
I knew about Iceland, Turkey, and some other countries looking at geothermal, but this one was a surprise…

MASSIVE GEOTHERMAL PROJECT IN NEVIS: Nevis, the smaller of two Caribbean islands that make up the nation of St. Kitts and Nevis in the Leeward Island chain, has no street lamps, no major airport, and is just 36 total square miles around—roughly half the size of D.C.

In several years, Nevis aims to produce the cheapest, cleanest electricity in the region through a massive geothermal energy reservoir located beneath its surface. Experts say it has the potential to produce more than 1,000 megawatts of geothermal power—far exceeding local demand for the island of about 12,000 people, which stands at a national total of just 10 MW.

Full article, HERE from the Washington Examiner.

And then there is this crap from the NY Post… You’ll need your BP meds!

Veterans taking it in the shorts because of the illegals in NY!

Nearly two dozen struggling homeless veterans have been booted from upstate hotels to make room for migrants, says a nonprofit group that works with the vets.

The ex-military — including a 24-year-old man in desperate need of help after serving in Afghanistan — were told by the hotels at the beginning of the week that their temporary housing was getting pulled out from under them at the establishments and that they’d have to move on to another spot, according to the group and a sickened local pol.

Full article, HERE!

I cannot express how pissed I am over this!


Interesting… — 15 Comments

  1. Geothermal project: Will be interesting to see if they pull that off, including how they handle the production and load balancing.

    The veteran situation:

    Once again, NYC: Wrong priorities, wrong decisions, wrong priorities. They’re in an ethical and moral corkscrew straight down. GET OUT (of both the city and the state.)

    Also, those hotels: “Come stay with us for as long as we’ll let you until someone pays us more and we turf you in the middle of your stay.” Is that really how you want your reputation about your business practices to be known by one and all? No? Too late.

    What they’re doing to those veterans is morally and ethically wrong. You made a deal, stick to it. When the rooms free up normally, then you have the opportunity to rent them out again. If you missed out on more profit because you were full up, well, that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

  2. Just tell me China is not behind this, since that would simply mean another compromised territory near our shores.

  3. Trump is by far the leading candidate for being elected to the Presidency between all candidates in both parties, yet the Big Mouthed liberals are up in arms for his (invited) Town Hall appearance on CNN.
    Someone needs to tell them that then need to Sit Down, and Shut Up.

  4. Geothermal power in Iceland has been in place for years. I took a tour at one a number of years ago.

  5. Ag- Agreed!

    Terra- I can’t… sigh

    Frank- Yep!

    WSF/John/Bill- Sadly true!

    Bryan- We used to go ‘soak’ at the Blue Lagoon back in the day. It was nice!

  6. Veterans shouldn’t need charity groups like Tunnels to Towers… Instead, the TAXPAYER money that should be used for them is going to bolster the future Democrat voting base; more of the same ignorant, undereducated, easy-to steer, useful idiots… The vets? Uncle Sam might we well be dumping them into a wood chipper!

    We were able to crash Anheuser Busch by just saying “HELL, NO!!!!” What’s stopping us now?…

  7. Yeah, stick it to the men and women veterans that went and fought the wars the politicians started! Find out the names of these hotels and boycott the whole damned chain!

  8. There is absolutely no reason why a U.S. citizen should be pushed to the back of the line on benefits paid out by our government. Those who sacrificed EARNED that right over people who illegally emigrate here.

    Most especially veterans and their families who sacrificed more than most other.

  9. Good news: The veteran story has been investigated and found to be entirely fake.

    Bad news: Almost everyone believed it because we know NYC authorities _might_ do something this foul.