeline from CA to the PA statehouse?

  5. When indeed. Have heard a few remarks recently that stuck with me.

    “When, like our founders, our fear of losing liberty is greater than our fear of losing our lives”.

    “How is it folks expect a political solution to a spiritual problem?”.

    I was an FFL in Kalifornia when they instituted “microstamping” into law. I could write a tome here, but will simply point out that one result was that many handgun manufacturers said “see ya”, which of course was the goal all along.

  6. This is what happens when states think they can make law and regulation that affects manufacturers out of their state (California, I’m looking squarely at you as one of the roots of that problem.)

    The proper response should be: “Fine. We’ll pull our products and services from our state and won’t sell to your citizens. We assume you’re sorting out your own solutions to the scarcity problem that will naturally result, but we can not, and will not be part of them. We have enjoyed having you as customers. Perhaps we’ll be able to enjoy that again in future when you come to your senses.”

    Companies can and have done this sort of thing in past. Ronnie G. Barrett of Barrett Arms to the State of California:

    “Barrett cannot legally sell any of its products to lawbreakers. Therefore, since California’s passing of AB50, the state is not in compliance with the US Constitution’s 2nd and 14th Amendments, and we will not sell nor service any of our products to any government agency of the State of California.”

    Vehicle manufacturers and fuel refiners take note. This is the way.

    Then you let the citizens of that state, now bearing the brunt of the problems caused by their legislature, deal with the legislators in a fashion that they find most beneficial and acceptable.

    • You can bet there’s a loophole deep in it that removes Law Enforcement from having to abide by microstamping ammo.

      • It won’t help them. Manufacturers will still standardize on one process, and it will be serialized, and then everyone pays the increased price thanks to Pennsylvania’s meddling.

        May this bill die in committee, and may those pushing it lose their next election. They are not qualified to govern. More wishes on this wish list I will keep to my own counsel.

  7. There must be ways to make these bat shit crazy leftists feel financial pain for knowingly introducing legislation they understand won’t stand in court. Their goal is to exhaust the money and motivation of 2nd Amendment supporters. How do we attack them and put them on the defense?

  8. “When do we take back our country???” When it is time and not a second sooner. But it will be ugly and violent and permanent.

    Kinda like the definition of pornography. You’ll know it when you see it.

  9. All- Thanks, and it’s not just me that’s doing the Labrador look… And I DO believe that time will come in my lifetime, and I really don’t want to do ‘interesting times’ again… sigh

  10. The fact that such a scheme is nearly impossible to actually implement is no barrier at all. Moronic politicians routinely pass legislation demanding actions that violate physical laws of reality.
    And once passed, since actually successfully implementing such a scheme is simply not reasonably possible they will then claim that they must “ban the ammunition” in order to satisfy the law. The left is crazy….but often it’s “crazy like a fox”.