
Seems that Starbucks pandering to the masses bit them in the ass…

A white Starbucks manager who was fired after two black men were refused access to a Philadelphia store bathroom — triggering nationwide racial protests — has been awarded $25 million by a federal jury after she argued she was axed because of her race.

Full article HERE from the NY Post.

I find it interesting that she had nothing to do with the cops being called, and was a higher level manager, and the ONLY one to suffer any ‘punishment’.

$600,000 compensatory and $25,000,000 in punitive damages is going to leave a mark.  And since this was a federal suit, Starbucks will probably lose on appeal, and drag it out as long as possible, but I’m betting this one falls off the news with a quickness!


Oopsie… — 9 Comments

  1. I like how the two men claimed they were waiting for a friend to do a ‘real estate deal’. Is that what they call buying drugs now? Because EVERYONE in Real Estate knows that if you’re going to hang out at Starrbucks to do a deal, you have to BUY something.

    Notice that in the time they were there, refused to leave, got arrested, something that HAD to have taken at least a half hour, their ‘friend’ never showed up.

  2. The real question is: Will Starbucks actually learn anything this time, or do they need get a thwacking multiples time to get it to penetrate the(ir) skull(s)?

  3. Hereso- No kidding!

    Tuvela- Amen!

    John- LOL, yeah.

    Orvan- I doubt it, they probably figure $25M is cheep for getting away with little damage.

  4. $25 million is petty cash to Starbucks. I have kids who work at a roasting plant they own. Trust me..Starbucks has cash to burn…

  5. They changed their policy – customers no longer had to buy coffee in order to hang out in their cafe. Kinda backfired on them when their bathroom became a favorite spot to do drugs. Oh well….

  6. I wonder if starbucks will let her use any of that money?

  7. One small quibble; the pandering wasn’t to the masses, it was to a vocal leftist minority. The masses are too busy trying to make ends meet to care about Burnt Coffee Merchant’s virtue signaling. But I’m happy for the former manager.