
For the win!

The dictomony being pushed down our throats right now… And I would add, can’t own a gun either…

Just like with Big Pharma, follow the money, that will tell you ‘who’ is really driving this agenda, and what the real agenda is, is putting money in their pockets.


Ramirez… — 15 Comments

  1. They really don’t seem to understand how schizophrenic their position seems to the rest of us. That is even more scary in a way.

  2. Psychopaths and sociopaths — why do we seem to be having more of them these days.

  3. It’s not even that they’re putting money in their pockets – it’s that they’ll stoop this low and they don’t even need the money they get from this.
    They’re all sociopaths. But hey people ignored all the child molesters and killers who worked for Obama, so now they’re back having a field day.

  4. You are right about following the money. I seem to remember reading something a while back where a doctor said that getting kids to transition meant a lifetime patient. They would need hormone treatments and drugs for the rest of their life, not to mention the psychiatric help later on down the road.

  5. Only Evil, Demon controlled people advocate allowing children to have their bodies mutilated without the parents knowing or consenting to this butchery! This LGBTQ+ nonsense has gone on for far too long. It is time for it to be put back in the closet where it belongs! You want to be queer? Fine, go find other queers to hang with and leave the kids alone!

    • According to Dr. Debra Soh, author of “The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths About Sex and Identity in Our Society,” it’s not gay or even trans-people who are pushing this agenda. Instead, it’s a left-wing ideology, pushed HARD by activists who are seeking increased power and influence.
      I got her book about 18 months ago, but couldn’t review at that time. However, I would hope I could write a review as comprehensive as this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R2KJDFM8PDDBTW/

      Peace be on your households.

  6. They need to destroy the children before they have the opportunity to figure out what was done to them. This is a genocidal, depopulation event/agenda. Once you realize that, it all makes sense.

  7. Jim….

    Completely OT and belongs back at the topic on AI, but it won’t get read, there. I’ve just re-read JACE, which I thoroughly enjoy, and it raises a couple of ideas.

    I think you got it right when you wrote an AI that mirrors the character of its owner. That is what you would expect when the creator chooses the programming, including the priorities and constraints.

    What I didn’t see , was the multiple factors that go toward creating a functional human.
    We have instincts that we inherit.
    We also have the ability to learn, both from others and from experience. That takes many years and a lot of repetition. It is as if your gave JACE all the manuals, but no training. All the “what” but not so much of the “why”.

    Limitations of narrative accepted, but these things would be critical in building a fully-functioning AI, capable of working in a complex, chaotic environment , with more tradeoffs than clear choices.

    You ask if we can trust AI. My response is, how do we know that we can trust humans with the same problems? Obviously, there are many humans that we cannot trust. We work that out with years of teaching, training, testing and observation. The more human-like AI becomes, the more we will have to apply human processes.

    One advantage that any aware AI will have, is backups. It will know without doubt that its consciousness is not bound up with the physical existence of one set of circuitry in one chassis or platform. Therefore it’s motivation to preserve its own physical form, should be much less. The “pain” that we feel from injury will be a matter of programming, not an unavoidable outcome of damage.

    These things will take time to get right, but the Wright Brothers didn’t set out to cross the Atlantic on their first flight.

  8. Peter- In JACE, the AI has long interactions with Roberto. And once he gets in the mule, he has the entire universe to learn from. You make some excellent points, and yes, that was the ‘point’ of JACE wanting to ‘live’.

  9. normalizing pedophelia is one of the goals.
    imagine the day when you hear
    “thank goodness my 11 year old is having “normal” sex and doesn’t want a gender change”